22 October 2021
Dear Parents & Carers,
We are at the end of a busy half-term, and, in many ways, it has been a much more normal period for the school than we may have expected in early September. Whilst Covid-19 cases have fluctuated, we have been fortunate to avoid the significant case numbers that have affected other schools, with most students and staff able to maintain high or full attendance. Of greater impact have been the other forms of cold and flu as students and staff mix more freely again. However, it has seemed on occasion that controls are limited nationally; Test & Trace oversight of school cases has seemed quite sporadic, with some staff members receiving between 10 and 15 calls to check that they are isolating and some families of children who have tested positive reporting that they have received limited or no contact at all. We were unsure quite what to expect when preparing for the new term and it is encouraging that the trepidation felt by many in our school community has been largely unfounded. We are, however, thinking cautiously about next half-term, as nationally case numbers are rising and it has been hard to avoid the national debate around a ‘Plan B’.
Normality has also been represented by a positive period between August & October, with excellent results for Years 11 and 13 and a highly successful summer school for our new Year 7 students. From September onwards we have had a wide range of sporting opportunities, activities and competitions. The school is regularly filled with music after school, with students preparing for the Christmas and Cathedral concerts. County ensembles have started up again, as have a wide range of individual music lessons thanks to Durham’s excellent music service provision. A range of clubs and societies are flourishing, and we will end the half-term with the much-anticipated ghostly Spooktacular.
The school has also welcomed the parents and carers of Years 8, 9, 11, 12 and 13 for information sessions and we have hosted successful open evenings for families that are considering places for September 2022. We have also had a large number of teachers training with us and have organised subject specific training days for prospective teachers across the county. Many of our internal discussions during the past two years have focused upon Durham Johnston Comprehensive School being able to return stronger than ever, and we are certainly working hard to fulfil that aim. It has also been excellent to physically welcome new governors to the school and to meet face to face again with those who have offered long and excellent service. I became Headteacher formally in 2019 and it is good that the balance of our daily work is now allowing us to both manage the current issues associated with the pandemic and its impact, whilst also thinking about how the school can improve, adapt, and offer more to our community in the years ahead. A friend recently recommended The Habit of Excellence: Why British Army Leadership Works by Lt Col Langley Sharp and I was particularly taken with this quotation:
Leadership is messy, never ending and full of painful trade- offs that make you question whether or not you are doing the right thing. Indeed, if leadership doesn’t feel difficult, it probably isn’t happening at all.
It has certainly felt like that since 2019, but we are heartened by the positive conduct of our students, keenness of staff to work collaboratively and the support that we have received from parents and carers. We will be surveying parents and students in the next half-term, but are also asking if the parents and carers of students with a special educational need or disability would be willing to participate in the following school focus groups. The first group is for the parents or carers of a child with a diagnosis of autism, or those going through that process, and the second is for those who would like to join a Special Educational Needs working group, so that parental voice features alongside student voice in the review of our school policy and information report. Please contact Helen Davies, our Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator via the following address: learningsupport@durhamjohnston.org.uk
There are some important dates for the half-term ahead that it is sensible to share with you. Those dates are:
- Ofqual Update for Year 11 & 13 Parents – Monday 1st November 2021.
- Year 10 Parental Information Meeting - Tuesday 2nd November 2021
- Year 7 Parental Information Evening - Wednesday 3rd November 2021.
- Year 13 Parents’ Evening - Monday 8th November 2021. Booking for Year 13 Parents Evening opens Monday 1st November at 12.00pm and closes on Thursday 4th November at 12.00pm.
- Year 11 Parents’ Evening - Monday 29th November 2021. Booking for Year 11 Parents Evening will open on Monday 22nd November at 12.00pm and close on Thursday 25th November at 12.00pm. Year 11 Parents will receive more detailed information about this after half term.
- Christmas Concerts – Thursday 9th December 2021 and Friday 10th December. (Please see the music notices at this link for more information.)
- Cathedral Carol Service - Friday 17th December 2021.
We have been contacted by members of the public and local residents about three specific things this week, all of which have a potential safeguarding context. Firstly, could I ask you to speak at home about road safety again? We have had reports of students walking into traffic on the A167, as opposed to using the appropriate crossings and bridges. This is extremely dangerous and we will continue to speak very directly with students choosing to behave in such a dangerous way. Please support us by having a similar conversation at home. We have also received calls from concerned drivers about students cycling on the A167 without safety helmets, particularly near to University Hospital and Framwellgate roundabout. Please make sure that your child wears a helmet if cycling to school, as not doing so puts them in real danger of a serious head injury. Finally, could I please remind those choosing to drop their children near to the school by car, that blocking the drives of local residents or parking on their property when doing so is inconsiderate and unfair to those within our wider community. Similarly, the area outside the school gates is not a designated turning circle, and dropping your children at that point can represent a significant safety risk. We want our students to have good manners and to think of others and it is important that we model that behaviour as adults too.
Have a good half-term.
Mr O’Sullivan
Half-Term Immunisation Update & Testing
Chief executive of NHS England Amanda Pritchard told the health select committee earlier today that 12 to 15-year-olds can now book a Covid-19 vaccination through the NHS booking service during half-term. The service has previously only been open to over-16s. This will supplement the school-based vaccination programme and increase the speed at which this age group can get vaccinated. Schools are awaiting an update on whether that method will continue to be available after the half-term holiday.
Please continue to test on a twice weekly basis during half-term and ensure that your child completes a test on Sunday 31st October before returning to school.
Department for Education Update: Information on COVID-19 testing during October half-term
Staff, students and pupils should continue to test twice-weekly over half-term and preferably take an LFD test the night before they return to their setting after the break. It is important to communicate to parents, children and young people on the importance of COVID-19 testing over half-term.
Please remember that your child should not attend school if they are unwell or have symptoms associated with Covid. If your child tests positive via a Lateral Flow Test please ensure that they stay at home and that they are taken for a PCR test immediately. If the PCR test is positive, any siblings living at the same address are close contacts and we would recommend that a PCR test is booked immediately. To protect the school community, those students should stay at home until the result of the PCR test is known. If the result is negative, they can return to school. Please remember that school no longer undertakes any close contact tracing. That responsibility was taken over in August 2021 by NHS Test & Trace. Please contact them directly with any queries; details can be found at this link.
If there are any additional updates regarding Covid-19 during half-term, we will provide an update via the website and Twitter on Saturday 30th or Sunday 31st October 2021.
Tees Valley Youth Climate Summit
On Wednesday 21st October, our A level Geography students attended the Tees Valley Youth Climate Summit at Teesside University. The event was attended by a host of different colleges and sixth form centres from across the region and involved attending a series of lectures and sessions hosted by academics from the university. There were a vast array of talks and lectures throughout the day which not only developed the students’ knowledge but gave them insight into what undergraduate study is like. These covered topics such as the evidence for climate change we have from the instrumental record and palaeoclimatology, the impact of the fashion industry on our climate and the impacts of consumption upon climate. Throughout the sessions and lectures our students were fully engaged, answered questions, and asked insightful questions which developed their understanding in the run up to COP26. Overall, an enjoyable day was had by all and our students represented the school in exemplary fashion.
Ms Colquitt and Mr Ray
Subject Lead and Second in Department, Geography
Year Group Achievements
We are always delighted to celebrate our students’ success, and our newly-appointed Assistant Year Leaders have produced a newsletter for each year group in KS3 & 4 doing just that. We aim to publish these on a half-termly basis, and you can read the first instalments at the link below.
Careers and Guidance Department Notices
Please click here to view this week’s Careers and Guidance Opportunities Bulletin Board.
House System Notices
Half Term Pumpkin carving competition!
Let’s see how creative you are – originality is key!
Your challenge is to: Carve a pumpkin and send a photograph of it to me via email (not Teams please) - “Miss L Forbes”
Include your form: e.g. 8D and house e.g. Annand
Competition runs from 22nd October – 1st November
You MUST include your school tie or planner in the photo to show its originality – any photo not including one of these items will not be judged.
House points for the top 10! (50 house points for first place)
We shall also Tweet the best ones from the DJCS account! Good luck!
Miss Forbes
Senior Teacher, the House System
PE News
On Monday we had our first ever Laser Run fixture against Durham School. This is a biathlon event where competitors shoot a laser gun at a target and complete 300M runs between each shoot. Durham School had more experience than our teams and this showed in the shooting element. We did win the Year 7 boys competition with Durham School winning the other 3 events.
Also on Monday our Year 10 football team were due to play in the league cup. Unfortunately, the other school cancelled the fixture at the last minute. Our U13 girls football team did play their game – an English Schools match at St Joseph’s. They have a very strong team at this age group and dominated the game winning 9 – 1. Credit to our girls who never gave up and worked hard throughout the game.
It was the turn of netball on Tuesday as King James had to cancel our scheduled league football matches. All four netball teams travelled to Hermitage and after an excellent night of netball we won all four games. Our Year 7 team won 24 – 0, with Harriet Howe player of match. The Year 8 game was much closer as we won 8 – 7, with Sarah Law player of match. Our Year 9 team also had a comfortable 26 – 3, victory with Isabella Royle player of match. Finally, our Year 10 team won 14 – 6, with Kaelyn Jones player of match.
On Wednesday our VIth form football team were in Darlington taking on Carmel School in a league game. We controlled the game, eventually continuing our unbeaten start with a 2 – 0 win thanks to goals from Max McKay and Matthew Ward.
Our girls returned to St Joseph’s on Wednesday this time with our U12 team. Despite a much closer game than Monday we lost 3 – 0.
Last night our Year 8 team were at home against Acklam Grange in the English Schools Cup. This was an exciting game which we trailed 2 – 0 at half time. Despite having the wind in the second half we couldn’t complete a comeback eventually losing 6 – 2.
Finally can I thank all our parents for their support during a very busy sporting half-term.
Lots more competitions to come in November including area, regional and hopefully national cross-country finals; county indoor rowing finals; sports hall athletics championships; north-east netball finals; rugby county finals and continued County and English Schools football competitions.
Mr Hopper
Subject Leader, PE