14 October 2021
Dear Parents and Carers of Year 13 Students
“We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit. ” Aristotle.
Year 13 students have recently had a series of mock examinations and are currently receiving feedback from these. All A levels are linear and so the assessments covered work from Year 12 and Year 13. In September, I advised students to build in consolidation / revision of Year 12 work into their weekly routine (without being repeatedly advised to do so by teachers) and these exams will have assessed how successful this has been. You will receive a report on or about 19th October, in time for Parents’ Evening on Monday 8th November. As with last year, this will be online and details of the booking system will be emailed to you on Monday 18th October. The appointment system will be accessible from 12.00pm on Monday 1st November and will close at 12.00pm on Thursday 4th November. I hope that the results and report will boost our students’ confidence that they are on track to achieve their potential. The outcome of these exams will help inform course and university choices, predicted grades, and individual action plans. Progress is best made when we collaborate and students have been encouraged to communicate effectively with their teachers.
Our final autumn term is well underway and students are involving themselves in a range of activities that enrich their Sixth Form experience. This year, we have twenty societies, running at lunchtime and afterschool – and these are all student-led. At our recent Sixth Form Open Evenings for Year 11 students, our current Head Students added life and personality to the event; their contribution was positively remarked upon by prospective students and parents.
In terms of ‘what’s next?’ – students are busy making final choices about courses, universities and alternatives, involving much personal statement (re)drafting. The message I give students is ‘you have never been through Year 13 before – I have’ – they should come to the Sixth Form Office with anything that is a barrier to them progressing, with applications or other issues. Additionally, to help them feel safe and prepared for more independent living after they leave us, I have surveyed the students regarding any aspects they feel they might have missed from PSHE during the pandemic. Most questions have involved financial management and budgeting, which we always build into our Year 13 programme. I had an assembly with students on Monday 11th October to outline our on-going and planned support / preparation programme. The focus was on what we will cover and what they can do to help themselves prepare. Respect, of yourself and others, in actions and words, was and is at the heart of our support programme.
Please get in touch if you have any queries regarding this letter or any other matter.
Yours sincerely
Anne C Lennon
Head of Sixth Form