17 March 2023

Lost Property
We have an unusually large amount of lost property which remains unclaimed at the end of the first half of the Spring Term. This includes uniform, outside coats and a large quantity of sports bags, or plastic bags containing items of PE kit. None of the items are named, and therefore cannot be re-united with their owners. The majority of these items are expensive to replace and include outdoor coats, PE Kits, trainers and football boots.
Garments were displayed in the foyer during morning break on the Thursday and Friday before half term and again last Tuesday and Friday.
We currently have over 1400 students in KS3 and KS4 in school, all of whom wear identical items of uniform. It is impossible to re-unite items of lost property with their rightful owners unless items are named. Given the expense of replacing bags and uniform, and in particular outdoor coats, we would urge parents to ensure that their child’s garments, bags, PE kit items and water bottles are named. Water bottles should be named with a child's name and form. Please note that for Health and Safety reasons, lost water bottles which are not claimed after 2 days will be disposed of.
Reclaiming Lost Property
Students are responsible for checking that they have all their belongings with them when leaving lessons, after break, lunch and at the end of the school day.
Items of lost property found during the course of the school day will be placed in the blue basket trolley under the stairwell, opposite to the Reception desk. Any items unclaimed at the end of the day will be logged. Students searching for lost items should first check in the basket trolley. If their item is not there, then they should log details of the lost item on the form provided at Reception. A check will be made against the log and students will be notified if items are found, and when they can be collected.
We regret that we do not have the capacity to store items of lost property for longer than ONE month. Any items which remain unclaimed after one month from the date entered onto the log will be donated to a children’s charity.