14 July 2023

Dear Parents and Carers,
This is the final update of the year before we share our end of term letter.
There have been some inspiring events in school this week. The lower school Public Speaking Competition celebrated its 35th year on Tuesday, with a brilliant range of speakers, covering a range of topics, but with a strong focus on concerns regarding the environment, with a range of topics such as plastic in the ocean, recycling, deforestation, the rapid extinction of different species and the need for urgent action in relation to the climate. Every one of those speeches gave pause for thought and the speakers used an excellent arrange of rhetorical techniques. The other speakers discussed the death of cinema, the need to change the curriculum and adapt to rapid technological change and issues with Harry Potter characters and how they are viewed. The winning speech, delivered by Madeleine C, considered self-image and the difficulties students face in terms of perceived ideas of perfection and beauty; issues that young people encounter all the time. The Right Worshipful Mayor of Durham, Councillor Leslie Mavin, was one of our three judges and made a number of lovely comments about the quality of the speeches and the importance of oracy. Whilst Tuesday’s event highlighted how talented our students are, we are equally committed to all students having the confidence to speak in public and have their voices heard. It is clear from our English teachers that a number of students have blossomed because of the opportunity to speak in class and to share their ideas.
On Wednesday we celebrated the sporting success of our students in 2022-23 at the school’s equally long running Sports Presentation Evening. Again, it was fantastic to hear about the success of our young people in such a variety of sports. I am always particularly interested in the success of our teams, as working collectively requires additional effort and consideration, which is a regular theme of assemblies at Durham Johnston and is also integral to our ethos. Participation in sport can, of course, bring the benefits of success and celebration evenings. More importantly perhaps, it can also aid good physical and mental health. Therefore, it is good to see so many of our students also participating in social sport after school and simply trying things for the first time. I hope that as many students as possible continue to do so in 2023-24. We need to all that we can to ensure that students speak with confidence, feel confident about their bodies and access opportunities that help them to be physically healthy and mentally well.
I would like to welcome Craig Davies to our Governing Body as a Parent Governor and to thank all those who participated in his election. We will share an end of term letter next week which will offer detailed information in relating to the correct uniform to purchase over the summer, an update on our mobile phone policy and where to access support if needed during the summer break. We will write to the parents and carers of individual year groups in September outlining the 2023-24 academic year with key dates and areas that we will focus upon.
Please be aware that, as usual, the summer term concludes on Friday 21st July at 12.15 p.m.
Have a good weekend.
Mr O’Sullivan
What is my child learning?
In the Learning section of our website you can find guidance on what every student at the school is studying. As well as an overview of our curriculum and principles behind it, you can find an overview of each subject area. You can also find a guide to the content being covered in every subject and how you can support your child for each half term here: Year 7 | Year 8 | Year 9 | Year 10 | Year 11 | Year 12 | Year 13
RSE Award
We’re delighted to have been awarded the School of the Year Award for RSE by Wayne Stevenson of Stevenson Training and Interventions. You can find out more about Wayne here or find him on Twitter here.
Public Speaking Competition
On Tuesday evening, the English department held the 35th Public Speaking Competition which was well attended by students, staff and parents.
Well done to all of our fabulous public speakers: Heidi W, Mia A, Madeleine C, Ira O, Lukas W, Hazel D, Kemi K, Jake P, Esme G and Simon N. A huge congratulations to Madeleine who was named overall winner and was presented with the prestigious trophy by our guest judge, The Worshipful The Mayor of Durham, Cllr. Lesley Mavin. We would also like to thank this year's national Poetry By Heart winner, Taygan Van Der Klashorst, who opened the event with a breathtaking reading of the poem 'Hyena' by Edwin Morgan.
Miss Bennett
English Department
Maths Inspiration 2023
On Friday 7th June, 26 of our Year 9 students attended this year's Maths Inspiration event - part of a national programme of interactive maths lecture shows for teenagers. This gives students a chance to experience some of the UK's most inspiring maths speakers. Ben Sparks and Rob Eastaway showed students how mathematical games throughout history have made use of non-intuitive probability results to make money out of the less-suspecting, how GCSE mathematics is used in the design of computer games and why you should be nice even when game theory says you should be nasty!
Some comments from our students:
"I found the game theory and the maths mixed with psychology very interesting."
"It was fascinating to learn how probability can be applied to games and how maths can be applied to life beyond academia."
"It was a very enjoyable experience and there was a positive atmosphere all around the theatre."
Mr Sutcliffe
Mathematics Department
Durham Johnston Programming Competition
There was a wonderful range of programs for this year's DJ Programming Competition!
The Durham Johnston Badge was this year's theme, and they had to include the badge as a core part of their game. I've been amazed at the creativity of this year's entries, and it has been very difficult to decide the winners. The final leader board is below, but a huge thanks to everyone who took part (it was brilliant to see so much talent!). Please congratulate the following:
1st place - Josiah Burdon "Escape the school"
2nd place - Evan Jones "DJ Pinball"
3rd place - Caitlin Hill "DJ Badge Throw"
Honourable Mentions:
Max Clifford Giansiracusa - Brilliant level design / creator mode
Becca Anderson-Bray - Superb animation
If you would like to see/play any of the games created this year, you can find the links to them here.
Mr O’Connor
Lead Teacher for Computing
Children's Cancer North Fundraising
On Thursday 13th July we held a Charity Football Match after school to raise money for Children's Cancer North. This event meant a lot to us as a School community and especially in Year 10 as it was held for one of our students who has recently been diagnosed with B-Cell Acute Lymphoblastic Leukaemia.
Year 10 (plus friends!) put together two teams to play in the match and students have donated for tickets the past couple of weeks. We have been humbled and overwhelmed with the student's involvement and the support from the entire School and Sixth Form community. It shows excellent character, kindness and support for their peer in this difficult time, and it was a fantastic occasion. We were joined by representatives of the family and were able to use the magic of technology to broadcast the event to our student in Hospital. I would like to say a huge thank you to all of the students, staff, parents and the wider community who supported this event. A special mention to local businesses 'Woven' who designed, made and donated the team t-shirts and 'Sugar Stash' who donated retro sweets for the event.
A collection was also taken at our annual sports presentation event this week and we thank the PE staff and everyone who contributed to this also.
The grand total raised is £731.25 - a fantastic amount!
This money will go directly to Children's Cancer North and fund specialist equipment, research, games, art therapy, music therapy and more, on Ward 4 and 14 of the Great North Children's Hospital at the RVI, Newcastle.
Mrs Anderson
Year Leader for Year 10
PE News
The highlight of our sporting year took place on Wednesday as our 27th annual Sports Presentation Evening took place at Ramside Hall.
Nearly 300 students, parents, teachers and governors gathered to celebrate another outstanding year of success and achievement by students. Our special guest this year was Sarah Harding, an ex-pupil who is now world Duathlon champion.
There were so many highlights, including reaching national finals in cross-country, swimming, netball and handball. We also awarded Ben Beale a medal to recognise his achievement as European U13 biathlon champion.
The Team of Year award went to our U19 netball team, collected on their behalf by Libby from Mr Wright, pictured below; we also awarded individual contribution awards to students in Years 7-11. The evening concluded with a disco - showcasing excellent dancing from students and mums!
The PE department would like to wish everyone a great summer as we look forward to another successful year starting in September. The first fixture is before we return as our Year 8 cricket team play a county cup semi-final on Tuesday 5th September.
Mr Hopper
Subject Leader for PE