11 October 2024

Image of Friday Bulletin

Dear Parents and Carers,

We have been focusing on keeping our community safe this week in particular as Mrs Bell (Designated Safeguarding Lead) has been leading safeguarding assemblies with all students. She explained what safeguarding means, how the school will safeguard them and what they can do to safeguard themselves. She talked about the rules we have, which are there to keep them safe, who they can ask for help, and went through some scenarios of what they should do in different situations they may encounter in and around school. 

As well as students keeping themselves safe in person, we also talked to them about keeping themselves safe online. Miss Forbes (Senior Teacher) discussed online dangers including the use of social media with a particular focus on WhatsApp and TikTok. The legal age limit for both is 13; students under this age should not have the apps on their phone. TikTok is unusual because it does not follow a standard algorithm where users will only see videos linked to what they have searched. Instead, random content can appear which can include pornographic material, violence, and promotion of self-harm. In relation to WhatsApp, we want to remind parents that if their child is using this app, they can be added to any groups by others who have their number. Often when children join secondary school, there is an increase in their social media traffic as their friendship circles widen. This can become an issue, as content they are exposed to cannot be unseen. A number of our Year 7 parents have recently reported one particular group called ‘Add people til we reach a thousand’, where students have been exposed to inappropriate content including sexualised language.  

Our assemblies also covered how much time young people spend on their devices and asked them to consider whether this added value to their life. The online world is not always reflection of reality. We asked students how they would feel if their teachers, parents, carers, and grandparents could access their search history and online chat…

We will continue to educate our young people in this area throughout their time in school and would appreciate your support at home. We would recommend that parents regularly check the contents of their child’s phone and discuss online safety as a family. The NSPCC have a wide range of information that can support parents to navigate online safety; click here to see more.

Wishing you a lovely weekend, where hopefully the weather is nice enough to get outside and spend time away from screens. 

Mrs McFadden

What is my child learning?

In the Learning section of our website you can find guidance on what every student at the school is studying. As well as an overview of our curriculum and principles behind it, you can find an overview of each subject area.
You can also find a guide to the content being covered in every subject and how you can support your child for each half term here: 
Year 7 | Year 8 | Year 9 | Year 10 | Year 11 | Year 12 | Year 13

For KS3, these pages have now also been updated to include Assessment Calendars.


Cressida Cowell Visit

On Tuesday, we were delighted to welcome Cressida Cowell into Durham Johnston, as part of an event organised by Waterstones.  Cressida is a British children's author, popularly known for the book series, How to Train Your Dragon, which has subsequently become an award-winning film franchise.  She spoke to our Year 7 pupils, as well as pupils from Durham Academy and St Margaret’s, about writing, creativity, magic, and her books.  She gave a captivating (and thoroughly engaging) talk about the importance of reading, writing and imagination.  After, she signed books and gave time to speak to a number of our pupils.

It was a wonderful afternoon and really inspiring for students, as well as an excellent opportunity to meet such an influential writer. Thank you to Cressida for giving up her time and to Waterstone's for organising such a superb event.

English Department


Extra-Curricular Drama

Due to mock exams in the main hall starting Monday 14th of October , there will be no extra curricular drama activities for the next two weeks. All sessions will resume after half term. Students who already attend sessions have been informed.

Ms Ayrey
Subject Leader for Drama


Music Notices

Extra-Curricular Music

The programme of music extra-curricular activities has got off to a flying start, with excellent attendance at all ensembles. It is not too late to join, but it will be soon, as we start to focus on repertoire for the Christmas Concerts (see below). If you would like to join Junior Choir, Senior Choir, Junior Orchestra, Senior Orchestra or Wind Band, then next week is your last chance, so please see a member of the Music Department if you are interested. All rehearsals continue during mock exams, and house points are available for Year 11s who attend during the mock period (remember, music is an excellent way to unwind at the end of the day, and we are always finished by 3.45pm at the latest)!


This year's Christmas Concerts will be on Wednesday 4th December (Junior Choir, Junior Orchestra, Wind Band), and Thursday 5th December (Senior Choir, Senior Orchestra, Chamber Choir). Look out for further announcement about ticket sales after half-term.

James Etherington Award

The James Etherington Music Award is an annual competition for young singers and musicians in the DH postal district. Applications are now invited for this year’s competition, which will take place on Saturday 8th February, and further details can be found at this link. 

Overslept Gig

Durham Johnston's finest young band are performing to raise funds for Durham City Allstars. They will be at Merryoaks Community Centre on the evening of 30th November; more information and tickets can be found at this link.

Mr Holmes
Subject Leader for Music


PE News

Last Friday saw an excellent first basketball match for our Year 7 team as they beat Dame Allan's 54-8. The whole team played some excellent basketball, but POM was Roan P. Also on Friday, our Year 7, 8, 9 & 10 netball teams travelled to Lanchester St Bede's for league games. Our Year 7s won 24-1 with POM awarded to Freyja R. Our Year 8s won 18-0 with Sophie H POM. It was also a comfortable 25-3 victory for our Year 9s with Grace C POM. To complete the clean sweep, our Year 10s won 40-6 with Harriet H POM.

Netball continued on Monday as we hosted Parkview. The Year 7 game was a very high standard and close throughout, but we just edged it to win 19-17. Megan was awarded POM. The Year 8s won 13-0 with Sophie POM, and to complete another great night, our Year 9s won 39-2 with Ellie POM.

Our Year 8 boys’ football team were due to play Manor School in the County Cup, but they conceded the match meaning we progress to the second round. They did however bring a Year 7 team to play in the English Schools cup. We dominated the first half leading 6-1. We relaxed in the second half but still reached the third round with a 6-3 win.

Our football teams returned to league action on Tuesday as we hosted King James. They conceded the Year 10 game, but the others did go ahead. All three games saw us record very comfortable wins. Our Year 7s won 8-1, the Year 8s 15-1 and the Year 9s 8-0. Charlie R scored 5 goals for the Year 8 team and was POM. Chialuka N scored a rare goal and was POM for the Year 9's.

We had English Schools rugby and football on Wednesday. Our U15 rugby team hosted High Tunstall. Despite the poor weather this was a quality game which was close throughout. We finished the stronger team, but High Tunstall just held on to win by 4 points.

It was better news for our U19 boys football team who faced Whitburn. They reached the third round with a straight-forward 6-1 win. Kasim scored 2 goals and was POM.

On Thursday afternoon all our swimming teams were at Freeman's Quay for the North East regional round of the English Schools competition. The standard was extremely high, but all our teams produced excellent performances. Places in the national finals are decided on times from throughout the country, so we will have to wait to see if any of our teams have reached the national finals.

Also yesterday, our Year 7 girls football team travelled to St Joseph's in the English Schools Cup. As always ,this was an excellent game against very strong opposition. Our girls never gave up and they scored some excellent goals to eventually win 10-1.

Finally, yesterday our U18 rugby team made the long journey to Ampleforth College in the National Cup. It was a great experience to play such a strong rugby school in such an amazing setting. They proved too strong for us, but all our team gave everything and had a great afternoon of rugby.

Also this week, we have been pleased to welcome into school members of the Durham Fives Club to talk to our Year 7s about this different and exciting sport. They are now holding a taster session next Tuesday at the club in Durham. Thank you to them for coming into school and arranging this great opportunity.

Finally good luck today to our Year 7 boys football team who are at Wellfield in the County Cup, and also to our Year 7 boys basketball team who are playing at Emmanuel College.

Mr Hopper
Subject Leader for PE

A reminder of our weekly sports bulletin:

Sports Bulletin