22 August 2019

Once again, student of all abilities have achieved superb GCSE results across a range of subjects at Durham Johnston. They deserve a huge amount of credit for their hard work over two years of study and their GCSE success also highlights the commitment of staff at the school and the support that they have been given at home. We are very proud of the fantastic results that students have achieved, particularly in the national context of exams becoming increasingly difficult. We are proud of all of our students; from those achieving a number of 8 and 9 grades, to those who worked incredibly hard to achieve grades 2, 3 or 4. We are also thrilled that a high percentage of Year 11 will be continuing their studies with us at A Level and wish those leaving the school for further education or employment every success for the future.
Our students successfully negotiated the changing landscape of examinations, with 77% of students attaining Level 4 in English and in mathematics (a standard pass), and 64% of all students passed English and mathematics at Grade 5 (a good pass). 9% of grades were awarded Level 9, with 36% of all grades being Level 7-9 and 84% awarded grades 4-9. The students have worked hard and have achieved great success.
Our core values relate to academic excellence for all, the need for students to acquire knowledge, the need to contribute to society and preparation for future employment, wherever in the world that might be. We also strongly believe that all students should have those opportunities, regardless of background or personal circumstance. Once again, our students have risen to the challenges set before them, and we wish them all the best as they begin the next stage of their education, training or employment. Their results are outstanding and we are very proud of their achievements.