13 March 2020

Dates for your Diary - Spring Term 2020
- Year 11 Mock Examinations 9 - 16 March 2020
- Year 8 Parents' Consultation Evening - Monday 23 March 2020, 4.00 - 6.00 p.m. - postponed until further notice
- Year 10 Parent' Consultation Evening - Monday 27 April 2020, 4.00 - 6.00 p.m.
- Team Maths Challenge Tuesday 31 March 2020
- Easter Holiday Monday 6 April - Friday 17 April
COVID-19: Updated Information
We have been providing regular updates regarding Covid-19 and have shared with you the advice offered by Public Health England and the Department for Education. There was a change of emphasis in their advice as part of yesterday’s government briefing and I have written to all parents today to outline the school’s response to that briefing and our contingency plans in case of any potential school closure. In simple terms, we have acted upon government advice and have cancelled foreign trips to Austria, Malaga, Belgium and France. We have also chosen to cancel the Year 8 Parents’ Evening planned for 23rd March and currently intend to reschedule for the summer term. In terms of health and hygiene, we will continue to emphasise the need for students to wash their hands thoroughly and for parents to monitor the health of family members very carefully and to call 111 and to self-isolate if appropriate. We will continue to support students and to provide a calm environment for them to carry on with their studies and will share additional plans with you in due course. Thank you for your ongoing support.
COVID 19: Letter to parents 13 March 2020
Please see below the most up to date information provided by GOV.UK received in school this afternoon.
GOV.UK - updated advice and guidance 13 3 2020
HPV Vaccination
For the attention of parents and carers of all pupils currently in Year 7 and will move up to Year 8 in September 2020.
The HPV vaccine will be offered to both boys and girls in Year 8 in September 2020. Please click here to access the Childhood Immunisation Team’s letter giving details on how to consent.
Mrs Coady, Attendance & Welfare Manager
Drama Notice
Drama Club students have been informed that due to the year 11 mock examinations there will be no drama club on Thursday 19th of March. It will resume on Thursday 26th of March at 2.45-3.45 in the drama studio.
Ms Ayrey, Subject Lead Drama
Whole School Literacy
1066: one of the most well-known dates in English history. The Norman Conquest heralded not only many political and economic changes, but also had a profound effect on the language. See the link below for more information:
Mrs Clark, Whole School Literacy Coordinator
All Year 7 classes are having two lessons of Latin this week or next, instead of their usual French lessons. This is to help them make an informed choice about which languages they would like to study in Year 8 and Year 9. The sessions will introduce them to Latin, the language of the Romans, explaining the similarities and differences between learning ancient and modern languages. We look at some English words derived from Latin roots, learn to count in Latin and discuss when and where the Romans lived. Students will bring home their workbook after the classes to show to parents. If you have any questions about Latin, please feel free to contact Mrs Bothwell c.bothwell@durhamjohnston.org.uk
Mrs Bothwell, Latin teacher
Academic Enrichment Programme
As part of our “Academic enrichment” programme we offered our Business & Creative iMedia students the opportunity to attend a presentation by Mr David Heath on Friday 6th March 2020. David is the Managing Director at Seven Global. An incredibly successful brand owned by David Beckham. His career path is remarkable, working with brands such as Nike and also with Beyoncé at Ivy Park.
David spoke to students about his career to date. He offered advice and guidance in relation to business and media, as well as an insight into what it is like to be at the top of your chosen field. He also focussed on the skills and determination needed to get to the top!
An incredibly insightful and interesting presentation and we thank David for his time, a fantastic experience for all those involved.
Miss Forbes, Subject Lead Business & Computing
Northumbrian Water – Year 10 Work placement
The school have been made aware of work placement opportunities that match when our Year 10 are on placement. This is a great opportunity to work for a well-known local employer. Year 10 have been informed of this opportunity but please see below for all details on how to apply.
Please note - Closing date is today 13th March 2020.
Work Experience Week
13th July – 17th July 9.30am – 3.30pm
Pity Me, Durham
Not sure what career is for you?
We’re offering you the opportunity to explore a variety of different roles during a week of work experience including Science, Engineering, Customer Service, IT and Marketing within Northumbrian Water. This is a great way to gain a broad understanding of what it’s like to work for us and develop the skills that you will need to help you apply for jobs in the future.
As part of this you’ll visit Water and Wastewater Treatment Works sites to see the effects of Water Cycle in real life, score CVs like one of our Hiring Managers and see how we deliver outstanding service to our customers, amongst other activities.
You will grow in confidence through completing tasks with students from other schools. By the end of the week you’ll have a better understanding of what a working environment is like and what is expected.
This role is suited to school students in Year 10.
About you:
We’re looking for someone who’s reliable and hard working to take part in this programme. You’ll demonstrate enthusiasm to learn about all aspects of Northumbrian water, including our customers.
What we will give you:
At Northumbrian Water we want you to be the best you can be and we also want you to feel it’s a great place to work. Frequently people spend their career with us, some because they’ve found their niche, others because of the opportunities to progress through the organisation.
About us:
Northumbrian Water is more than just a water company. We are one team, fulfilling many roles, working together to ensure our customers have clean, fresh, running water, whilst providing great customer service, protecting the environment, and supporting local communities.
We Live Water, all our amazing people are helping us become the national leader in the provision of sustainable water and waste water services.
How to apply?
Please upload a cover letter which tells us the following.
1. Name
2. Age and year group
3. Contact telephone number
4. Contact email address
5. Name and address of your school
6. Why would you like to attend work experience at Northumbrian Water? (150 Words minimum)
7. Tell us what you are most passionate about and why? (150 Words minimum)
Please note - Closing date is today - 13th March 2020
Mr Kennedy, Subject Lead for Guidance & Careers
Apprenticeship Opportunity – Northern Powergrid
Powering Your Career - Northern Powergrid Apprenticeship Scheme
Location: North East, Yorkshire and The Humber and northern Lincolnshire
Want to help light up the region, power your career and be part of an evolving energy industry?
We’re looking for aspiring and ambitious individuals who are ready to join our highly competitive apprenticeship programme and earn while you learn.
The energy industry is advancing with investment in smart technology innovation and Northern Powergrid, as the company responsible for keeping the lights on for 3.9 million homes and businesses across the North East, Yorkshire and The Humber and northern Lincolnshire, is at the forefront of delivering a power network that meets the region’s needs, now and in the future.
We're looking to attract a diverse group of high calibre, agile individuals to join our team, whether you’ve recently left school or you're looking for a change in career direction. If you’d like to be part of this journey, have what it takes to be the best and want to energise your career, this is the opportunity for you.
If you're successful you'll get to undertake a 3 year apprenticeship programme and train in one of the following roles:
• Overhead Lineperson – construct and maintain overhead electricity lines
• Underground Cable Jointer – repair, install and connect underground electricity cables
You’ll enjoy a great mix of practical experience and on-the-job training while studying at college to achieve the Power Network Craftsperson apprenticeship. Prove yourself, and enjoy a rewarding career.
So if you're highly motivated, well organised, love being outdoors and enjoy a challenge, apply now and see if you have what it takes to join Northern Powergrid and start your journey towards your new career.
As part of the selection process you’ll need to complete an online application form and, if successful, participate in a practical assessment day.
The starting salary is £18,420. (Plus 2020 pay award to be confirmed)
Visit www.northernpowergrid.com/careers to find out more and apply online.
Closing date: 31 March 2020 Expected start date: October 2020
Applicants are considered on the basis of their suitability for the post irrespective of sex, marital status, sexual orientation, gender re-assignment, race, age or disability, in accordance with the Equality Act 2010.
Mr Kennedy, Subject Leader for Guidance & Careers
Northumbrian Water – Undergraduate Opportunities
Northumbrian Water is more than just a water company. We are one team, fulfilling many roles, working together to ensure our customers have clean, fresh, running water, whilst providing great customer service, protecting the environment, and supporting local communities.
We Live Water, all our amazing people are helping us become the national leader in the provision of sustainable water and waste water services.
Here is a link to a list of Undergraduate Opportunities that have recently become available in Durham and the wider North East area. (could you add a link to the attached page please)
There are also a number of unpaid work placement opportunities at the bottom of the list.
For more information go to https://www.networxrecruitment.com/v?id=NORTHUMBRI&t=Latest-Vacancies and define your search area. Further information including closing dates and details how to apply are on the webpage.
Mr Kennedy,Subject Lead for Guidance and Careers
Recycling Competition
A recycling competition was held in school and the results are:
Joint 1st place: Isobel Chinhengo 7CW & Loughie Martin 7SW (both receiving 60 HP for their house). Isobel & Loughie’s work will be displayed around school!
2nd Place: Greta Stenson 7RH (40 HP)
Special points to Linda Matthews 7MK for her project and extended work (30 HP)
Some excellent designs from our talented student body. Work from several of our runners up, as well as our winners will be placed on our environmental notice board in school.
Well done to everyone who entered – you are really helping to raise awareness.
Miss Forbes, Subject Lead Business & Computing
On Monday our U16 basketball team were at St Cuthbert’s competing in the Tyneside Schools final. This was a close game and with less than a minute to play we were only 1 point ahead, thanks to a Roan Varley basket. With only 3 seconds to play Jack Squares scored two free-throws to secure the title with a 49 – 46 victory.
Also on Monday our U14 girls football team were at home taking on St Joseph’s in the semi-final of the county cup. They scored an early goal and despite an excellent battling performance we couldn’t find an equaliser eventually losing 1 – 0.
It was the turn of the boys football on Tuesday as our Year 7 & 11 teams travelled to a very windy Ferryhill School for league games. It was another dominate display from our Year 7 team as they ran out 10 – 1 winners meaning a victory next week at Parkside will secure the league title. It was a closer game for our Year 11’s as they rallied from 2 – 0 down to win 4 – 2.
Our Year 8 football team were at Mortimer School in the semi-final of the County Cup. The score was 0 – 0 at half-time and 1 – 1 with 15 minutes to play. However they scored two excellent late goals to win 3 – 1.
On Tuesday our Year 8 rugby team were competing in a friendly tournament at St Thomas More. We fielded a weakened team due to the football and struggled against strong opposition finishing in 3rd place after a victory over Whickham in their final match.
On Wednesday our U19 tennis team made the journey to Ampleforth College, York in the first round of the National Schools tennis championships. Despite the windy conditions it was an outstanding afternoon of high quality tennis. We secured a 4 – 2 victory to progress to the second round.
Our U13 girls cricket team were at the Beacon of Light competing in the County indoor finals. Unfortunately we lost our first game by 1 run and despite winning a comfortable second match we were unable to progress to the semi-finals.
The second county finals of the day were for our U16 rugby team who were at Barnard Castle competing in the rugby 7’s. In appalling conditions they never gave up reaching the final with victories over several schools including Durham School. We met the hosts in the final and despite taking an early lead ran out of steam eventually finishing runners-up by 2 tries. Still a great performance.
On Thursday our Year 7 girls football team travelled to Whitehaven to play St Benedict’s School in the last 16 of the English Schools Cup. We were 2 – 0 behind with 6 minutes to go and looked to be heading out until a Lucy Wells hatrick completed an amazing comeback to reach the National quarter-finals with a 3 – 2 victory.
Well done to Will Robinson and Ben Glanville for their selection to play for Durham County U16s Rugby Team. Over recent weeks they have won matches against Cumbria and Northumberland and only narrowly missed out to Yorkshire – a fantastic achievement.
Finally good luck tonight to our Year 8 girls basketball team who are playing Dame Allan’s in a friendly match.
Mr Hopper, Subject Lead PE