6 September 2024

Dear Parents and Carers,
I am very pleased to be writing my first bulletin as Acting Headteacher of Durham Johnston after what has been a very busy and very enjoyable first week welcoming back our students in school. In particular, I want to say welcome to the new Year 7 and new Year 12 students joining us for the first time; we value your addition to our school community.
I have been reflecting a lot over the summer about what it means to be the headteacher of any school but, in particular, Durham Johnston, a school which is unique in so many ways. When I spoke to the incoming Year 7 parents at the end of last year, I highlighted that one of the things which makes Durham Johnston special is that the ethos and values of the school have remained essentially unchanged throughout its 123 year history and the leadership of 10 different headteachers. The vocabulary may have changed, but this comprehensive school has always served the young people of Durham. Teachers here have always strived to give those young people the best possible start in life, regardless of background or ability and encouraged them to, in the words of one of those previous headteachers, “take to heart the school’s motto and courageously seek for wisdom, and the world will be a better place because of their presence in it”. It was this ethos that first attracted me to the school in 2016, and it is protecting and upholding this ethos and our values that I see as my primary role this academic year. Durham Johnston is an institution, not a person, and it is an institution I am completely invested in.
A real highlight of the week for me has been my first assemblies as headteacher. I talked about our school values (Academic Excellence, Acquiring Knowledge, Social Justice, Public Service and Diverse Opportunities) and what it means to be part of our community. This is a comprehensive school, which means all students have access to the same opportunities, but it is up to them to make the most those opportunities; you get out what you put in. With the new Year 7 students I also discussed what it meant to join such a large community and that despite all our differences – be it religion, ethnicity, age, wealth, primary school attended – we have much more in common with each other than ways in which we differ and, as such, we should be kind, respectful and tolerant towards each other.
The atmosphere around the building this week has been one of engagement and excitement and our students have got off to a great start; they have been a credit to themselves and you their parents and carers.
Thank you for your support and welcome to the new school year.
Mrs McFadden
We will publish the first full Friday Bulletin of the year next week; however, please note that the first version of our extra-curricular timetable is now available on the website at this link.
Some clubs and activities are still being finalised, and we will update as the term goes on.