9 December 2022

Dear Parents & Carers,
This is the last update of a busy and successful year for our students and the school. We are delighted to have been identified by the Sunday Times Parent Power overview as the highest performing comprehensive or grammar school in the Northeast for 2023. We also feature again in the top 200 state schools nationally. As ever, that recognition is ultimately based upon the hard work of our students and the positive relationships between students, parents and teachers. There are clearly a number of very significant challenges facing society at present with increased pressure on schools and families since 2019 when the survey was last fully completed. Considering that context, we are very proud to have been chosen as the most successful school in the region again, based upon the Sunday Times metric. There are many things that we are striving to do more effectively but genuinely feel that we have improved in key areas and are getting more things right than wrong. We are thrilled that the work of our students, teachers and families have been recognised so positively again. The Parent Power report is online today and will feature in the print edition of the Sunday Times this weekend.
That positive picture is also reflected very clearly by a great many positive responses from our recent parental survey. Our survey was administered by ‘Teacher Tapp,’ who provide benchmarking data with similar schools. Parents identified a number of very positive things about the school, with a wide range of ‘best’ things being referenced consistently. They included: curriculum breath, teaching quality, high standards, expectations, consistency and our extra-curricular offer. Many comments referenced the school as being safe, happy and inclusive with a high standard of pastoral care. Communication was also praised. 50% of parents rated the school as very good, against an average score in similar schools of 38%. 60% strongly agreed that there was a strong range of subjects, against a figure of 40% in similar schools, with similarly high scores for behaviour and attitudes, personal development, communication and expectations. We were also greatly encouraged by the significant increase in parents agreeing that the school meets the needs of children with a special educational need or disability. 94% of parents agreed that they would recommend the school to another parent against a figure of 91% in similar schools.
We also asked parents and carers to share the areas in which we can improve as a school and want to identify, in particular, how we can improve for the 6% of parents that wouldn’t recommend us. It is clear that areas for improvement are often very personal or unique to the experience of an individual child and their family and I would always encourage those parents to contact the school directly if there is something concerning them, and we always try to find a positive solution. However, there were also some general areas for improvement referenced by a number of respondents, and we are currently discussing how to communicate the action that we have already taken, or how we can act upon those key areas for improvement in the future. Thank you to everyone who completed the survey, it has offered us a valuable insight into your views of the school’s strengths and some clear things to work on.
Another aspect of parental involvement in the school is the opportunity to become a Parent Governor and we will announce our new elected governor next week. Students have been looking at the role of democracy in form classes this term and we will share our new appointment next week.
We regularly update you on the role that students play in supporting others and that have been very notable this week, with a huge amount of donations collected by form classes for those in need and the amounts raised for local charities by our younger students completing the Santa Run on Monday. These activities allow students to get involved and to show that they care for others and that is hugely important.
In 2020 and 2021 it felt like each bulletin had a significant public health or medical element. I hope that we are not moving back in that direction but feel it important to share again the public health guidance that we have received this week. You will be aware of the national reporting around an increase in viral infections/winter illnesses and we wanted to share the following sensible advice from the Local Authority more broadly.
Winter Illness – current guidance for parents and pupils
This time next week we will be celebrating Christmas as a school together in the Cathedral, whilst Year 11 participating in a very important careers event. We have written to all parents regarding the last day of term and I just wanted to share those letters again so that all parents and carers are fully informed of arrangements. In particular, please could you ensure that you have arranged how your child will get home from the Cathedral when they are dismissed at the end of the carol service, and that your child is aware of these plans.
Arrangements for the last day of term
There won’t be a detailed update next Friday as the school will be together in the Cathedral. Therefore, I would like to take this opportunity to wish you all a very Merry Christmas and best wishes for the New Year when it comes. We return to school on Wednesday 4th January and the theme of our first assemblies will be linked to tolerance, inclusivity and the need to behave positively within a diverse community.
Mr O’Sullivan
What is my child learning?
In the Learning section of our website you can find guidance on what every student at the school is studying. As well as an overview of our curriculum and principles behind it, you can find an overview of each subject area. You can also find a guide to the content being covered in every subject and how you can support your child for each half term here: Year 7 | Year 8 | Year 9 | Year 10 | Year 11 | Year 12 | Year 13
These will be updated over the next two weeks ahead of the new term.
Bank of England Talk
On Thursday, we were delighted to welcome back one of our former students, Thomas Heath, who now works for the Bank of England. Thomas spoke to a number of our Sixth Form Economics students, who were introduced to different routes into a career at the Bank of England as well as learning about the role of the Bank in ensuring financial stability and reducing the current inflationary pressures in the UK economy. It is always wonderful to hear of Old Johnstonians doing well in their careers, and we thank Thomas for taking the time to visit.
Mr Everett
Social Science Department
Christmas Appeal
At the time of writing this we have received hundreds of items for Durham Foodbank and Feeding Families. A team of Y12 students set to work to share and sort the goods equally between the two, and we were overwhelmed by the sheer volume of donations, donations which included some incredibly special items which we know will make things a little easier this Christmas.
Once the food donations were placed under the tree, we began to sort the gifts that have been donated by our students for those in need, particularly young people who take on a role as a carer at home. We are genuinely humbled by the generosity and kindness shown - the thought and care that has gone into selecting each gifts is truly magical!
We will also be sending monetary donations to our chosen charities to support the amazing work they do all year round. Thank you to everyone who has donated, wrapped, sorted and collected - you really have done something special!
Miss Forbes
Senior Teacher, the House System
Future Business Magnates
Last week our Year 8 Future Business Magnates Team were invited along to Beamish Museum. The aim of the day was to show students how technology had advanced and how problems could be solved with inventions. We learnt so much! It was such an interesting experience, from presentations on the Davy Lamp, to brutal dentistry, to cinder toffee making (yes, the sweet shop was a highlight!); the day was packed with fun and learning. We were set a challenge at the start - to find out what a pantograph was - of course the team set off to find this and we did! The only team to do so - well done Year 8! We then met the "mystery guest" and with careful questioning from all of the schools present, our own Hana then cracked it, successfully asking if our guest was an archaeologist. He was indeed, in fact a famous one - Gary Bankhead from River Hunters on Sky TV! As always, the Year 8 team were a credit to the school - huge thanks to the team at Business Durham for giving us this opportunity - we loved it.
Miss Forbes
Subject Lead for Business and Computing
Sixth Form Notices
Please click the link below to read the weekly digest of news and information for Sixth Form Students.
Careers and Guidance Department Notices
Please click here to view this week’s Careers Notices.
Mr Kennedy
Subject Leader, Guidance
Music Notices
The first part of our Christmas Concert took place last night and was a great success with all ensembles performing repertoire to a high standard after a good term of rehearsals. Part two of the concert is this evening, and we are looking forward to some more festive offerings from our ensembles and soloists!
Rehearsals next week:
Next week, Junior Choir, Senior Choir and Chamber Choir will have a short rehearsal after school on Wednesday ahead of our Carol Service on Friday. This rehearsal will finish by 3.30pm. Please note that there will be no other rehearsals next week.
Rehearsals next term:
Our normal schedule of rehearsals will begin on Monday 9th January, although there will be an extra Chamber Choir rehearsal on Wednesday 4th – the first day back.
Mr Holmes
Subject Leader for Music
PE News
Last Saturday, our Inter Boys' cross-country team were in Leeds competing at the English Schools national finals. They were up against the best 27 schools in the country. It was a demanding course, but we produced an excellent performance to finish 20th, and in the top 10 state schools in the country. This was a particularly impressive achievement as all our team are Year 9, and will be able to compete in the same race next year. Will Jardine was our first to finish in 35th place.
On Monday, our Year 8 boys’ futsal team were at home, competing in the area tournament. We won two games and lost one. This meant the result came down to goal difference. Unfortunately, a 2 - 0 win for Parkside in the last game meant we finished runners up by only 2 goals.
Our Year 7 girls’ 5-a-side team were also in area action at Sedgefield. It was a similar story for them as they remained unbeaten to reach the final. After a 0 - 0 draw and extra time we lost a penalty shoot-out to the hosts.
On Tuesday, our Year 11 girls' futsal team took on Parkside in the area final. This was a close, physical game which we eventually won 2 - 0 to reach the county finals.
During Tuesday afternoon our Year 7 & 8 boys’ and girls’ Sportshall Athletics teams were at Maiden Castle competing in the area championships. It was an excellent afternoon for our teams as our Year 7 boys, Year 8 boys and Year 8 girls all won to become area champions and reach the county finals. Our Year 7 girls just missed out, finishing 2nd to a very strong St Leonard's team.
On Wednesday afternoon, our U14 girls’ football team took on Whickham in the county cup. We produced an outstanding performance to come back from conceding a goal in the first minute to win 3 - 2 thanks to goals from Leah, Alex and Amelia.
Also on Wednesday, our VIth form football team were at St John's for a league game. In freezing conditions, we played some excellent football to secure a 4 - 0 win with goals from James, Zach, Will and Louis. Owen Davison was player of the match.
Last night the netball season continued as we hosted Durham School. Our Year 7 team won a close game 10 - 8 with Ellie R as POM. It was another close game for Year 9 team which we eventually lost 7 - 8 with Abbie B POM.
Also yesterday, our U14 girls' basketball team made the long journey to Manchester for English Schools matches. It was a great experience to play in the National Basketball Performance centre. We faced two very strong schools in St Peter's and Trinity. We started with an outstanding 25 - 21 win against St Peter's. Then we lost our next game 58 - 25 to Trinity who reached the national final last year. The majority of this team are Year 8 so the prospects for next year are excellent.
Good luck tonight to our Year 8 boys’ basketball team, who are at Emmanuel College for the Tyneside tournament. The winners of this will progress to the finals after Christmas.
Finally, a reminder that our school ski-trip for Year 10 students leaves school on Sunday morning at the early time of 1.30am!
Snow conditions look excellent in Italy so I am sure everyone will have an amazing time.
Mr Hopper
Subject Leader for PE