14 July 2022

Image of Hot Weather Warning Advice & End of Term Arrangements

Updated Information:

We are aware that the MET Office has updated its warning in relation to the forecast for Monday and Tuesday.

On the basis of that new advice, students are encouraged to wear a PE T-shirt, shorts or, as noted below, their school shirts and blouses.

If your child is intending to wear their PE shorts please ensure that they are wearing an appropriate level of sunscreen. All of the additional advice and guidance below still applies. We have shared this information in school with Years 7-9 and will email that additional detail to the parents and carers of Year 10. 


Amber Weather Warning Advice for Hot Weather on Monday 18th & Tuesday 19th July 2022 & End of Term Arrangements

Dear Parents & Carers

The weather on Monday 18th and Tuesday 19th July is forecast to be extremely warm and we want to ensure that all students take adequate precautions to keep cool if predictions are accurate. 

  • We would advise that students are prepared in the following ways for Monday and Tuesday: 
  • Students do not need to wear blazers on the day. Students should come to school in shirts or blouses, and we will make a sensible whole school judgement on ties based upon temperatures in school on both days. School shirts and blouses are made of light cotton and will keep students much cooler than PE tops. 
  • Students should wear sunscreen with a high sunblock factor to protect their skin and should take advantage of shaded parts of the school yard at break and lunch times. Many students will eat and stay inside too.
  • Students should bring a sun hat with a wide brim to offer an additional level of protection. 
  • Students should bring a water bottle to ensure that they are hydrated throughout the day. 

We will: 

  • Open windows as early as possible before the start of the school day. 
  • Make best use of the building to ensure that as many lessons and activities as possible are timetabled in cooler, air-conditioned spaces around the school.
  • Avoid vigorous outdoor activity in PE. 
  • Switch off all unused electrical equipment in classrooms. 
  • Provide fans for warm classrooms. 
  • Ensure that students can access our water dispensers at key times throughout the day. Please encourage your child to fill their water bottle before and after school, during morning break and lunchtime.
  • Provide bottled water for all students in warmer areas of the school. 

We have sought advice from the Local Authority Health & Safety Executive and have completed a risk assessment to ensure that children are safe in school. 

Please also be aware that, as previously shared with all parents and carers, the school term ends at 12.15 p.m. on Tuesday 19th July. All school transport and taxi firms are aware. A detailed letter outlining our plans for September 2022 onwards will be shared on Monday 18th July.