12 July 2021
We have far more detailed information in the Assessments 2021: Awarding of Qualifications document on our website. The information here is a quick reminder of what you might do on, and in preparation for, the day.
Before Results Day
- Check the flowchart to familiarise yourself with the process, times and locations.
- Engage with any applicant and subject information you have been sent by your further education provider. For applicants to our Sixth Form this includes a lot of essential and useful information on our website under Transition to Sixth Form.
- Please do a lateral flow test before you come in to collect your results.
On Results Day
To collect your GCSE Level results – come to the Sports Hall from 8.30am. For safety, socially distanced queuing and masks are advisable
- DJ Sixth Form Applicants
- You are happy with your subject choices, and you have achieved the GCSE grades to access our Sixth Form and your chosen courses? Go to the FAST TRACK ENROLMENT table in the Sports Hall – hand in your signed enrolment form. Don’t forget to collect your enrolment pack. Read this pack carefully before the start of term.
- Have some questions / need some guidance / want to look into changing courses? Check when your interview slot is (by surname). Attend your guidance interview in the Activity Studio.
Results issued to ALL Year 11 Students |
8.30 |
Sports Hall |
APPLICANT - Individual interviews (Surname A - C) |
9.00 |
Activity Studio |
APPLICANT - Individual interviews (Surname D - G) |
9.45 |
Activity Studio |
APPLICANT - Individual interviews (Surname H - L) |
10.30 |
Activity Studio |
APPLICANT - Individual interviews (Surname M - O) |
11.15 |
Activity Studio |
APPLICANT - Individual interviews (Surname P - S) |
12.00 |
Activity Studio |
APPLICANT - Individual interviews (Surname T - Z) |
12.45 |
Activity Studio |
- If you are taking up your place with another FE provider, follow their guidance as to how you should let them know.
- Hand in your ‘Destinations’ information.
- Keep in touch – we are still here to help you.
What if I can’t attend because I am isolating?
- ALL STUDENTS - for GCSE results – if you will be isolating on Results day please let us know as soon as possible by emailing results2021@durhamjohnston.org.uk. To get your results you can send a SAE for posting results out, or authorise someone else to collect them with a note / letter (must be signed by the student).
- If you are planning to join our Sixth Form, please let us know that you are isolating as soon as possible, by emailing sixthformadmissions@durhamjohnston.org.uk (you have been using this email throughout the application process).
- If you are planning to join another FE provider, we advise you to let them know as soon as possible.
Enjoy your summer – we are looking forward to seeing you on 12th August.