12 July 2021

We have far more detailed information in the Assessments 2021: Awarding of Qualifications document on our website. The information here is a quick reminder of what you might do on, and in preparation for, the day.
Before Results Day
- Read / watch the Clearing and Adjustment information on the UCAS website in preparation.
- Clearing
- Adjustment (if you’ve done better than expected)
- Engage with any applicant information sent by your chosen universities – there may be ‘hotline’ numbers on there – make a note of them.
- Please do a lateral flow test before you come in to collect your results.
On Results Day
- If you have applied for university, check UCAS Track – normally updates at approximately 8am.
- To collect your GCE A Level results – come to the Sports Hall from 8.30am. For safety, socially distanced queuing and masks are advisable.
- If you require further information / guidance, come up to the Sixth Form Area. IT3 & IT4 will also be available for exploring Clearing options. We will be on hand to support you. We will be here Wednesday 11th August too.
- Get your Student Finance and accommodation finalised.
- Hand in your ‘Destinations’ information.
- Keep in touch – we are still here to help you.
What if I can’t attend because I am isolating?
- If you are unable to collect your results, please let us know as soon as possible by emailing results2021@durhamjohnston.org.uk. To get your results you can send a SAE for posting results out, or authorise someone else to collect them with a note / letter (must be signed by the student).
- If you have applied to university – check track – if you have not been successful, start exploring your options in Clearing as soon as possible.
Enjoy your summer – see you on 10th August.
Mrs Lennon