5 March 2021

Dear Parents & Carers,
We are very near to a full return and we are continuing with very detailed preparations. I wrote to all members of our school community with a comprehensive update of our planning on Wednesday. Please read the update carefully so that your child is fully prepared to return on Wednesday 10th March.
Click here to read the update.
Lateral Flow Testing
We are starting on that day because of the high demand for testing in school on Monday 8th and Tuesday 9th March. We have worked very hard to arrange tests for all those parents and carers that completed and returned consent forms by Tuesday 2nd March at midday. In addition, we have tried very hard to accommodate all those who have retuned forms after the deadline. However, our testing capacity has now been reached and we have written to a small number of those who returned forms from Thursday onwards to explain that we currently have no additional capacity in school on those days.
A completed test is not a mandatory condition of returning to school and we will do all that we can to offer additional tests next week if possible for the small number that we can’t accommodate. Please also be aware that lateral flow testing can be accessed in a variety of ways and can be completed at home.
On Wednesday the Department for Health & Social Care asked schools to share the following information with all members of our school community:
Take a test at a rapid lateral flow test site
You can take a rapid lateral flow test at a local site. Testing at these sites is assisted, which means you will swab yourself under the supervision of a trained operator. You may need to book an appointment.
Find your nearest rapid lateral flow test site.
Collect test kits
You can collect 2 packs of home test kits at a local collection point. Each pack contains 7 tests. Anyone 18 or over can collect. Most collection points are open from 1.30pm to 7pm. You can check online if the location is open or busy before you go. You do not need to make an appointment. Do not visit a collection point outside opening hours, as it may be used to test people with coronavirus symptoms outside these times.
Find your nearest home test kit collection point.
Order home test kits online
If you cannot get tested at your workplace, or are unable to go to a test site or collect test kits, you can order a home test kit online.
Do not order online if you can get a test through other methods. This frees up home delivery for those who need it most.
The tests are exactly the same as those used in school and, if completed at home, you only need to contact us if your child tests positive. For many students, completing the test at home with family support will be a much less anxious experience and we believe this to better for younger children if possible.
I would like to publicly thank all those volunteers who have been supporting our testing today and who will continue to do so next week. Their work is greatly appreciated. Could I also please request that you do not just arrive in school on Monday or Tuesday with consent forms? Testing involves a detailed registration process and, as explained above, we are fully booked on those two days.
In my update on Wednesday 3rd March I noted that students should not access local convenience stores in large numbers. I have been contacted by parents and representatives from those stores since, explaining that students will be allowed entry, but it is important that they follow the rules and guidelines currently in operation, such as students only entering individually, with large groups being unacceptable. I would like to thank those who have contacted us for working with the school and for offering clarification.
We are very close to a full return and are greatly looking forward to students being with us from Wednesday. It has been excellent to communicate with so many parents and carers this week too. We are fortunate to have such a high level of parental support and it is clear that all members of our school community are excited about next week.
Thank you for your ongoing support.
Mr O’Sullivan