21 October 2022

Dear Parents & Carers,
I referenced last week that it had been a more normal return to school than in 2020 and 2021 and I wanted to share some thoughts around our first half-term of the year and an overview of each year group.
Year 7 students have made the transition to secondary school very effectively. Miss Stannard and Mr Briggs are very happy with their progress and they have started to play a full part in the life of the school. That is reflected in their excellent settling in reports. Year 8 have also settled into the new school year and it was good to meet parents and carers at the parent information evening. Year 8 students are working effectively with Mr Blake and Mr Humberstone. The Year 9 parent information evening was important in outlining the year ahead and there are important things to consider between now and March 2023 in terms of options. Mrs Banner and Mr Kidd are offering a high level of support and all of our pastoral leads at Key Stage 3 have benefited from Mr Simpson’s experience and understanding of how students develop across the key stage.
At Key Stage 4 our Year 10 students have settled in effectively, but GCSE study takes time, and they will start to feel more confident as they cover more of the course content. They have been well supported by Mrs Anderson and Mrs Ward. We have a Year 10 information evening for parents after half-term and we will continue to offer careers advice and prepare students for their summer 2023 mock examinations. The key thing now, however, is to enjoy their subjects and to learn the key content and exam skills in the classroom. It has been a much busier period for Year 11, with mock examinations, 6th form open evenings and a detailed information event that offered advice for a range of subjects. Year 11 are currently applying for 6th form places, have their parents’ evening next half-term and will receive their results via a planned assembly in the second week of November. Mr Digby and Mrs Lennon will continue to offer excellent support and Mr Bowman, our very experienced KS4 Lead, will offer additional support as they progress through this important year.
Our 6th form students have also been working very hard. Year 12 have settled in well and are familiarising themselves with A Level study. They are also making new friends, as we have students from 35 schools studying with us and it is important to meet and work with new people. Societies and clubs have had their first meetings and 6th form committee meetings are well established. Year 13 are gearing up for mock exams after half-term and many have applied for early entry degree courses and programmes of study. The majority are preparing for UCAS application deadlines in December, and Mrs Lennon & Mr Wilbraham will continue to offer a high level of specialist support as they prepare for a very important period in their lives.
Parental support has been vital in this half-term and I would like to thank you, particularly, for all that you have done to make sure that uniform is of a very high standard. Durham Johnston is a community and a key part of that is that students wear an agreed unform and that parents support that position. Every member of our community is equal and one way to demonstrate that is by wearing the school’s uniform. I would also like to thank you for your support in relation to attendance; if students are present, they have a much higher chance of success and can access a wide range of opportunities. The national emphasis upon attendance has meant that schools have limited flexibility in terms of granting holidays and time out of school. Again, thank you to all those who have made requests and have accepted that the school has to insist upon students being present during term time. The pandemic and the current national crisis in relation to the economy and the cost of living make a good education and regular attendance more important than ever. Whilst there may be wider uncertainty within society, we will continue to provide a structured, safe and supportive environment.
The next half-term is also a very busy and varied one for our students. We have a number of trips and visits planned, with a return or our very popular ski trip later in the term as an example. We will also mark 11th November with an act of collective remembrance and will discuss the ongoing impact of war on ordinary people, some of whom have joined the school from Ukraine. Our term will finish with a return to Durham Cathedral for our annual Christmas Carol Service, for the first time since 2019. As you would expect, there are a wide range of additional extracurricular activities that we would encourage you to discuss with your child. They should give things a go and take part.
Have a good half-term.
Mr O’Sullivan
What is my child learning?
In the Learning section of our website you can find guidance on what every student at the school is studying. As well as an overview of our curriculum and principles behind it, you can find an overview of each subject area. You can also find a guide to the content being covered in every subject and how you can support your child for each half term here: Year 7 | Year 8 | Year 9 | Year 10 | Year 11 | Year 12 | Year 13.
These will be updated over the half term holiday to provide information about work to be covered in November and December.
UKMT Senior Maths Challenge Success #SMC2022
On 4th October 89 students from Years 8 to 13 took part in the UKMT Senior Maths Challenge in James Hall, an excellent turn out and a return to pre-COVID levels of participation. We are delighted to report that this has been rewarded with a record number of awards, with 38 students earning bronze, 29 students earning silver and 10 students earning gold certificates. Ten of our students also earned a place in the Senior Kangaroo challenge on Wednesday 16th November. Well done to all of the students who took part in the Challenge, and best of luck to those who qualified for a place in the next round.
Mr M Patterson
Mathematics Department
It was lovely to see so many of our students and staff supporting the Young Minds #HelloYellow campaign last week. Pictured below are some members of 8DA in their chosen item - super effort! The school's "House Charity Fund" will donate to Young Minds on behalf of our school community - thank you to everyone who donated separately, it is much appreciated!
Miss Forbes
Senior Teacher, the House System
Computing News
It has been fantastic to see such amazing progress with our Year 7 and Year 8 programmers, who have put a lot of attention into creating their own maze game, and will now be spending next half-term working on a project of their choice. I am very much looking forward to seeing what they produce with some excellent ideas already (dodgeball game and a game that fights waves of enemies are just two examples!).
Next half-term, Year 9 programming club will be starting while our Year 7 and Year 8 programmers work on their Scratch skills independently. Year 7 and Year 8 programming club will return after Christmas.
Year 9 Programming Club is starting Wednesday 2nd November @2:45pm, with the theme of "hacking Minecraft". No previous experience is necessary, you will learn to write Python code to change the world of Minecraft: Pi edition. If you are interested, please let Mr O'Connor know via Teams (or in person, in IT2).
Mr O’Connor
Lead Teacher for Computing
Sixth Form Notices
Please click the link below to read the weekly digest of news and information for Sixth Form Students.
Music Notices
Ensemble Rehearsals
All 7 ensembles have made a really good start to the year. We are pleased to see the return of many members and have been delighted to welcome new pupils to all groups.
Christmas Concert arrangements
While it perhaps seems a little premature to share information about our Christmas Concerts, there are only 5 weeks of usual rehearsals remaining before these. Arrangements for the week of the concerts will be as follows. Please note that there will only be one performance of each concert this year, rather than the two we had last year.
Tuesday 6th December - 14.45 - 16.00. Rehearsal for Thursday (Concert 1). All members of Wind Band, Junior Orchestra, Big Band and Junior Choir must attend this please.
Wednesday 7th December - 14.45 - 16.00. Rehearsal for Friday (Concert 2). All members of Senior Choir, Chamber Choir and Senior Orchestra must attend this please.
Thursday 8th December - Concert 1 - James Hall - 19.00. This concert will include performances by Wind Band, Junior Orchestra, Big Band, Junior Choir & Soloists. Please could pupils be here by 18.40.
Friday 9th December - Concert 2 - James Hall - 19.00. This concert will include performances by Senior Choir, Chamber Choir, Senior Orchestra & Soloists. Please could pupils be here by 18.40.
Concert Tickets
These will go on sale on Monday 14th November from the Music Department, and these are £4 (Concessions £2). Payment in cash, or cheque payable to 'Durham Johnson School'. As seating is limited, we ask that in the first instance each pupil purchases no more than 3 tickets in the first week of sale, and then further tickets can be purchased, if any are still available, from Monday 21st November.
Mr Holmes
Subject Leader for Music
PE News
On Monday our Year 7 boys’ basketball team played their first game as we travelled to Emmanuel College for a friendly. We started well and took a 10-point lead. Despite a strong finish from Emmanuel, we held on to secure a good 26 - 20 victory.
On Tuesday our cross-country teams were at Preston Park for the first round of the English Schools Cup. The best schools in the area took part in perfect conditions. We produced some excellent performances as our Junior Boys, Inter Boys, Inter Girls, Senior Boys and Senior Girls all qualified for the Regional round which takes place on Saturday 12th November. Our only team to miss out were our Junior Girls who fielded an under-strength team due to the French study visit and illness. Congratulations to Ben Beale and Charlotte Dillon who won their race.
Also on Tuesday, Greenfield were the visitors for the last league football matches before the winter break. They had to concede the Year 9 match. The Year 7 & 8 games were both straight-forward victories for us as we won 6 - 0 and 5 - 0 respectively.
Football continued on Wednesday as our VIth form football team travelled to St Thomas More. We dominated possession and controlled the game but struggled to score against a physical team. We did however secure a 2 - 1 win with goals from Harry Alderson and Louis Brown.
Also on Wednesday, our Year 7 football team were at home against Parkview in the County Cup. This game was level at 2-2 with minutes to play when unfortunately, Henry Burns suffered a broken arm and the decision was taken to stop the game. We wish Henry a speedy recovery and look forward to his return to sport over the coming weeks.
Finally on Wednesday, our U16 boys’ rugby team took on Durham School in a friendly. This was an outstanding high-quality game of rugby played in an excellent spirit. Despite a late fight-back Durham School proved too strong for us, winning 30-15.
The weather yesterday caused the postponement of Year 7 rugby and Year 9 football. However, our Year 10 football did play as they took on Hummersknott in the county cup. We started well and took the lead through an excellent strike from Finn G. We were ahead for large parts of the game and went into the last 15 minutes 2 - 1 in front. Unfortunately, we conceded late goals to lose 4 - 2.
Finally, we’d like to say a huge thank you to our new football kit sponsors who have provided new strips our teams have been wearing this week. Core People and The Education Network have both been very generous in their help. If any other companies are interested in sponsoring a school team, then please contact me at school.
Mr Hopper
Subject Leader for PE