16 December 2022
Dear Parents & Carers,
We are just completing the final preparations for the Christmas Carol service at Durham Cathedral and I wanted to write a very brief final update for 2022. Our students have done a tremendous job at the end of term, raising money for local charities and Christmas donations for families. That sense of service to others and a belief in social justice is fundamental to our school community.
Form classes have also been discussing ways to look after their wellbeing and mental health during the festive period. Recent research suggested that most people will face challenges to wellbeing and metal health at some point in their lives. As the winter break and festive period approaches, the following are, hopefully, useful resources to support with the pressures that can affect friends, family, colleagues or other people we know.
- Christmas coping tips - Mind
- Useful contacts - Christmas and mental health - Mind
- Home - Kooth
- Do Good December | Action for Happiness
At last Friday’s Christmas Concert, I also referenced the ability of teachers at the school to nurture talent and I would like to complete this brief update with a reference to the 2022 school Christmas card. The card, designed by Charlotte Hetherington, is a little deceptive as it is actually a photograph of a ceramic work that she has created. Thank you to her for sharing her obvious talent and creativity, and thanks also to our Art Department for encouraging such creative work.
Have a wonderful Christmas.
Mr O’Sullivan