The Role of the Governing Body
As a Local Authority school, Durham Johnston Comprehensive School's Governing Body is responsible for:
- The strategic direction of the school, working closely with school leaders.
- raising standards of academic achievement and pastoral support.
- recruitment of staff.
- representing the views of the local community.
- managing school budgets and risk assessments.
- taking a strategic overview of staff appraisal.
- promoting the values and ethos of the school.
There are several categories of governor:
- Associate Governor – appointed by the Governing Body
- Co-opted Governors - elected by the Governing Body
- Headteacher – governor by virtue of office
- Local Authority Governor – nominated by the LA and appointed by the Governing Body
- Parent Governors – elected by parents
- Staff Governor – elected by school staff Student
- Associate Governor – Year 12 students - elected annually by their peers in January. Student governors serve a one-year term of office.
The current governing body membership is outlined below. You can see information about committee membership by clicking on the link to view the register of attendance at meetings. You can also find below a register of business interests, which includes information about the terms of office of current governors as well as those from the previous twelve months.
Detailed information about the structure and remit of the governing body can be found in the Governors’ Handbook, also available below.
Current Governing Body Membership
Co-opted Governors
Mr David Fisher
Mr David Gibson
Mr Alastair McCall
Professor Simon Morris (Vice Chair)
Mrs Katherine Sims-Williams
Dr Sandra Whitton (Chair)
Local Authority Governor
Councillor Elizabeth Scott
Parent Governors
Dr Mauricio Armellini
Mr Mark Burdon
Mr Craig Davies
Dr Victoria Maltman
Mr Benjamin Westwood
Mrs Claire Young
Staff Governors
Mrs Rosslyn McFadden
Miss Beth McKenzie
Livia Demetriou Erdal
Click here to view a record of Governors' attendance at meetings.
Governors Handbook
Governing Body Register of Business Interests