13 March 2020
We have been providing regular updates regarding Covid-19 and have shared with you the advice offered by Public Health England and the Department for Education. There was a change of emphasis in their advice as part of yesterday’s government briefing and I have written to all parents today to outline the school’s response to that briefing and our contingency plans in case of any potential school closure. In simple terms, we have acted upon government advice and have cancelled foreign trips to Austria, Malaga, Belgium and France. We have also chosen to cancel the Year 8 Parents’ Evening planned for 23rd March and currently intend to reschedule for the summer term. In terms of health and hygiene, we will continue to emphasise the need for students to wash their hands thoroughly and for parents to monitor the health of family members very carefully and to call 111 and to self-isolate if appropriate. We will continue to support students and to provide a calm environment for them to carry on with their studies and will share additional plans with you in due course. Thank you for your ongoing support.
COVID 19: Letter to parents 13 March 2020
Please see below the most up to date information provided by GOV.UK received in school this afternoon.