12 March 2024

Year 11 Parental Information Session
We are hosting a final in-person parental information session for the parents and carers of Year 11 students on Tuesday 19th March from 4.15pm to 5.00pm.
The information evening offers an opportunity to see how the school will be supporting Year 11 students in the final months before GCSE exams start in May. The session will be led by senior school staff and there will also be opportunities to meet with senior teachers and ask individual questions at the end of the session.
Parking will be available on the school site and all materials will be made available for parents and carers who cannot attend. Whilst students are welcome, the session is intended to be an opportunity for parents and carers to visit the school and to see how they might work with the school to support their child in the run up to the GCSE exams starting in May. Ideally, only one parent or carer for each child would attend.
We look forward to seeing you there.
Mr O'Sullivan