19 July 2019
Dates for your Diary – Summer Term 2019
- School breaks for the summer holidays on Friday 19 July - at the earlier time of 12.30 p.m.
- School re-opens for students in Years 7 - 11 on Thursday 5 September at the usual time
- Sixth Form Conference for those students new to Durham Johnston - Thursday 5 September
- Year 12 and 13 students - first day of term is Friday 6 September
- Year 6 Open Day/Evening - 23 September 2019
- Sixth Form Open Evening - 7 October 2019
Latin News
KS3 Latin students have been enjoying the benefits of our close links with Durham University, in the form of two visits from experts in the areas we have been studying. First, Dr Stuart McKie came from the Classics Department to share with Year 9 his knowledge and fascination with Roman curses. He explained the processes involved in creating a defixio and encouraged students to consider which types of people were making these curse tablets and why. His extensive knowledge of the field helped give us a clearer picture of the number of defixiones that have been found across Britain and the rest of the Empire and the regional variations that have been found. We all learned a great deal and Dr McKie complimented the students on their engagement and intelligent questions.
The final Latin event for this academic year was Volcano Day on Thurs 18th July, for Latin students in Year 8 and Year 9. We had another visitor, Prof Edward Llewellin of the Department of Earth Sciences, giving a detailed insight into the volcanic phenomena involved in the eruption of Mt Vesuvius in 79AD and its impact on the town of Pompeii and the surrounding area. Combined with analysis of the sole surviving eye-witness account, this helped students create their own "Live Report" into the events, creating imaginative and historically accurate interviews in Latin.
We are also happy to report that our extra-curricular Ancient Greek class, sponsored by Classics for All's Electra Project, is making excellent progress. We have seven students from Year 9 and 10, who have made heroic progress with the language im very limited time, learnt a lot about Athenian Social Life and are now eager to tackle a small section of Homer's Iliad in preparation for having a go at GCSE next summer.
Mrs Bothwell, Languages Department
Game on Exhibition
53 Excited students and 4 extremely excited staff visited the Centre for Life on Tuesday for the Game On Exhibition! We explored the vibrant history, culture and future of gaming technology. Students were able to choose from over 150 playable games.
Retro aficionados (yes, that’s the staff) played on consoles from the 1980s and the dedicated arcade games section! Personal favourites included Pac-Man, Rock-band and of course Streetfighter!
An excellent day with a tremendous group of students.
Miss Forbes, Mr Digby, Mrs Crowe & Mrs Cummings
Giving Back
As term draws to an end we reflect on what we have been able to accomplish, both as a school and as a community. Our “Giving Back” campaign has gone from strength to strength and I am so incredibly proud of the efforts of our students and staff.
An unprecedented £6495 has been raised for our chosen charities this year. This really will make such a difference to people in our local community. An amazing achievement!
A special thank you to the house leads for their commitment and hard work, without you this would have been impossible!
Have a lovely summer.
Miss Forbes, Senior teacher
Enrichment Week 2019
Enrichment Week has now ended and we are pleased how the events have been received by our students and how enthused they have been all week. The largest event was on Tuesday when firefighters joined 200 pupils from Durham Johnston School to run a busy day of activities focusing on water safety and physical fitness.
County Durham and Darlington Fire and Rescue Service (CDDFRS) sent a fire and swift water rescue team crew, a number of vehicles and appliances as well as their health and fitness advisor to put all of Durham Johnston’s Year 8 pupils through their paces.
- A look at the swift water rescue boat and the opportunity to use throwlines.
- How a fire appliance works and the chance to use the fire hose.
- A fitness session, which included a warm up, and a competition timing pupils to run out fire hoses.
- A chip pan fire demonstration showing the ‘explosive’ result if tackled incorrectly.
The event was organised by Lee Brown from County Durham and Darlington Fire & Rescue Service and our thanks go to him and the rest of their colleagues who provided a day of fun and interesting activities for our Year 8’s to get involved with.
CDDFRS also offer a FREE ‘Safe and Wellbeing Visit’ where they will advise you on fire safety in your home and help make your home safer for you and your family. For more information, please click on the following link:
For more information on County Durham and Darlington Fire & Rescue Service, visit the website www.ddfire.gov.uk Follow the Service on Twitter www.twitter.com/CDDFRS
On Monday Year 7 activities included a Circus activity, a brass band, ICT activities and a Fitness and Nutrition event. Yr8 were involved in a Languages Apprentice event and also building a huge tetrahedron. Year 9 on Monday were able to do sporting activities and were involved in a Relationships and S*x Education event.
On Tuesday Year 7 activities were a carousel event focusing on wellbeing. They also designed and modelled a sustainable community. Year 8 had their day for sporting activities and the Relationships and S*x Education event. Year 9 were very busy on Tuesday with a carefully selected group of students involved in a STEM design and build workshop. The remainder of Year 9's were in Technology and Science departments.
On Wednesday Year 7 had their day for sporting activities and the Relationships and S*x Education event. Year 8 were involved with workshops with County Durham and Darlington Fire and Rescue Service as well as being put through their paces with a street dancing event. Year 9 were in Maths and Art departments as well as being involved in a workshop with the Cornforth Partnership which looked at ‘what makes a healthy relationship?’ and focused on the importance of this.
On Thursday Year 7 were able to see and hold, if they wanted to, many bugs and animals such as snakes, millipedes, spiders and scorpions. They also met Millie who was a rescue dog brought in by Stray Aid. They were also involved in activities in the Music Department. Yearr8 activities repeated those on Monday with Languages Apprenticeship and Tetrahedron for the other half of the year group. Year 9 were involved in a very well received activity called ‘Talk the Talk’ which was a whole day for approximately 100 of our students that helped to develop their confidence and ability to speak in front of others. Other events included ‘If You Care you Share’ Foundation who worked with groups of our Year 9 students and tackled the difficult subject of teenage depression, anxiety and suicide. There was also a whole day Latin worship for our Year 8 and Year 9 students talking Latin and the remainder of student were in Technology.
Finally, to complete the week Year 7 were treated to ‘A Journey to the Centre of the Universe’ with a guest speaker from Durham University. Year 8 were in Science, Art and English departments and Year r9 were involved in an event organised and presented by our 6th Form Pride group so thanks go to them for their efforts to promote a tolerant school community.
We finished with the whole school watching a live performance by the band ‘The Hara’. Formed in July 2017, ‘The Hara’ is a lively energetic theatrical Alternative Pop Rock band. BBC Introducing have tipped them as the next big UK band. ‘Made To Be’ from their debut EP and achieved #2 in the official iTunes Alternative Single Charts. Already they have completed two headline tours. All band members were bullied / cyber bullied as youngsters so feel they are the perfect advocates for delivering such a positive message to young pupils. Check out a link to one of their music videos below:
All in all a very hectic week that was filled with lots of interesting, varied and challenging events that have left our students enriched and exhausted.
Mr Kennedy, Subject Leader for Guidance and Careers
BMX Cyclists Visit Barnard Castle
Pictured below are the Year 7 and 8 cyclists testing their skills on the BMX track at Barnard Castle.
Examination Results 2019
Please note that for reasons of security the school is not able to give out examination results over the telephone or by email.
Examination results will be available for you to collect on the dates published below. If for any reason you are unable to collect your results in person you may either leave an A5 stamped addressed envelope with Ms Gillham, Examinations Officer or your may authorise a representative to collect the results on your behalf.
The person you nominate must bring with them a letter of authorisation, signed by you, before we will release your results to them.
Examination results will be available for collection as follows:
Thursday 15 August 2019
A Level results can be collect from 8.00 a.m.
AS Level results can be collected from 10.00 a.m.
Thursday 22 August 2019
GCSE results can be collected from 10.00 a.m.
Please click on the link below for a copy of information regarding exam certificates, coursework and post-results services deadlines.
Examinations 2019
Reminder to Parents/carers of all year 7 pupils
HPV vaccines will be offered to your child in September 2019. To consent please visit www.hdft.nhs.uk/electronic-consent using the secure school code 114312. Consents must be completed by 19 July 2019.
If you would like more details regarding the HPV vaccination please visit: https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/vaccinations/hpv-human-papillomavirus-vaccine
If you do not have internet access call the immunisation team on 03000 032554.
Mrs Coady, Attendance & Welfare Manager