28 June 2021

Monday 28th June 2021
Dear Parents and Carers,
I wrote to all parents and carers on Friday 25th June explaining that we were preparing, like all Durham schools, for the likelihood of more positive cases linked to school in the final weeks of term; you can read that at the link below.
Headteacher’s Update, Friday 25th June
That has, unfortunately, been the case, with 5 additional positive PCR test results reported over the weekend. Three of those are in Year 7, one is in Year 8 and one in Year 12. We have quickly identified close contacts and have communicated with the families affected. If you have not been contacted, your child does not need to isolate.
We have worked closely with Public Health England’s Local Team and they have advised that the actions that we have taken are appropriate, and reflect that robust contact tracing protocols are in place at the school. They have advised that it is not necessary at present for any bubble or year group to work remotely, but if case numbers increase, their advice might change. We will do all that we can to give parents and carers significant notice if that becomes necessary, so that they can plan accordingly. We will do all that we can to keep students safely in school and to avoid disruption if at all possible. We will email parents and carers and update the school website with any additional developments.
Thank you for your ongoing support.
Mr O’Sullivan