6 July 2021
Dear Parents and Carers,
Mrs Lennon and I wrote to all students in Year 12 and to their parents and carers on Thursday 1st July explaining that there had been a number of positive cases linked to the year group and that we intended to make the difficult decision to move the year group to remote learning between Friday 2nd and Tuesday 6th July. We have continued to work closely with Public Health England’s Local Team as 5 additional cases have been reported within the year group. Therefore, we have had to make the very difficult decision to continue with remote learning for the remainder of the week.
We have a significant number of students self-isolating until Friday 9th July as a consequence of being close contacts and we feel that the most effective way to safeguard the education of all Year 12 students for the remainder of the week is to continue with online lessons. That is the most equitable way to ensure that all students are taught effectively and can engage with their teachers directly. It is also very important that students and their families are aware that those close contacts asked to isolate by the school, via Public Health guidance and protocols, should do so and should not mix with others outside of school.
I note this point as the school is compelled to work within the current guidelines until the 19th July 2021.
This means that Year 12 students should not come into school tomorrow, Wednesday 7th July, and instead access on-line lessons via MS Teams following their normal daily timetable. We will offer an update on Friday afternoon in relation to the activities that we have planned for year 12 in the final week of term.
As noted above, this decision is based on consultation with Public Health England representatives and our priority is to limit the disruption to the education of our students. I wanted to reassure you of our commitment to the welfare and educational progress and that the position we are in now builds on the excellent progress we all made with remote learning January - March. Mrs Lennon has communicated with Year 12 students offering advice and encouraging them to continue to engage with both her and Mr Wilbraham
Thank you for your ongoing support.
Mr O’Sullivan