11 November 2022

Dear Parents & Carers,
Next Thursday’s Treasury announcement will offer a hugely important guide to funding for schools during the remainder of this Parliamentary term. Unfortunately, it looks extremely likely that education funding will be cut or, more realistically, not increased in line with the spiralling costs that schools are currently encountering; those supply costs are on top of unfunded pay awards that schools weren’t informed about until July 2022, 4 months after school budgets were set. Regardless of any potential real term cuts introduced by the Chancellor on Thursday 17th November, the current forecast for schools nationally is very bleak. If you want to get a sense of how difficult things are at a national, regional or local level, the following website is very helpful in terms of suggested impact upon individual schools:
My intention when sharing the above link isn’t to make any form of party-political point, but to emphasise that education isn’t an expense, it is actually an investment; an investment that can contribute towards the development of a healthy, productive society whilst also giving young people the skills and knowledge needed to achieve success and contribute positively to the lives of others. I have met with other school leaders twice this week and it is honest to note that everyone is extremely worried about the implications of any further cuts for already struggling schools. Whatever difficulties emerge from next week’s announcement, we will continue to do all that we can to offer the widest curriculum breadth possible, alongside a range of extra-curricular opportunities and high-quality teaching. We are realistic about future difficulties, but optimistic because working with students on a daily basis is rewarding and inspiring.
I would like to thank all those parents and carers who have attended our Year 7 through to Year 13 information evenings that we hosted since September. Approximately 35% of parents and carers have attended each meeting which is heartening. I hope that the evenings have been useful in helping you to engage with the school and to get a sense of our ethos. We have shared a whole school survey today and welcome your feedback.
We have been remembering all those who have lost their lives in wars and conflict in school today and I would like to thank all those staff and students who contributed towards our remembrance video. I would also like to thank Councillor Scott for continuing with the long tradition of laying a wreath at the school’s war memorial on behalf of the Local Authority.
Have a good weekend.
Mr O’Sullivan
Parental Survey
As a school we're always keen to know what our parental body is thinking. To that end we run surveys for parents twice in the academic year and the first one will be open from Friday 11th November to Friday 25th November.
We have emailed parents and carers with a link to the survey; if you have not received this, please let us know via school@durhamjohnston.org.uk.
If you have multiple children in the school, please feel free to complete the survey multiple times.
The survey acts as a really valuable tool in letting us know what you as parents and carers think about the school and plays an important role in allowing us to think about what areas we need to continue to develop to best serve you and your children. We thank you in advance for sharing your views. Unlike with previous surveys, we are using an outside organisation to conduct the survey who will then analyse the responses for us. However, this organisation has had no access to anyone's personal data at any point, nor will they share your responses with anyone other than us.
Mr Wright
Deputy Headteacher
What is my child learning?
In the Learning section of our website you can find guidance on what every student at the school is studying. As well as an overview of our curriculum and principles behind it, you can find an overview of each subject area. You can also find a guide to the content being covered in every subject and how you can support your child for each half term here: Year 7 | Year 8 | Year 9 | Year 10 | Year 11 | Year 12 | Year 13.
Young Geographer of the Year 2022 Internal Winners
Well done to Liza R (9AK), Toby R (9AK), Jessica G (9UA) and Charlotte C (9AK), who have won the internal Young Geographer of the Year 2022 competition. The judging was carried out by the Geography Department, who were very impressed with the standard of entries. Winners received their awards and certificates in Geography in the News Club this week. Any students who entered the competition need to see Mr Ray in Gg1 to receive their Royal Geographical Society Certificate of Commendation. You can see the excellent work of the winning entries below.
A reminder that all students are welcome to Geography in the News Club. We meet in IT4 from 3:00-4:00pm on a Thursday.
Mr Ray
Second in Department for Geography
House System Fundraiser
We will be holding a non-uniform day next week, on Thursday November 17th 2022. There is no theme; students wishing to participate may just wear their own attire which is suitable for the school environment and the cold climate!
Participation is completely optional. There is a £1 suggested donation for those who do wish to wear their own clothes.
The money raised will be used to support the following charities, which have been chosen by our house reps at the house meetings:
- British Heart Foundation
- North East Homeless
- Guide dog charity (local to Durham)
- Our school benevolent fund - to support families in need.
Miss Forbes Senior Teacher, the House System
‘Around the World’ Challenge
Year 8’s "Around the World" challenge, celebrating the heritage and diversity in our school community continues this week - 8UA have certainly taken us "Around the World"! What a superb addition to our heritage display! Really interesting, so diverse. Thank you 8UA, an excellent contribution which has taught us all so much.
Miss Forbes Senior Teacher, the House System |
Miss Anderson Languages Enrichment Co-ordinator |
Sixth Form Notices
Please click the link below to read the weekly digest of news and information for Sixth Form Students.
Careers and Guidance Department Notices
Please click here to view this week’s Careers Notices.
Mr Kennedy
Subject Leader, Guidance
Music Notices
Christmas Concert arrangements
Arrangements for the week of the concerts will be as follows. Please note that there will only be one performance of each concert this year, rather than the two we had last year.
Tuesday 6th December - 14.45 - 16.00. Rehearsal for Thursday (Concert 1). All members of Wind Band, Junior Orchestra, Big Band and Junior Choir must attend this please.
Wednesday 7th December - 14.45 - 16.00. Rehearsal for Friday (Concert 2). All members of Senior Choir, Chamber Choir and Senior Orchestra must attend this please.
Thursday 8th December - Concert 1 - James Hall - 19.00. This concert will include performances by Wind Band, Junior Orchestra, Big Band, Junior Choir & Soloists. Please could pupils be here by 18.40.
Friday 9th December - Concert 2 - James Hall - 19.00. This concert will include performances by Senior Choir, Chamber Choir, Senior Orchestra & Soloists. Please could pupils be here by 18.40.
Concert Tickets:
These will go on sale on Monday 14th November from the Music Department (MU3), and these are £4 (Concessions £2). Payment in cash, or cheque payable to 'Durham Johnson School'. As seating is limited, we ask that in the first instance each pupil purchases no more than 3 tickets in the first week of sale, and then further tickets can be purchased, if any are still available, from Monday 21st November.
Solo Performance slots:
We have room for around four soloists in each concert. If your child has a piece ready for performance and would like to play in the concert, please ask them to come to the music department to see Mr Holmes. If the piece were to have a festive theme, that would be most suitable, but we will consider all repertoire.
There are lots of instruments in the department that seem to be here all the time. We are concerned that this means we have a lack of storage space on certain days, but also that pupils are not practicing at home. Please could we ask that instruments come into school only of the day of the lesson or rehearsal. There are occasions when they may need to be here overnight, such as having a lesson one day and an ensemble rehearsal the next, but these are relatively unusual. Thanks for your support in this.
Mr Holmes
Subject Leader for Music
PE News
Thank you to those parents who attended the ski meeting on Tuesday. A reminder that passports can now be brought into school in preparation for both trips and handed to Mrs Hopper as soon as possible.
Also regarding trips, a parents meeting for our Year 7 & 8 Malaga sports trips 2023 will take place at 6.00pm on Wednesday 16th in the James Hall. Parents will be able to get some information regarding the trips and collect application forms.
Another reminder that anyone wishing to enter the Northern Schools biathlon championships which take place on Sunday 20th November at Salt Ayre Stadium, Lancaster must register for the event before Monday 14th. Those already entered please see Mr Hopper next week to arrange a departure time from school.
On Monday our Year 9 netball team made the short journey to Durham High for a league game.
The standard of netball was very high, and we held on in a very close game to win 6 - 4 and remain unbeaten. Willa Twaddle was POM.
Also on Monday, our Year 11 futsal team were at King James for the area tournament. They also remained unbeaten to win the competition and progress to the county finals.
On Tuesday it was the turn of our Year 7 girls to be in futsal action as they travelled to Bishop Barrington. After an excellent evening of futsal, we finished runners-up losing a close game to the hosts.
On Wednesday our Year 7 football team played their re-arranged county cup game at Parkview. We were 2 - 0 ahead with only 5 minutes to play. Unfortunately, we conceded two late goals to send the game into extra time. This couldn't separate the teams, so penalties were needed. It was another disappointing shot-out for us as we lost 3 - 2.
Both our Year 8 & Year 9 football teams were in cup action yesterday. Our Year 9 team were at Easington and despite windy conditions played some excellent football to win 5 - 1. It as a closer game for our Year 8 team at St Joseph's. We were 2 - 0 behind but an excellent second half saw us make a come-back and go on to reach the next round with a 5 - 3 win.
Also yesterday, our U13 girls' tennis team were competing in the northern regional tennis finals at the Puma Centre, Sunderland. The best four schools from the north and Scotland took part, and we faced the Scottish Champions from Glasgow Academy in the semi-final. The proved too strong for us as they won 5 - 1. This sent us into a 3rd / 4th play-off against Pocklington School. We took an early lead and everything came down to the last match which we unfortunately lost to finish in 4th place. Still an outstanding achievement to finish in the top 16 schools in the country - and one of the best state schools!
Finally, good luck tomorrow to our cross-country teams who are at Stewart Park, Middlesbrough competing in the regional round of the English Schools Cup. If any of the teams finish in the top three places, they will reach the national finals which take place in Leeds on Saturday 3rd December.
Mr Hopper
Subject Leader for PE