6 March 2020
Dates for your Diary - Spring Term 2020
- Year 11 Mock Examinations 9 - 16 March
- Year 8 Parents' Consultation Evening - Monday 23 March 2020, 4.00 - 6.00 p.m.
- Year 10 Parent' Consultation Evening - Monday 27 April 2020, 4.00 - 6.00 p.m.
- Team Maths Challenge Tuesday 31 March
- Easter Holiday Monday 6 April - Friday 17 April
COVID-19: Updated Information
Daily email update from Department for Education publish 6 March 2020
The importance of hygiene
Personal hygiene is the most important way we can tackle COVID-19, especially washing hands more; and the catch it, bin it, kill it strategy for those with coughs and sneezes.
Wash your hands more often for 20 seconds with soap and hot water.
In addition to handwashing before eating and after sneezing, both children and staff should also wash hands after using toilets and after travelling on public transport.
Please help us in sharing simple and effective hand hygiene messages:
• https://twitter.com/NHSuk/status/1235112744917049346
Public Health England has a dedicated webpage with a range of posters and digital materials at:
• https://campaignresources.phe.gov.uk/resources/campaigns/101-coronavirus-/resources
Sign up is quick, free and means you will be alerted as more resources are made available.
Educational resources
The e-Bug project is led by Public Health England and has a dedicated webpage for learning resources on hand washing and respiratory hygiene.
Resources are currently available for KS1, KS2 and KS3 and can be used in various settings including schools:
• https://campaignresources.phe.gov.uk/schools
Updated travel advice for travellers returning from Italy
The advice remains the same for travellers returning from the lockdown areas of Italy, that you should self-isolate even if you are not showing symptoms. The advice for other parts of Italy has been expanded to cover the whole country: if you have returned from anywhere else in Italy outside of the lockdown areas, you should self-isolate if you develop symptoms and call NHS 111.
The latest travel guidance can be found here:
• https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/covid-19-specified-countries-and-areas/covid-19-specified-countries-and-areas-with-implications-for-returning-travellers-or-visitors-arriving-in-the-uk
Further information on what you should do if you are asked to self-isolate can be found here:
• https://publichealthmatters.blog.gov.uk/2020/02/20/what-is-self-isolation-and-why-is-it-important/
Department for Education coronavirus helpline
The Department for Education coronavirus helpline is now available to answer questions about COVID-19 relating to education and children’s social care. Staff, parents and young people can contact this helpline as follows:
Phone: 0800 046 8687
Email: DfE.coronavirushelpline@education.gov.uk
Opening hours: 8am to 6pm (Monday to Friday)
Where to find the latest information
Updates on COVID-19:
• https://www.gov.uk/coronavirus
Guidance for educational settings:
• https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/guidance-to-educational-settings-about-covid-19
Travel advice for those travelling and living overseas:
• https://www.gov.uk/guidance/travel-advice-novel-coronavirus
Latest Department for Education information:
• https://twitter.com/educationgovuk
• https://www.facebook.com/educationgovuk/
Visit of the Children and Young People's Overview and Scrutiny Committee
Durham Johnston hosted a meeting of the Local Authority’s Children and Young People's Overview and Scrutiny Committee on Monday 2nd March. Representatives from the school's House System participated, as did 6th Form students currently going through the selection process to be Head Students at the school. The students asked a range of excellent questions and enjoyed presentations regarding climate change and the environment, the role of local government, the importance of political representation and the availability of activities for young people across County Durham. We would like to thank the committee and its members for thinking so carefully about how to engage our students and for making the agenda appropriate for a school audience. We would welcome their return at any point.
Mr O’Sullivan, Headteacher
Reprotec Group Award
The school is delighted to have been chosen to receive £2,000 from Reprotec for the second year.
The Reprotec Group won the NEPIC (North East Process Industries Cluster) Corporate environmental award in January, and as part of that award were asked to nominate a school to receive £2,000 from the award Sponsor, BOC Teesside, to support STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) subjects within school.
On Wednesday 26th February, John Holmes, Managing Director of Reprotec Group, Rob Robson, Tonnage Accounts Manager at BOC and Philip Aldridge, CEO of NEPIC, presented the cheque to Headteacher, Andrew O’Sullivan, and pupils.
Rob Robson said: “Focus on our environment and the world around us has never been greater, and therefore BOC is delighted to support the NEPIC Schools’ and Corporate Environmental Award. BOC, as the UK’s leading industrial gases company, aims through its high-quality solutions, technologies and services to make its customers more successful and sustain and protect our planet. This year’s BOC’s environmental industrial award winner Reprotec has demonstrated a strong commitment to reducing their impact on the environment as well as developing innovative solutions to reduce waste. Reprotec’s donation of their prize money to the Durham Johnston School allows the students, to continue their strong focus on environmental projects.”
John Holmes said: “We are very proud to have won the NEPIC Award and delighted to be able to support Durham Johnston in this way. While visiting the school we dropped in on a range of after-school STEM clubs and it was fantastic to see the enthusiasm and talent of the pupils. Durham Johnston is one of our local schools and we are hoping to continue to support the school in a range of other ways.”
We are delighted to have been nominated by Reprotec and to receive such a significant donation. The award money will enable us to enhance our STEM provision by creating opportunities for our pupils to gain first-hand experience of current environmental issues, research and developments in the world of industry.
Andrew O'Sullivan, Headteacher
Year 11 Work Placement Opportunities – GSK
Applications for GSK’s Work Experience for GCSE students at Barnard Castle are now open
30th June - 3rd July 2020 - The GCSE work experience week is for year 11 students following completion of their GCSEs.
During this 3½ day programme, students will take part in various simulated exercises and activities, meet and hear from subject matter experts and tour the site to learn more about the healthcare industry, GSK and their career options. Students will also receive an Industrial Cadet Award as part of the programme.
There will also be the opportunity to find out about our Apprenticeship Scheme.
There are a limited number of places available and therefore we can’t guarantee that all students who apply will be offered a place, it is a competitive process based on student application forms. We are unable to provide assistance with food, travel or accommodation and students will need to be available for the full programme. Timings will be approx. 9.00 – 17.00 Tuesday to Thursday and 9.00 – 12.30 Friday.
Applications close on 3rd April 2020 and also require a teacher reference. We have an online application form for both the student and teachers.
Students can apply online and find out more here: https://uk.gsk.com/en-gb/careers/school-work-experience/. Please note - The website states 3 days and closing date of May, but it is 3.5 days and closing date is April.
Although we are a Pharmaceutical Company, there are many and varied roles on site for which you do not need to be a scientist and therefore we welcome applications from all students.
Please be aware that GSK are fully intending at this stage to run this programme, but the event may be cancelled if we are advised to, due to the Coronavirus situation.
Mr Kennedy, Subject Leader for Guidance and Careers
ATOS Apprenticeship Opportunities - Durham
ATOS, a global IT services organisation, have a number of opportunities for school leavers at their local office in Durham that may be of interest. They are currently accepting applications for their Software Development Level 3 and Data Analyst Level 4 apprenticeship programmes.
To summarise briefly, their Apprenticeship programme is a permanent opportunity, combining employment and a structured training programme, leading to industry recognised qualifications.
Please visit the Atos website atos.net/apprentices-uk for full details or click here to access Atos brochure.
Click here for opportunities in Durham.
If you have any questions, please contact atosapprentices@alexmann.com
Closing date for applications: 27th April 2020.
Mr Kennedy, Subject Leader for Guidance and Careers
Music Notices
Durham Johnston Spring Concert - ‘Magic and Mystery’ - Thursday 26th March 2020
First Half (6.30pm) to include Wind Band, Junior Orchestra, Junior Choir and selected soloists.
Second Half (7.30pm) to include Big Band, Senior Choir, Senior Orchestra, Chamber Choir and selected soloists.
Tickets for each part of this concert must be bought in advance and can be purchased from the Music Department. To ensure that as many parents, relatives and friends as possible can attend this event, we would encourage you, please, to purchase tickets only for the half in which your child is performing. There will be some pupils who are performing in both halves, in which case audience members will need to purchase tickets for both parts of the concert. Please note that pupils who have siblings in the other half will be able to attend that half of the concert without a ticket.
We shall ask everyone who does not have a ticket for the second half to vacate the hall at the end of the first half and then those with tickets for the second half will be admitted in time for the second half to start at about 7.30pm.
Tickets will be £4 (£2 concessions) for each half and please note that these will not be for sale on the door. Payment by cash or cheque, payable to ‘Durham Johnston School’. These are now on sale.
Musical Examinations
Quite a few pupils will be sitting graded performance examinations over the coming weeks and in order to leave site for these assessments they need a note in their planner, which either I, or their form tutor can sign, and then they can collect an off-site pass from reception. Also, if this is the case for your child, you should also expect to be hearing a little more practice over the coming weeks.
Mr E Holmes,Subject Leader for Music
MFL Visit
We hosted a group of MFL students from Durham University on Wednesday 5th March. Our 6th form linguists enjoyed the talk they gave on studying languages at university and shared insights into the life of an MFL student. They also showed some of the rich cultural events they have been involved in.
Mrs Wood, Subject Leader, MFL
Drama Notice
Drama Club students have been informed that due to the Year 11 mock examinations there will be no drama club on Thursday 12th and Thursday 19th March. It will resume on Thursday 26th March at 2.45-3.45 in the drama studio.
K Ayrey, Subject Leader Drama
PE Department News
On Tuesday our Year 7 & 8 football teams were at home taking on Sedgefield in league games. Our Year 7 team scored an early goal thanks to a great strike by Alex Graham and continued to dominate going on to remain top of the league with a 6 – 3 victory. The Year 8 game was much tighter and was level at 1-1 with one minute left. However a Ben Sampson header saw us secure and excellent 2 – 1 win.
On Wednesday our Year 8 rugby team were competing in the county shield finals. They started with an excellent victory over Yarm and another victory against High Tunstall saw them needing a victory in their final game to secure the trophy. We proved too strong for Whickham remaining unbeaten to secure the shield.Also on Wednesday our U19 netball team were competing in the Area finals. After a great evening of netball, played in an excellent spirit, we finished in 3rd place.
On Thursday our 6th form football team were at St Thomas More in the quarter final of the County Cup. Despite dominating possession we struggled to score until a well taken goal by Scott Bolton saw us reach the semi-final with a 1 – 0 win.
Also yesterday 13 of our rowers had qualified for the Northern regional indoor rowing finals which took place at Maiden Castle. Against the best rowers in the region we produced some amazing results as 7 of the 13 finished in the top 3 and received a medal.
Adam Morris – 2nd
Ellis Black – 4th
Jenny Horridge – 9th
Josh Royle – 5th
Colby McKim – 3rd
Elise Lambert – 6th
Sam Terry – 3rd
Tom Pfetscher – 2nd
Will Terry – 6th
Linda Matthews – 10th
Anna Cunningham – 2nd
Tyler Kennick – 3rd
Daniel Moorhouse – 2nd
Good luck tonight to our U16 girls football team who are at Washington Hub competing in the County final. Hopefully we will bring news of their success next week.
Mr Hopper, Subject Leader PE
Whole School Literacy
This half term, Year 8 are going right back to the beginning in their quest for better understanding of vocabulary. They are learning about the origins and evolution of the English Language and reflecting on the differences between, for example: a hearty welcome and a cordial reception.
Watch the following for more information:
Mrs Clark, Whole School Literacy Coordinator