2 July 2021

Dear Parents & Carers,
This week’s update is very brief as we are currently working on a very comprehensive letter to share with all families in the final two weeks of term. That update will outline our plans for each year groups, outlining the key dates for assessments, trial examinations, parents’ evenings and additional opportunities to discuss progress. The letters will also share general information to help you and your family prepare for September 2021.
As predicted in last week’s update, this has proven to be a very difficult week in school with a number of students testing positive for Covid-19, with 11 cases in Year 12 since Thursday 24th June. There have been 15 new cases in total since that date, with the 4 additional cases across Years 7-9. We were aware of the potential disruption that this might cause and school staff have worked tirelessly to identify close contacts, inform families promptly and to offer full support to the affected students. Those who have been asked to self-isolate can access PCR tests and I hope that this offers greater assurance for their families. All decisions have been made after seeking daily guidance from the local Public Health team. You will be fully aware too that we do all that we can to track close contacts very carefully and to minimise disruption to school and family life.
On Thursday afternoon we made the decision, with large numbers in year 12 isolating and more potential positive PCR results to come, to switch to remote learning for all Year 12 students. We communicated this decision very clearly for students and their families and have tried to balance safety, the need for students to be in school if at all possible and the educational impact on the year group if large numbers are self-isolating whilst classes continue for others in school. Yesterday’s decision to move to remote learning for the final day of this week was based upon the need for all students to access lessons equitably. We have worked very closely with the local Public Health Team and Year 12 students will continue to be taught remotely on Monday 5th and Tuesday 6th July. They should not come into school on those dates. We have made this difficult decision as we are awaiting additional PCR test results and want to reassess the situation at the start of the week when we have more information. It is very important those asked to self-isolate do so. We will update Year 12 students and their families about our next steps on Monday 5th July so that they have clarity about their return to school. For all other year groups, we will do all that we can to keep students safely in school and to provide work and support for those learning remotely. If we need to make any adjustments for students we will communicate that quickly and effectively so that parents and carers have time to plan.
It is very important that students are healthy and protected from illness. The NHS Immunisation Team have asked us to host HPV vaccinations on Tuesday 6th July for all year 8 students. Please read the attached letter for additional information about how to provide consent and the arrangements that the NHS team have made in conjunction with the school.
HPV Vaccination Letter to Parents/Carers
Thank you for your ongoing support.
Mr O’Sullivan