13 October 2023

Dear Parents & Carers,
A short update this week but one that, hopefully, offers another insight into the important work being undertaken in school this week and the opportunities that our students can access. The Year 10 parent information evening was well attended and we will soon be issuing settling in reports for years 7, 10 and 12. Our final information evening of this term is for Year 7 parents on Tuesday 7th November. We have some changes in mind for next year so that more parents and carers can attend and access important information.
Our 6th form team continue to support those Year 13 students preparing for early course and university entry, with 59 due to apply by next week’s deadline. Year 11 students are preparing for next week’s exams and younger children are getting excited about this year’s Spooktacular, planned for the final Thursday of this half-term. Hopefully only one of those two will be a scary experience.
Finally, importance guidance for parents and carers. Please do not come onto the school site to collect your child at the end of the day unless there is an agreed reason for doing so. We are particularly concerned about how some adults are driving onto the school site and potentially putting students and staff at risk. Only those with a pass to collect a child are allowed onto our site and we will be closing the school gates for a fixed period each day as of next week to ensure that those accessing the school site have permission. I’m sure that parents and carers will understand our reason for doing so. We have limited space on site and also those legitimately accessing the site need to make the safety of the large number of students leaving the site each afternoon their main priority. Similarly, please do not walk onto the school site to collect your child other than by prior arrangement. Please help us to safeguard all of our students by behaving in a considerate manner.
Have a good weekend.
Mr O’Sullivan
What is my child learning?
In the Learning section of our website you can find guidance on what every student at the school is studying. As well as an overview of our curriculum and principles behind it, you can find an overview of each subject area.
You can also find a guide to the content being covered in every subject and how you can support your child for each half term here: Year 7 | Year 8 | Year 9 | Year 10 | Year 11 | Year 12 | Year 13.
World Challenge India 2025
Information for Year 12 and Year 11 students
The deadline for expedition sign up is now approaching. The expedition is open to students in Year 12 and those in Year 11 who plan to attend Durham Johnston Sixth Form. For any student wishing to sign up for the expedition, please visit the trip launch website via the same link previously used to access the parents evening. Links to the trip sign up page can also be requested via e-mail or teams from Mrs Hardwick. If anyone was unable to attend the virtual parents evening and would like a copy of the recording then please also contact Mrs Hardwick or Charlie Whitfield.
The deadline for applications for the expedition is Friday 20th October 2023 and there are limited places remaining.
Mrs Hardwick
School World Challenge Coordinator
Sixth Form Super-curricular Programme
Last Friday, 36 Sixth Form students attended an inspirational talk from David Gibson on life as a lawyer. He outlined the range of pathways to law, different types of law careers and gave helpful advice on how to exemplify the very best super-curricular insights in an application or cv. The key message was to read a lot about your academic subjects, the law, and the world around you to show that you are interested and interesting. Thanks once more to David for his time and expertise.
Mr Wilbraham
Head of Sixth Form
Drama Notices
Due to Year 11 and 13 mock examinations, there are some changes to Drama extra-curricular clubs over the next few weeks.
Please click here for the full programme.
Ms Ayrey
Subject Leader for Drama
PE News
Excellent news from last Friday as our Year 7 basketball team played their first match against Dame Allan's. We made a strong start and went on to win 49 - 41 with Robert Hedley POM.
On Monday, both our Year 7 girls’ and Year 10 boys’ football teams were in English Schools action. The girls travelled to Whitley Bay to face Valley Gardens Middle School. We took a lot of positives from the game but lost 7 - 2. Elizabeth Chaney was POM.
It was a similar story for the boys, who took a 2-0 lead but couldn't hold on, eventually losing 6-3 to a strong side from Acklam Grange. Leonard Lee was POM.
It was much better news on Tuesday as our Year 7, 8 & 9 boys’ football teams took on St John's. Our Year 7 team produced their best performance of the season to win 7 - 1 including a hattrick from POM Sam Glasper. The Year 8 game was closer as we secured a 2-0 win with goals from Henry Burns and POM Louis Burke.
The Year 9s mirrored the Year 7s as we also won 7-1, including a hattrick for Zack Smith, who was joint POM with Ethan Mhlaba.
Unfortunately, the Durham Area indoor rowing competition, which was due to take place on Tuesday, was cancelled due to lack of interest from other schools.
A busy Tuesday concluded with netball matches against St Leonard's. These are always close, high-quality matches and this year was no exception. Our Year 7 team lost another close match 3-2 with Lizzy Ward POM. Our Year 8 team won 10-8 with Grace Clark POM. Also, good news for our Year 9s who won 15-7 with Harriet Howe POM. Honours ended even as our Year 10's lost 7-12 with Maddie Morton POM.
On Wednesday, all of our cross-country teams were at Preston Park taking part in the county round of the English Schools Cup. It was another amazing performance by Durham Johnston cross-country runners as all 6 teams qualified for the regional finals in November. Special mention to our Junior and Inter boys’ teams who won the competition easily. We are one of only two schools in the north-east and North Yorkshire to have all their teams to the regional finals. Any teams who finished in the top three at the next round will qualify for the National Finals which take place on Saturday 2nd December in Sussex. Congratulations to Charlotte Dillon who won her race.
Yesterday, it was the turn of our swimming teams to be in English Schools action as they made the short journey to Freeman's Quay for the north-east regional finals. They all produced amazing performances and set some great times. Our Inter boys team won both the freestyle and medley relays, while our Senior boys finished 2nd. We are still waiting for confirmation if any of our teams have qualified for the National Finals which take place in Birmingham on Saturday 18th November.
Also yesterday, the PE department were pleased to welcome members of the Durham Fives club into school to talk to our Year 7 pupils about this exciting sport. Fives is a game that is fast, fun and great for fitness, and can be enjoyed by players of all standards. It is played in a four-sided court. Players – using leather gloves worn on both hands – aim to hit the ball above the bar running across the front wall, so that the opposition cannot return it before the second bounce. We have a arranged a taster session at the club for 26th October.
Mr Hopper
Subject Leader for PE
Sixth Form Notices
Please click the link below to read the weekly digest of news and information for Sixth Form Students.