7 March 2025

Dear Parents and Carers,
The first week back after half term has been action-packed, and has highlighted our core value of ‘Diverse Opportunities - a rounded education that ‘opens doors’ regardless of location or specialism’.
Our KS4 VEX robotics team competed in the National Finals in Telford over half term. They have spent months designing, building, refining and programming their robot and performed well winning a number of matches to reach the quarter finals. Back in school this week and they are already planning improvements so they can surpass this in the 25/26 season!
If you were watching BBC news on Wednesday, you may have spotted some of our students sharing their views on the importance of learning Latin, and the fact that it is increasingly rare for the subject to be offered in state schools. There is also an article on the BBC website, featuring our Latin teacher Mrs Bothwell, which reports that during a seven-year research project Prof Holmes-Henderson from Durham University discovered Latin study made the most difference to children from disadvantaged backgrounds. She found there were "three groups of pupils who benefited most - young people with special educational needs and disabilities, students who speak English as an additional language and those who qualify for free school meals". "All three groups, who face barriers to their learning, unlocked significant benefits in English literacy." We are very proud to be able to continue offer such a diverse language curriculum to our students in these challenging financial times.
It was World Book Day on Thursday and there was a lovely buzz around school. All Year 7 students got to choose a free book, there was a masked reader competition, and a guess the character challenge where staff dressed up; I don’t think that Year 11 were expecting Hercule Poirot to be leading their assembly that morning!
Other examples of the opportunities our students have been involved in this week include the whole school “Beat the Chasers” events, Year 7, 8 and 9 girl footballers working in partnership with Durham Women’s football team, and the Future Business Magnates completing the next of their challenge against local schools. This was all alongside the usual extensive extracurricular and super curricular offers including delights such as card trick club, baroque string ensemble and, of course, maths revision (other revision sessions are available!).
A full list of all the extracurricular clubs and revision sessions can be found on the website; you may wish to look at this with your child to remind them of the opportunities that available to them.
Have a lovely weekend.
Mrs McFadden
What is my child learning?
In the Learning section of our website, you can find guidance on what every student at the school is studying. As well as an overview of our curriculum and principles behind it, you can find an overview of each subject area.
You can also find Assessment Calendars, and a guide to the content being covered in every subject and how you can support your child for each half term here:
Year 7 | Year 8 | Year 9 | Year 10 | Year 11 | Year 12 | Year 13
Year 11 Study Support
As we approach Year 11 Mock Exams and the preparation for final exams in the summer, there is a wide range of support on offer from staff. Please click here to see the full range of sessions.
Word Book Day
This Thursday we celebrated World Book Day at Durham Johnston! Year 7 students were able to exchange their World Book Day voucher for one of three books and all students left school with a new book to read. Also on the day, students were visited by literary legends on the yard and Year 7 and 8 were challenged with matching the teacher to the character.
Throughout the week, students have been completing a Masked Reader competition and exploring the books DJ staff have been enjoying. Additionally, Year 7 students have taken part in a World Book Day lesson, where they have completed reviews of their favourite books. Their book covers are now on display in the English resource area.
The English Department
Year 7 Trip to Beamish
As a reward for making an excellent start to school, Year 7 visited Beamish Museum just before half term. As part of the visit, we took part in a ‘Just One Spark’ session where we were shown a demonstration of the Felling Mine Disaster in 1812. During this disaster, 92 men and boys died down the mine after two explosions occurred. It was later found that the cause of the mine was a candle which set alight the methane gas that had built up in the mine tunnels. This explosion then lifted coal dust found on the floors of the mine, which in turn ignited and caused a further explosion.
The students explored these technologies and learned about how they prevented explosions from leaving the lamps and causing further disasters.
The students also took the opportunity to visit the different sections around Beamish, such as the farms, colliery, 1900’s town with the new 1950’s town becoming a firm favourite with most students. What’s not to love about an old town with a fish and chip shop, milkshake diner, old cinema and a traditional sweet shop?! The student’s behaviour was exemplary, and it was an absolute joy to spend the day with them all – and even steal the odd sweet or two!
The weather was kind to us, and we all had an amazing day. Well done Year 7!
Mrs Cummings
Assistant Year Leader – Year 7
House System Notices
Giving Back Campaign
We have received a lovely letter from The British Heart Foundation who we recently supported as part of our House Systems "Giving Back Campaign". None of this could happen without the generosity of our student body, and of course you our parents and carers! Thank you.
"I am writing to thank you and the students of Durham Johnston School for raising the sum of £300.00 for the British Heart Foundation on your Non-Uniform Day. This is a tremendous amount, and I would like to thank you all for thinking of us on this occasion. As you may know, the British Heart Foundation uses donations to fund a number of areas.
The majority is channelled into research into the causes and cures of heart and circulatory diseases. Over the years, heart transplants, pacemakers, stents, replacement heart valves and defibrillators have come about through research, but we also provide information and support to help those living with heart disease receive the best guidance, support and access to the services they need.
Clearly all of this could not be achieved without the donations and support we receive and once again, I would like to thank you all for your kind generosity".
The Chase – DJ Edition
On Thursday our students went up against the formidable "Chasers".
Ten rounds across both lunchtimes saw the students battle it out against the "experts". General Knowledge, History, Pop Music, Sport, 1 second music intro and Geography all featured. The students set the bar and the Chasers needed to catch them, several push-backs along the way saw victory for 9 out of 10 teams with only one draw! Absolutely superb from our students. Yes... maybe the teachers’ questions were a little tricky (don't tell them I said that) but that takes nothing away from the knowledge demonstrated from the teams. Special mention to our Year 7 "Palmer Violets" in the sports round who totalled a record-breaking score of 15 during first lunch and to "Altas", our Year 11 geographers who scored 13 during second lunch. Special thanks to our Chasers who were all good sports and to the House Leads who helped to plan and run the event!
We have raised £300 for St Cuthberts - such a worthwhile cause, thank you to everyone who contributed.
Miss Forbes
Senior Teacher, The House System
Music Notices
Spring Concerts
Our two concerts this term will take place on Wednesday 2nd April (Wind Band, Junior Orchestra, Junior Choir & Soloists), and Thursday 3rd April (Senior Choir, Senior Orchestra, Chamber Choir & Soloists). The theme is 'Greatest Hits' so prepare to hear top tunes from the past five centuries!
Tickets will be on sale from Monday 10th March at the usual inflation-proof prices of £4 and £2 (concessions). Payment in cash or cheque (payable to Durham Johnston School).
Please note that these will be the final large-scale performances of the year, with all ensembles having a break in the summer term, therefore, it would be great to have full attendance at rehearsals over the coming weeks. This ensures a quality performance, but for Year 13 pupils it is important to make the most of your final musical experiences at Durham Johnston.
Rehearsal patterns on the week of the concert will be slightly different from our normal schedule. Rehearsals that week will follow a different pattern, with those performers involved in the Wednesday concert rehearsing 2.45-4.00pm on Monday 31st March, and those involved in the Thursday concert rehearsing on Tuesday 1st April 2.45-4.00pm. More details about will follow in the coming weeks.
Many thanks as ever for your support.
Mr Holmes
Subject Leader for Music
PE News
I would like to start with some excellent news from last Saturday as our Junior and Senior Girls’ cross-country teams travelled to The Grammar School at Leeds for the English Schools Cup National Final. The best 27 schools in the country gathered for some high-quality races in excellent conditions.
Our Junior Girls were first to compete, and despite not being at full strength still managed an excellent run, eventually finishing 20th in the country. Evie K was our first finisher coming an impressive 17th place. Our Senior Girls produced an amazing run to finish 4th in the country, just outside the medals. The team was led by Charlotte D who finished 4th in the race. The three schools that finished ahead of us were all private schools, therefore placing us as the best state school in the country - an outstanding achievement.
On Tuesday, the second half of the football season started as our Year 8 boys’ team travelled to Whitworth Park. We started slowly and were 2-0 down at half-time. A much improved second half performance saw us fight back to level at 2-2 with goals from Charlie R and Dylan F. We had chances to win but had to settle for a draw. POM was Toby R.
Also on Tuesday, our Key Stage 4 boys badminton team travelled to Thornaby to compete in the North East & Yorkshire finals. The standard was amazing and despite our best efforts we finished in 8th place - still a great achievement.
Finally on Tuesday we hosted the county U15 boys' rugby 7's tournament. This was excellent afternoon of high-quality rugby against the best schools in the county. We played some outstanding rugby to win all our games and become County Champions.
On Wednesday our Year 11 boys football team travelled to Woodham in the semi-final of the League Cup. We gave a dominant display beating them 5-0 to progress to the final where we face King James. Goals from Leonard L, James O, Tom B and Will J. POM was Harry C.
Yesterday, it was the turn of our Key Stage 3 girls to compete in the North East regional badminton tournament as they travelled to York for the day. As with the boys the standard was incredibly high. However, the girls played every game with a smile on their face and never gave up, eventually finishing in 6th place.
During the afternoon our Year 8 boys’ futsal team were at the Beacon of Light taking part in the County final against St Joseph's. We found ourselves 3-1 behind but fought back to 3-3 at half-time. Unfortunately, we couldn't find a goal in the second half, eventually losing 4-3. A great team performance with goalkeeper Ashton M POM.
Finally yesterday, our Year 7 & 9 boys’ football teams were at Whitworth Park for league games. Our Year 7 team dominated possession and created many chances. However, they came up against an outstanding goalkeeper who we couldn't beat. Whitworth scored from their only shot on target as we lost 1-0. Harry F-H was POM.
The Year 9 game was a league and cup double. Despite trailing twice, we fought back to draw the game 2-2 with goals from Finn R and Josh S. The game then went to penalties to decide the cup game. We held our nerve and thanks to two great saves from Ollie B we won 4-3. Ollie was POM.
Finally, it has been excellent today to welcome members of the Durham City Women's football team into school. They took some of our girl football players for a training session - a great experience and opportunity for our girls.
Mr Hopper
Subject Leader for PE
A reminder of our weekly sports bulletin:
Sports Bulletin