15 November 2024

Dear Parents and Carers,
A key focus this half term is collaboration within our school community and we are thinking carefully about how we can strengthen the communication and interactions between parents, carers and school staff.
As a school community, we deeply value the positive and respectful relationships we maintain with our parents and carers. Many of you will have chosen to send your children to Durham Johnston because you believe in the ethos of the school, and because this ethos aligns with your own aspirations and ambitions for your child; in collaboration we work together and are committed to maintaining a positive school community. Sadly, this is not always the case and, as can be seen nationally in the media and research, post pandemic there are significant reports of a breakdown in the social contact between schools and home. It is now best practice for schools to ensure that parents and carers know exactly what is expected in terms of contact with school and interactions with school staff. Consequently, a parental code of conduct can now be found on our website.
When it comes to communication between the school and parents, we strive to create a partnership that supports each pupil's success. We believe in keeping you informed not only when there are concerns but also to celebrate your child's achievements. We are therefore pleased to share that we are currently trialling the parent view of our behaviour and attendance tracking software, Class Charts, with our Year 11 parents. We highly value parental involvement and this software is aimed at helping you support your child's educational journey by providing you with a platform to access key information and updates. Class Charts is a digital tool that will allow you to check attendance, celebrate success, monitor behaviour, view timetables, report absence and receive announcements. If you have more than one child at the school, you will be able to access information for all your children from a single, centralised parent account.
We will be asking Year 11 parents and carers for feedback next week, please watch out for an email. Following this the system will go live for all other year groups. If you are a Year 11 parent who has not yet engaged with the app, I would strongly encourage you to do so as early feedback has been very positive.
We have a further opportunity for closer parental collaboration with the school as we have two vacancies for parent governors. There is more information below, including links to nomination forms. In particular, the governing body would be keen to receive nominations for candidates from a diverse range of backgrounds, and would welcome nominations in particular from parents and carers who have skills and experience in human resources, fundraising, and people with strong local community links.
By working together, we can continue to create a supportive and nurturing environment for our students / your children. Thank you for your cooperation and continued support.
Mrs McFadden
Parent Governor Vacancies
We have two vacancies for Parent Governors on the Governing Body. We would like to invite nominations from parents and carers who are interested in contributing to the effective governance and continued success of the school.
The role of the Governing Body is to:
- help set the aims and objectives for the school,
- help set the policies for achieving those aims and objectives,
- help set the targets for achieving those aims and objectives,
- help monitor and evaluate the progress the school is making towards achievement of its aims and objectives,
- be a source of challenge and support to the Headteacher.
Governing bodies need their members to have a broad range of skills and experience, in order to equip them to work with senior leaders and to contribute towards high standards and continued success. The Governing Body is actively seeking to strengthen the skills within its membership and wishes to recruit and develop governors who will work constructively in committees, particularly the Curriculum and Standards Committee.
Nominations are invited from parents and carers who are:
- able to commit to attending regular meetings of the Governing Body and its sub-committees
- able to use information from a variety of sources to inform decision making
- confident in the use of data
- aware that schools are unique workplaces and that education can be transformative
- willing to undertake training as directed
- committed to maintaining confidentiality
Further information about the Governing Body is available in the Governors Handbook published on the school's website under Governors Structure and Membership.
All parents, other than those employed at the school for more than 500 hours per year or who are elected members of the Local Authority, are eligible to stand for election.
In the event we receive more nominations than there are vacancies, then a ballot will be held and voting forms will be sent to parents.
If no nominations are received, then the vacancies will be appointed by the Governing Body.
Nomination forms are available to download from the following links:
Nomination form – PDF
Nomination form – Word
Printed copies are available from Reception. Nominations should be returned to the school, marked for the attention of the Headteacher.
The deadline for receipt of completed and signed nomination forms is by close of business Friday 22nd November.
We regret that we are unable to accept nomination forms submitted after the deadline.
What is my child learning?
In the Learning section of our website, you can find guidance on what every student at the school is studying. As well as an overview of our curriculum and principles behind it, you can find an overview of each subject area.
You can also find Assessment Calendars, and a guide to the content being covered in every subject and how you can support your child for each half term here: Year 7 | Year 8 | Year 9 | Year 10 | Year 11 | Year 12 | Year 13
Class Charts Year 11 Parent View Trial
Many thanks to all the Year 11 parents and carers who have set up an account with Class Charts. A reminder that your unique code to enable this was emailed to you on Friday 8th November, along with a letter with more details about what the trial entails. Please contact us via school@durhamjohnston.org.uk if you have not received these, or are having difficulty setting up your account. We have had a few reports that these have gone to junk/spam folders, so please do check there.
As Mrs McFadden has referenced, we are keen to get parental feedback ahead of a wider school roll-out. The link to the feedback form will be emailed next week.
Thank you for your support.
Mrs Bell
Deputy Head
Remembrance Day
On Monday, we marked Remembrance Day with a school-wide virtual assembly. This included having the Last Post and Reveille beautifully played live over the tannoy by Ben C, to signal the start and end of the silence. We were delighted to welcome Councillor Elizabeth Scott, one of our Governors, to lay a wreath at our war memorial alongside Mrs McFadden and some of our Senior Students from Year 11 and the Sixth Form.
As a school, we have long history of marking remembrance, dating back to 1920, when the staff and students raised money to create a memorial to honour the 36 former students and one teacher who had served and died in WWI. As ever, we were very proud of the respectful response of our students to the assembly as the silence was observed.
You can view the assembly on our YouTube channel at this link.
Year 7 'Bright Sparks'
Each month in Year 7 we are celebrating those students who exemplify what it means to be a Durham Johnston student and who embody our year group ethos of SPARK (Support, Positivity, Attitude, Respect and Kindness). This could be through a number of different ways such as acquiring knowledge or expertise in a subject area, achieving a high number of house points, contribution to extra-curricular, exemplary manners or awards for public service and social justice.
Students receive a certificate in assembly and a positive email to parents/carers (as well as sheer pride!).
This month’s nominations ranged from donations to our book drive, excellent problem solving in Maths, amazing work in Art club and achievements in football to name a few.
Our 'Bright Sparks' for October are:
Mrs Anderson
Year Leader for Year 7
Future Business Magnates
This week our Year 8 Future Business Magnates Team were invited along to Beamish Museum. The aim of the day was to show students how products have advanced and how problems could be solved with inventions and reflection. We learnt SO much - it was such an interesting experience. We had presentations on the Davy Lamp, explosions, brutal dentistry and even saw a demonstration by the Suffragettes - the day was packed with fun and learning.
We had time to explore the 1950's village; a visit to the Fish & Chip shop was of course, essential! We looked in "old" houses, tried out the hairdryers in the salon, visited the cinema, bakery and sweet shop (yes, we definitely ate our way round Beamish) - an excellent experience for all involved.
As always, the Year 8 team were a credit to us - huge thanks to the team at Business Durham for giving us this opportunity - we loved it.
Miss Forbes
Subject Lead for Business & Computing
"Squat Challenge" Raises £600 for Children in Need
A group of 20 Year 8 students and I undertook a challenge to raise money for Children in Need. Over 30 days, we completed an utterly ridiculous number of squats each, ending the challenge on day 30 by each completing 140 squats!
The students showed their fantastic dedication by arriving promptly at 8:15 each day, ensuring they completed the challenge before their morning registration. Notably, their commitment extended even into the half-term holiday, with some wanting to continue the challenge for an additional month. Some were so dedicated they completed their squats whilst on the French trip!
BBC Children in Need, the beneficiary of this initiative, is dedicated to ensuring every child experiences the childhood they deserve. By funding grassroots organisations and project workers across the UK, the charity provides essential positive relationships, helping children navigate life's challenges. Project workers support, inspire, and champion these young individuals, ensuring they have opportunities to reach their goals.
The funds raised, a fantastic £600, will contribute to the charity's impactful work. To provide some context of how this money is used, £50 supports a one-to-one counselling session for a child, £100 covers a series of 1-2-1 support sessions for a teenage girl facing mental health issues, and £200 sponsors a week of after-school club sessions for 30 children affected by mental health issues.
Heartfelt thanks go to everyone who sponsored the students, contributing to this remarkable donation. The participating students showcased dedication, enthusiasm, and are a true credit to the school.
However, the impact doesn't stop here! It's not too late to contribute and support their effort. Your continued support can make an even greater difference. Anyone can still make a donation on our just giving page here at this link.
Mrs Cummings
Business and Computing Department
Assistant Year Leader
House System News – Non Uniform Day
On Thursday 28th November 2024 we will hold a non-uniform day. The non-uniform day will support various charities which will be chosen by students (more information to follow on this - this will be part of our student voice) and our school House System.
Normal rules in relation to jewellery, lashes, make-up, false nails and heeled footwear still apply - please do not wear them. Please remember this is a school environment - students must wear clothing and footwear suitable for school (no crop tops, offensive slogans or images etc. etc.). If clothing is not suitable students will be asked to change.
If students have PE that day, they must have their full school PE kit with them.
Non-uniform is totally optional - however, if students would like to wear non-uniform they need to bring in a donation of £1 which will be collected on the morning of the 28th.
An excellent way for all students to contribute to our giving back campaign!
Miss Forbes
Senior Teacher, the House System
Music Notices
Christmas Concert Ticket Sales and Rehearsal Information
We have a few remaining slots for soloists to play in one of the school concerts. If you would like to play a solo (ideally something festive!) please see me ASAP to arrange a time to audition.
Monday 2nd December - 14.45 - 16.00
Rehearsal for Wednesday 4th (Concert 1). All members of Wind Band, Junior Orchestra, and Junior Choir must attend this please.
Tuesday 3rd December - 14.45 - 16.00
Rehearsal for Thursday 5th (Concert 2). All members of Senior Choir, Chamber Choir and Senior Orchestra must attend this please.
Wednesday 4th December – 19.00-20.15
Concert 1 – James Hall. This concert will include performances by Wind Band, Junior Orchestra, Junior Choir & Soloists. Please could pupils be here by 18.40, in school uniform.
Thursday 5th December – 19.00-20.15
Concert 2 – James Hall. This concert will include performances by Senior Choir, Chamber Choir, Senior Orchestra & Soloists. Please could pupils be here by 18.40, in school uniform.
Concert Tickets
These are now on sale from the Music Department, and these are £4 (Concessions £2). Payment in cash, or cheque payable to 'Durham Johnson School'.
Carol Service rehearsal arrangements
If your child in is Senior Choir, Chamber Choir or Senior Orchestra, please follow in the appropriate link below to see a copy of the information about the day and how to give permission for them to attend the rehearsal on the morning of the Service.
Invitations to two upcoming Durham Music Service events
Orchestra Live - Folk Music Workshop and Performance
Musicians from across Durham and Darlington are invited to work with Donald Grant and Innes White ahead of their concert with Manchester Camerata. Donald will bring some of his favourite Gaelic folk tunes to explore. You'll join together as an ensemble to learn the tunes and prepare one to perform at his concert with Manchester Camerata. You'll also get to hear Donald and Innes perform some of their favourite songs.
Workshop - Saturday 23rd November at The Forum, Darlington. (1.30 p.m. - 4.00 p.m.)
Performance - Monday 25th November at The Hippodrome, Darlington. (5.30 p.m. - 10.00 p.m.)
This is open to strings, woodwind, brass, guitar and percussion players working at grade 3-8 standard. Please note no exams need to have been taken and pupils do not need to be having lessons with Durham Music Service to take part in this project.
Please follow this link for more information.
Benedetti Foundation String Day - Friday 29th November
String players (violin, viola, cello, double bass) from Durham Johnston School who are working at standard Grade 2+ to Grade 5 are invited for a day of making music. Please note no exams need to have been taken and pupils do not need to be having lessons with Durham Music Service to take part in this project.
This day is free of charge and has been generously supported by Arts Council England National Lottery Project Grants. Please note, this is not a school day as Durham Johnston is closed on 29th November, so this will not have any impact on school attendance.
Please follow this link for more information.
Message for parents/ carers or pupils in Year 7 who receive tuition from Durham Music Services
You may be aware that in order to support transition from Year 6 to Year 7 we hold the price of instrumental and vocal tuition at the cost of the Year 6 charge for a term. This means that the costs for tuition from January will rise from £64 to £86 a term, and please note that this rise will be reflected in your next bill.
Mr Holmes
Subject Leader for Music
PE News
On Monday we hosted the Year 7 boys’ Area futsal tournament. Six teams took part in an excellent evening of futsal. We remained unbeaten throughout the competition to win and now progress to the next round. Joint POMs were Rory H and Harry F-H.
Also on Monday, our U16 girls football team took on Parkview in the County Cup. They were a very strong team and we lost 8-2. The team never gave up and were committed to the very end. Our goals came from Carys R and Amelia M. Special mention to Jess P and Abbie B for going into goal as we were without a regular goalkeeper.
On Tuesday, our Year 10 boys were in futsal action as they travelled to Bishop Barrington. They won all five of their games to become champions and qualify for the next round. They scored 14 goals and only conceded 3. The whole team were awarded POM.
Our Year 7 basketball team also played on Tuesday as we faced St Thomas More in a friendly. We started slowly but fought back in the second half. A last-minute basket from Luke B saw us win a very exciting game 22-20. Noah D was POM.
Finally on Tuesday, our U19 netball team were at Durham School for a training game. This was a keenly contested match which allowed us to try various formations in preparation for the start of our 2024-25 national schools campaign. Next Wednesday we go to the Beacon of Light for the regional round.
On Wednesday our U16 boys’ rugby team hosted Dame Allan's in the 3rd round of the English Schools Cup. Despite leading at half-time we eventually lost 26-45 to a strong side. The whole team were a credit to the school with their attitude, dedication, and effort.
Last night our Year 8 girls futsal team travelled to King James for the Area tournament. We won all our games comfortably including a 3-0 win against the hosts to reach the next round.
We have a very busy Friday and Saturday.
Good luck today to our U13 boys’ tennis team who have reached the last 16 schools in the country and are at the Puma Centre taking part in the UK northern finals. We are the only state school left and take on Manchester Grammar School in the semi-final.
Also today, our Year 7 boys football team are at RGS, Newcastle in the 3rd round of the English Schools Cup. Good luck also to our Year 7 & 8 girls football teams who are in Sunderland for an annual tournament.
Finally good luck to our Year 7 & 8 netball teams who take on Framwellgate in league matches.
Also today, our senior boys swimming team have travelled down to Birmingham to prepare for the English Schools national finals which take place at Sandwell Leisure Centre tomorrow. This is a phenomenal achievement, out of 180 teams entered they have been placed in 16th position nationally, with the vast majority of other schools independent. The top 24 fastest teams are invited to take part in the finals. The competition will be live streamed so you can watch the boys swim live! Please click here for the link. The event starts at 1pm.
Mr Hopper
Subject Leader for PE
A reminder of our weekly sports bulletin:
Sports Bulletin