7 June 2024

Dear Parents and Carers,
The final half-term is always a very busy one at Durham Johnston and I wanted to share an overview of the wide range of events, activities and meetings that are scheduled for June and July. The next 6 weeks offer a wide range of opportunities for our students and feature important examinations, assessments, and progress reports for Years 7, 8, 9, 10 and 12.
Years 11 and 13 are working hard at present as they complete important exams, attend revision sessions, and plan their next steps for September 2024. Year 13 will be confirming choices for university or employment and Year 11 are finalising their plans too, with our Year 12 induction day on 21st June 2024. We will share additional information about summer results days for both year groups later this half-term, and will outline the support that can be accessed on those important dates in August. Year 11 also have their Prom to look forward to and deserve credit for working hard throughout this period. Similarly, Year 13 are completing final exams in the next three weeks and have been very focused.
Year 10 had the opportunity to complete work experience before half-term and we will encourage them to reflect on those experiences and to plan for their final year of GCSE from September 2024. It is clear from talking to a range of students that it was a very valuable experience. They also have important mock examinations in their core subjects in the week beginning 24th June. A significant number will attend the GCSE History battlefields trip and there is also Geography fieldwork later in the term, as well as important content to cover in all of their subjects.
Year 12 have study leave next week, as they will be completing mock examinations in their subjects. Those exams are important as a learning experience and will help them to identify areas where they are strong and things that they need to work on as they move towards Year 13. A smaller number are also currently completing external AS exams and this period is characterised by university visits, the start of the UCAS process and applications for apprenticeships and further employment. They have work shadowing opportunities in the final week of term and will use their experience to support Year 10 students, as they have their first opportunity to discuss A Level subjects with those currently studying in lower sixth. There is an exciting ‘bespoke’ day for Year 12 students at Newcastle University later this term, a UCAS parental information session on 3rd July so that families understand how the process works, and reports will be issued in the penultimate week of term.
There are a wide range of additional opportunities for our younger students too. There are Duke of Edinburgh expeditions and the Malaga sports visits during this half-term, and our personal development planning is linked to rail, road and water safety, financial awareness, respecting diversity and working with others. We are also running a form class ‘Euro 2024’ competition, with excitement around this week’s draw. Students are encouraged to support the country linked to their form class and to learn about the history and culture of that nation too. We have the conclusion to this year’s House System competition and a range of activities in the final two weeks of term, such as first aid training for our younger students. Our annual Public Speaking and Music competitions take place, alongside our long running Music for a Summer Evening and Sports Presentation events. All Year 7-10 students will receive their progress reports during this term, and there is also a Year 7 consultation evening on Monday 17th June. We will be welcoming Year 6 to the school in late June and July, key staff will visit their primary schools and we have already met with the students and families of those who need a little extra support around transition so that they can familiarise themselves with the school.
There are many other things happening in June and July and we always ensure that there is something for everyone as we move towards the end of term. We will write to all parents and carers with our detailed plans for 2024-25 at the end of the term so that you can plan for the year ahead with as much additional information as possible.
Have a good weekend.
Mr O’Sullivan
Changes to Unauthorised Holidays from September 2024
Please note that there are some changes coming into effect for next academic year.
Please click here to read more information from Durham County Council
What is my child learning?
In the Learning section of our website you can find guidance on what every student at the school is studying. As well as an overview of our curriculum and principles behind it, you can find an overview of each subject area.
You can also find a guide to the content being covered in every subject and how you can support your child for each half term here: Year 7 | Year 8 | Year 9 | Year 10 | Year 11 | Year 12 | Year 13
Art News
We have a number of students selected for the Northern Echoes exhibition opening next week at the Dead Dog Gallery in Durham. Thirteen students will have physical work displayed and a further fourteen will have their work displayed in the gallery digitally. Please see the poster below for more information.
Mr Devlin
Subject Leader for Art
Year 7/8 Programming Competition Winners 2024
The Year 7 and 8 programming competition has come to a close, with some fantastic entries this year! The theme of this year's event was to create a program which included the Durham Johnston uniform.
We have some truly amazing programmers, and it was very difficult to decide a winner. All of the winning programs are available to play, so please give them a go and congratulate each student!
Please click here to find out the winners, and try out the games!
The competition will start again next year; could you be our next winner?
Mr O’Connor
Lead Teacher for KS4/KS5 Computing
Daisy Chain Coffee Morning
Daisy Chain, https://daisychainproject.co.uk/ are leading a second coffee morning in school on Monday 15th July, from 9.30-11.30am. The theme is understanding autistic overwhelm, meltdowns, shutdowns and burnout. You do not need to have a child with a diagnosis of autism to attend; everybody is welcome! If you would like any additional information, please contact me via the school email address.
Miss Davies
SENDCO Assistant Headteacher
PE News
On Tuesday our U15 girls’ tennis teams had matches against Barnard Castle and Durham High School. We played some excellent tennis winning both matches 6 - 0 to remain top of the group.
On Wednesday our Junior boys’ and Inter girls’ athletics teams travelled to York to compete in the North-East regional round of the English Schools Cup. The best schools in the region gathered for an excellent day of high-quality athletics. Our Inter girls’ team struggled with several injuries and eventually finished in 8th place. However, our Junior boys were only 4 points ahead going into the final event which was the relay. We manged to cross the line at the same time as our nearest rivals to win the competition and become regional champions. They now go on to represent the North-East at the national finals which take place in Stoke on Saturday 6th July. Incredibly, this will be our 5th national final appearance of the year after cross-country, swimming, netball and biathlon. Also, special mention to Henry Engelhart and Wilf Beale from Year 7 who will be competing in their third national final this year.
On Thursday it was the turn of our Junior girls’ and Inter boys’ athletics teams to compete in the English Schools B final at Middlesbrough. Again, they produced some excellent performances. Our girls finished in 3rd place and our boys won the event.
Also yesterday, our Year 8 cricket team travelled to Newcastle to play Newcastle School for Boys in the Tyneside Cup. They were a strong team and restricted us to only 77 runs in our 20 overs. However, we produced an excellent bowling performance to bowl them out for only 52 runs. POM was Sam Gorman who took 4 wickets for only 5 runs in his 4 overs.
Finally yesterday, we hosted the district Year 10 rounders tournament. This was an excellent afternoon of rounders. Our Year 10 team finished in 3rd place. However, our Year 9 team who were guests in the competition finished 1st after 2 wins and a draw.
Good luck this afternoon to our Year 10 cricket team who are playing Yarm School in the County Cup.
Finally good luck tomorrow to our athletes who are at Monkton Stadium representing Durham Central Area in the County Championships.
Mr Hopper
Subject Leader for PE