11 October 2021

Year 10 Parental Information Session
We are hosting an in-person parental information session for the parents and carers of Year 10 students on Tuesday 2nd November from 4.00pm to 4.45pm.
The information evening offers an opportunity to gain an overview of the school’s approach for the year group, with a focus upon the year ahead, the curriculum we offer and the pastoral support we provide. The session will be led by senior school staff and there will also be opportunities to meet with senior teachers and ask individual questions at the end of the session.
Parking will be available on the school site and all materials will be made available for parents and carers who cannot attend. Please complete the survey below if you would like to attend. Whilst students are welcome, the session is intended to be an opportunity for parents and carers to visit the school and to see how they might work with the school to support their child in 2021-22. Ideally, only one parent or carer for each child would attend.
This is our first in person event for Year 10 parents and carers since March 2020. We are very happy to be in a position to invite parents and carers into school again but are also aware, understandably, that there might be some nervousness about doing so. We will ensure that the school hall is well ventilated prior to the session, that those attending all well-spaced out and parents and carers are welcome to wear face coverings whilst in the hall. If parents would rather access materials electronically, we fully understand and will try to balance the importance of meeting in person with the safety of our school community.
Please complete the form at the link below if you would like to attend.
Year 10 Parent and Carer Information Session Sign-Up
Mr O'Sullivan