Special Education Needs and Disability (SEND)

As a fully inclusive school we strive to ensure that all pupils achieve their potential, personally, socially emotionally, physically and educationally. We are keen to make our SEND policy as accessible as possible. This page contains our official policies on both SEND and Examination Access Arrangements, as well as our SEND information report. We hope that these documents combined will serve to answer any questions you may have, but you are welcome to contact the school with any specific SEND related queries using the address learningsupport@durhamjohnston.org.uk.

Our Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator is Miss Helen Davies.

We have collated information about sources of support and information for carers, which you can find at this link.

Special Education Needs and Disability (SEND) information report

Many students may need additional support through their learning journey. The information below aims to answer questions you may have about this support.

Durham Johnston Comprehensive School is committed to supporting all students, regardless of their background, circumstances or individual needs. We believe in academic excellence for all, the importance of acquiring knowledge, social justice, public service and the ability of education to open doors for students when they leave us after 5 or 7 years.


We are committed to a comprehensive education for all. We have five core values that accurately reflect the school’s ethos:

1. Academic Excellence; a belief in progress for all.


2. Acquiring Knowledge; the importance of being an educated person and knowing things.


3. Social Justice; providing opportunities for all, regardless of background.


4. Public Service; the importance of making a contribution to the school community and wider society.


5. Global Opportunities; a rounded education that ‘opens doors’ regardless of location or specialism.


The principle that all students should receive a broad and balanced curriculum, relevant to their individual needs, is established in law. Every teacher is a teacher of every child, including those with Special Educational Needs. Durham Johnston Comprehensive School uses a range of methods to provide learning opportunities based upon individual need. Quality First Teaching (QFT) aims to reduce the need for specialist support; however, we recognise that there will still be some children in need of provision that is additional to or different from that encompassed by QFT and we will work closely with our students, parents and additional stakeholders to make appropriate adjustments to provision where necessary. Whilst our teachers are committed to supporting all students, specialist guidance is provided by our Inclusion Team, which incorporates Learning Support, our Student Support Centre and Transition Team. This policy has been developed in consultation with the Senior Leadership Team, Learning Support department and the Governing Body of Durham Johnston Comprehensive School.


The Durham Local Authority Local offer can be found at this link.

The SEND Code of Practice 2014 Parent and Carer guide can be found at this link.

SEND Information Report

SEND Policy

Accessibility Plan

Access Arrangements

Policy for the Use of Word Processors in Examinations