13 January 2023

Dear Parents & Carers,
A very brief update this week.
Thank you to those parents and carers who got in touch after last Friday’s update to reference their memories of Terry Hall and the Specials. A number of you suggested that students would be interested in a 2019 podcast, in which Terry Hall discussed his life and experiences. The podcast was shared via BBC Sounds in December 2022 and can also be found at this link.
We are looking forward to meeting with Year 9 parents and carers on Monday for our Options Evening. The information evening runs between 6 and 8.00 p.m. with a presentation in the main hall at 6.00 p.m. which is then repeated at 6.45 p.m. We have arranged additional parking to the rear of the school and teachers from each subject will be available to discuss GCSE and BTEC courses in their departments. GCSE and A Level students will also be present to discuss courses and why they chose specific subjects. Senior staff will also be available if you have any additional questions. Mrs McFadden and Miss Davies have arranged an additional meeting for the parents and carers of any child with a special educational need too. Please discuss options with your child over the weekend and offer reassurance that they do not need to make their final decision on Monday evening – they still have time to ask questions, speak with teachers and older students and to complete any additional research. The deadline for completed Options Forms is Friday 17th February. Students often ask me whether they should choose a specific subject and I have offered the same consistent message for many years: do what you enjoy, what you are good at and the subjects that lead to a certain career if you have a clear sense of what you would like to do. There are always a large number of additional things to consider but focusing upon those three key things is very sensible.
Have a good weekend.
Mr O’Sullivan
What is my child learning?
In the Learning section of our website you can find guidance on what every student at the school is studying. As well as an overview of our curriculum and principles behind it, you can find an overview of each subject area. You can also find a guide to the content being covered in every subject and how you can support your child for each half term here: Year 7 | Year 8 | Year 9 | Year 10 | Year 11 | Year 12 | Year 13
Flu Vaccination
The Childhood Immunisation Team have asked us to remind parents and carers that they will be visiting us on January 20th 2023, and students in Years 7, 8 and 9 are eligible for a flu vaccination on that date. You can find out more, including links to the consent forms, at this link.
Dutch Exchange Trip
After last year's successful programme, we're very excited to be offering Year 10 an exchange trip to the Netherlands in March this year. It's a great way to gain some independence and to experience a different culture, and the cost is largely subsidised by the Turing Scheme, reducing the cost to £100 per student. The final deadline for applications is Tuesday 17th January. If you have any questions or would like a letter, please see Miss Daglish in the Languages Department.
Greek Club
Greek Club continues to meet on a Monday after school in LA8! Anyone in Year 9-13 with an interest in learning ancient Greek is welcome. Don't worry if you have not come before - new starters are welcome at any stage - or if you have not been for ages. We do work mainly on the language, but with regular digressions in mythology, history, art and literature. There is the option to work towards a qualification students choose to.
Mrs Bothwell
Languages Department
Sixth Form Notices
Please click the link below to read the weekly digest of news and information for Sixth Form Students.
Careers and Guidance Department Notices
Please click here to view this week’s Careers Notices. In particular, we’d like to draw your attention to the first two items:
Year 11 Baker Clause Event – Friday 16th December 2022
On the last day of term, Yr11 had the opportunity to speak to several local and national employers such as Northern PowerGrid, Hitachi and BAE Systems, as well as Further Education and Higher providers such as New College, SWDT, Durham University and Gateshead College to name a few.
The event was in an Information, Advice and Guidance (IAG) style where each provider set up a stand to promote their organisation and provide our students with good quality and up to date information about the career opportunities at their organisation. The event was organised to ensure our students have as much quality information so that they make informed decisions about their future. During the event students were tasked to speak to and collect information from at least 8 different providers.
Believe Housing Jobs and Employability Fair - Wednesday, 1st February 2023
10am to 3pm at Bowburn Community Centre, DH6 5AT
Looking for work? We will help you! Come and chat about jobs and employability support with the following companies:
believe housing | Bowburn Care Centre | Wheels 2 Work |County Durham Volunteering | EE | Lidl | Bishop Auckland College | and many more…!
We can provide support with applications and CVs. Whether you are looking for your first job, thinking of returning to work after a break, or are looking to create a pathway towards training, come along and chat to us!
Or visit our website to find out more about what we can offer.
Mr Kennedy
Subject Leader, Guidance
Music Notices
Lunchtime activities and after school rehearsals have all resumed and new members are welcome. For more information, please ask your child to speak to any music teacher, or message the main school email address with any questions you may have.
Come and Sing
Northern Spirit Singers are hosting an event on Saturday 4th February to learn and perform Will Todd's Passion Music. Will is leading the day and all funds raised will support the Durham Music Trust's current fund-raising campaign. Durham Music Trust in part of Durham Music Service and for more information please follow this link.
Mr Holmes
Subject Leader for Music