This summary is for quick reference only. Further information can be found in the full Child Protection Policy (subject to annual review and approval by the Governing Body) which is published on the school’s website at this link. You can also request this from us in hard copy or electronically.
Child Protection issues may relate to neglect and hidden harm, physical injury, sexual abuse, emotional abuse. (Please refer to the policy for full definitions and signs).
Safeguarding has the highest of priorities at Durham Johnston. The following information is published in the student organiser. We encourage a culture whereby students can share any concerns they have with trusted adults at school.
Keeping Myself Safe
If you are worried about anything at all, and need to talk to somebody in school please speak to your Form Tutor or a member of the Pastoral Team, all of whom have advanced safeguarding training.
Our Designated Safeguarding Lead is Mr S Bowman.
The Safeguarding Team are responsible for:
- Making referrals to appropriate agencies
- Liaising with those agencies to ensure correct procedures are followed during investigations
- Maintaining full records for case conferences.
The Headteacher is responsible for:
- Establishing an ethos where children feel able to disclose fears and to ensure effective and discreet management of such.
Staff/Support Staff/Voluntary Helpers are responsible for:
- Upholding the school’s ‘telling’ ethos.
- Acting promptly to refer disclosures having discussed confidentiality stipulations with child.
Parents are responsible for:
- Respecting and valuing their child as an individual.
- Supporting school as a ‘safe’ environment and taking appropriate action.
Pupils are responsible for:
- Supporting fellow pupils
- Being honest in any disclosures made and to behave responsibly according to school rules.