20 October 2023

Dear Parents & Carers,
A very brief update today, but I will write in greater depth next week as there is a lot to share in relation to the half-term ahead. I would like to thank Year 11 for their focus and exemplary attitude towards their mock exams this week. Whilst they will clearly need to work hard, revise and seek guidance in the academic year ahead, they have been fantastic in terms of their attendance and conduct during this exam period. They have one week to go and deserve credit for their maturity and effort.
I have referenced safeguarding on a number of occasions in this year’s updates, and we have been asked by Durham Police to remind students who travel to us on public transport about keeping themselves safe when traveling to school. This is usual practice at this time of year when the mornings and evenings become darker.
This week our safeguarding leads have met with some groups of students who use public transport to travel to and from school. We discussed how to keep safe, what to do if students feel uncomfortable, who to report concerns to and sources of help and support. We were all impressed at the level of maturity and thoughtful questions that the students posed. You can find out more here: Durham Constabulary's Advice Centre.
I also wanted to draw your attention to an issue that has caused many of our staff, students and parents real concern in recent years. The A167 is a very busy road and we regularly remind students of how to stay safe by using the appropriate crossings and bridges. Unfortunately, that isn’t possible for those students travelling towards the Sniperley roundabout and the traffic there is heavy and travels at speed. Therefore, we would like to share the following link that offers an overview of the issue. We are not encouraging parents to sign the petition – that is not the role of the school – but we do have a responsibility to share the risk that is posed for students travelling home in that direction and to work with others to seek a solution.
Southfield Way Crossing at the Sniperley Roundabout
Parents have also raised concern about students trying to cross the A167 at busy points in Nevilles Cross, as opposed to using the two pedestrian bridges and three sets of traffic lights. Please discuss road safety in more general terms at home, as the risk of an accident far outweighs the minor inconvenience caused by crossing a bridge or having to wait at a crossing.
Have a good weekend.
Mr O’Sullivan
What is my child learning?
In the Learning section of our website you can find guidance on what every student at the school is studying. As well as an overview of our curriculum and principles behind it, you can find an overview of each subject area.
You can also find a guide to the content being covered in every subject and how you can support your child for each half term here: Year 7 | Year 8 | Year 9 | Year 10 | Year 11 | Year 12 | Year 13
Sixth Form Super-Curricular Programme
MedSoc was delighted to host Helen McAdam from Sunderland University. She is a midwife and admissions tutor for the Midwifery and Paramedic BSc courses at Sunderland University. The talk covered the realities of working in these fields, top tips for applying to university and what the course entails. Helen spoke about the exciting simulation rooms at Sunderland which recreate environments and situations such as performing surgery on realistic dummies at the side of a busy road. We look forward to welcoming her back in the future.
Mr Milligan
Science Department
A big thank you to Sixth Form link governor, Alastair McCall, for delivering Thursday's Year 13 assembly. It was an insightful and engaging analysis of the various university league tables available to sixth form students. We thank him again for giving us his time and specialist advice.
Mr Wilbraham
Head of Sixth Form
Greek Club
Greek Club continues to meet on a Tuesday after school until 4pm in LA8. We have an enthusiastic group of students working at various levels on Ancient Greek. Tina Huang & Elijah Cann (Year 11) have just received their certificates confirming the award of a Distinction in last summer's Intermediate Certificate in Classical Greek; congratulations to them! We now have six students looking to sit this exam in 2024, supported by funding from Classics for All. Anyone who would like to have a go at learning Greek - with the option to take a nationally recognised qualification - should come along or speak to Mrs Bothwell for more details. Students in Year 9 and Year 12 are particularly welcome.
Mrs Bothwell
Languages Department
Sixth Form Notices
Please click the link below to read the weekly digest of news and information for Sixth Form Students.
Careers and Guidance Department Notices
Please click here to view the latest Careers Bulletin.
Mr Kennedy
Subject Leader, Guidance
Music Notices
Christmas Concerts
Preparations are now well underway for concerts on Wednesday 6th and Thursday 7th December, starting at 7pm on each evening. Tickets will go on sale from Monday 13th November. These will be available from the Music Department and are £4 (£2 concessions). Payments can be made by cash, or cheque made payable to 'Durham Johnston School'.
Weekly rehearsals will continue as normal for the first four weeks of next half-term. Here is the schedule for the following week:
Monday 4th December |
Rehearsal |
2.45-4.30pm |
Junior Choir Junior Orchestra Wind Band Big Band Soloists |
Tuesday 5th December |
Rehearsal |
2.45-4.30pm |
Senior Choir Senior Orchestra Chamber Choir Soloists |
Wednesday 6th December |
Concert I |
7.00-8.15pm (Please could performers be here by 6.40pm) |
Junior Choir Junior Orchestra Wind Band Big Band Soloists |
Thursday 7th December |
Concert II |
7.00-8.15pm |
Senior Choir Senior Orchestra Chamber Choir Soloists |
Concert Opportunity
We have been given some details of an exciting concert taking place in Durham, for which there are free tickets available.
Making Music - Connecting Communities is an exciting collaborative project from Modern Languages and Cultures (German) and University College. Musician and artivist Ezé will join us in Durham for a residency at University College from 18 October – 8 November. The project aims to foster connections between local communities and the University and bring people together through music. You can find out more here, including clips of Ezé’s music and more details about the events: Making Music - Connecting Communities - Durham University. On Saturday 4 November Ezé in Concert with Durham University Palatinate Orchestra (DUPO) will premiere ‘Abendland’, from Ezé’s new album; a piece specially arranged for DUPO by Durham student composer Aysha Kojima. This concert is free and you can book via the link above. Join us and get inspired!
Mr Holmes
Subject Leader for Music
PE News
Can I start this week by saying a huge thank you to the "Old Cinema Launderette" who have kindly sponsored a new kit for our girls’ football team? They are pictured in the kit below. It is a great help to the PE department and allows our teams to look smart as we compete. The PE department will soon be asking for more help with kit sponsorship so please contact school if you are interested in sponsoring a kit.
On Monday, our U16 girls’ football team played Manor Academy in the County Cup. This was a high quality close game which ended 1-1. Penalties were needed to separate the teams, and unfortunately we lost 5-4.
On Tuesday, our Year 7 & 9 football teams were due to travel to Barnard Castle to take on Teesdale School. Unfortunately, they conceded the Year 9 game, but our Year 7 team did play and dominated the game to record a comfortable 6 - 0 victory. POM was Levi Gash. They remain unbeaten and top of the league.
Also on Tuesday, our U18 football team faced St Robert's in the English Schools Cup. They played some great football to reach the next round with a 3-0 win thanks to goals from Louis Brown, Thomas Harvey and Jamie Stewart. Felix Scott was POM.
On Thursday, our Year 7 & 8 rugby teams made the short journey to Durham School for their first games of the season. In tricky conditions we produced some excellent rugby as both games were played in an excellent spirit. It was a tough start for the Year 7s but there were lots of positives to build on for the season ahead. The Year 8s had a slow start but improved as the match progressed and got very close to a victory. It is not often you score 35 points and lose!
Also yesterday, our Year 9 & 10 netball teams were at home in league action against St Bede's and Parkview. They both won the league and friendly matches in some closely fought contests. POM's were Harriet Howe, Verity Ranns, Willa Twaddle and Liv Richardson
Finally yesterday, our Year 7 girls football team were due to be at Biddick for a CVL tournament. Unfortunately, it became a victim of the weather and had to be postponed.
Finally good luck tonight to our Year 8 basketball team who are playing Dame Allan's in a friendly and our Year 11 football team who face Wolsingham in the league cup.
Mr Hopper
Subject Leader for PE