13 September 2024

Dear Parents and Carers,
It’s nice to see the sun shining as we complete our first full week in school; a small milestone maybe, but a big relief for a timetabler! Students have met all their teachers, and our new Year 7 students are starting to get to grips with the layout of the building, routines, and what day chicken burgers are on the menu.
We are delighted today to be able to publish our full extra-curricular timetable for the term, which launched this week. After discussing in start of term assemblies the importance of making the most of opportunities available, it’s been fantastic to see so many students turning up full of enthusiasm at the many different clubs. This year we have everything from Chamber Choir to Card Tricks, Japanese to Dance; a real feast of activities available. Those of you who are familiar with the school’s sporting reputation will not be surprised to hear that we have our first addition to the sports presentation trophy table; congratulation to the Year 11 Cricket Team who are now County Champions!
Looking ahead to next week, we have another rite of passage for Year 7 with their first Durham Johnston Comprehensive School photo; individual photographs for Year 7 take place on Wednesday, and for Years 8 – 13 on Tuesday. Similarly, Year 11 and the Sixth Form will have their whole year group photos taken on Wednesday – all significant milestones in a student’s time with us.
We are in the process of sending out information specific to each year group about the curriculum, and would like to remind parents and carers of the dates of upcoming Parental Information Presentations, which can be found here.
Thank you for your support, and have a good weekend.
Mrs McFadden
Extra-Curricular Programme
Please click here to see the wide range of clubs and activities available to students this term.
Bus Passes
The issue and supply of bus passes for our students is wholly outside of Durham Johnston’s authority and capabilities. We have been dismayed by the impact of the current situation regarding bus passes for our students and families. We want to reassure you that we have been working hard since the start of term to try to resolve the bus pass issues between members of our community and the local authority.
DCC Passenger Transport have confirmed to us that they are in the process of sending out passes again with the correct name.
We have a list of students from County Hall who have been approved by DCC and are eligible for travel on our school buses.
In support of our students who are eligible to travel on school buses, we have negotiated with County temporary authority to issue a short-term pass. This should secure travel to and from school until the new pass is issued and delivered. This is only for those students on that list.
Please may we take this opportunity to remind parents/carers that the contract is between themselves and transport at DCC and advise queries to be directed to County Hall.
Nuffield Presentations
Congratulations to Chanel, Hayden and Millie in Year 13 who have completed a Nuffield Foundation project in the summer term. All students displayed their research via an A3 poster and were awarded a certificate in a ceremony on Thursday evening this week . Presented by Sally Wilkinson at Newcastle University, it was such a delight to see our students being recognised for their hard work and scientific contributions.
Miss Murphy and Mrs Williams
Science Department
Geography Club: Young Geographer of the Year Competition
Geography Club resumed this week in GG5 after school on Wednesday for students who were working on their Young Geographer of the Year Competition entry before the summer holidays. There will also be sessions on the 25th September and 2nd October at the same time in the same room. All students entering the competition need to have their completed submission delivered to Miss Milburn by Thursday 3rd October, whether by email or Teams or hard copy. Students will be reminded of the competition entry criteria in the next session. If there are any new students or students who did not come along before the summer holidays who are interested, they are more than welcome to come along and submit their entry by the same deadline. Further information about the competition can be found via the following link: 2024 competition - RGS
Miss Milburn
Geography Department
Drama Notices
Extra-curricular drama begins next week on the following days.
Tuesday 17th September 2.45-3.30 – Technical Theatre club in the drama studio.
Wednesday 18th September 2.45- 3.30 – Year 9 drama club in the drama studio.
Thursday 19th September 2.45-3.30 – Year 7 and 8 drama club (for the first 30 who have signed up). This club is now full, and if any student did not get a chance to add their name to the waiting list, please see Ms Ayrey.
Please see the notice board next to the drama studio for more details of these clubs.
Any questions, please see Ms Ayrey.
Ms Ayrey
Subject Leader for Drama
Music Notices
Weekly Enrichment Schedule
The weekly schedule of ensemble rehearsals and other musical activities has now started. All groups have made an excellent start to the year and if any pupils would like to join a group, they are encouraged to speak to a music teacher for more information, or just turn up.
Day |
Lunchtime |
2.45-3.45pm |
Mon |
1st |
Theory Club - Mu2 |
X |
2nd |
X |
Tue |
1st |
Chamber Choir - Mu3 |
Junior Orchestra - Mu1 Wind Band - Hall |
2nd |
GCSE Support - Mu2 |
Wed |
1st |
X |
Junior Choir - Mu1 Senior Choir - Hall |
2nd |
Theory Club - Mu2 |
Thur |
1st |
Keyboard Club - Mu2 |
Senior Orchestra - Hall |
2nd |
Aural Training - Mu1 |
Fri |
1st |
Aural Training - Mu3 |
X |
Instrumental/ Vocal Lessons
This year we have about 130 pupils who receive weekly tuition on an instrument/voice within the school day. Lessons are organised on as wide a rotation as is practically possible within the timings that the visiting teachers from Durham Music Service spend with us. Please note that where possible we aim to give Year 11, 12 and 13 pupils a fixed time outside of their classroom lessons, although this cannot always be managed.
Timetables for the lessons are displayed on the noticeboard at the end of the music corridor and are shared with parents and carers by email.
Please would parents and carers make sure that any instruments that are brought into school are clearly labelled with names. This is the best way of ensuring that pupils can clearly identify their own instruments and avoid taking the wrong one home by mistake.
Durham Cathedral Junior Consort
Durham Cathedral is looking for talented young singers ages 13 to 17 to join its Junior Consort.
The group rehearses fortnightly on a Wednesday from 7-8pm and sings services in the Cathedral around once a month. Places are offered after an informal audition and changing voices are very welcome.
More information on the choir can be found here: Junior Consort - Durham Cathedral
Mr Holmes
Subject Leader for Music
PE News
We have also gained our first piece of silverware. Yesterday our Year 11 cricket team were at Hetton Lyons CC taking on Sedgefield in the County Final. We batted first and scored an impressive 147 with Ethan Hill top scoring on 45. After an excellent bowling and fielding performance we became County Champions after restricting Sedgefield to 72 for 9 in their 20 overs. Ethan Hill was POM.
Please can I remind parents and carers that the new Avec PE kit can be ordered directly from our Durham Johnston Online Avec store. There have all sizes in stock and are trying to deliver all orders ASAP. Please click here to see the store.
Mr Hopper
Subject Leader for PE
A reminder of our weekly sports bulletin:
Sports Bulletin