7 October 2022

Dear Parents & Carers,
Our ongoing round of open and information evenings continued this week, as we invited next year’s prospective Year 12 students into school and also hosted a session for the parents and carers of Year 9 students. Year 9 is hugely important, as students complete their third year of KS3 and make choices about GCSE subjects. A parent recently shared a report with us about the importance of creative subjects and I am very proud that the school’s commitment to a very broad curriculum has been maintained through a very difficult financial period for schools. We hope to always continue with that wide offer but, like all schools, businesses and those running family homes, we are very concerned about the current economic climate and unanswered questions about future funding.
Our annual Year 7 visit to Durham Cathedral clearly indicates that commitment of offering cultural opportunities and encouraging creativity. We take all of Year 7 across a school week and they complete multidisciplinary activities linked to Art, History, Geography and RE. We have organised the visit for 10 years now and our original reason for going was linked to a school survey, which found that 35% of our Year 7 students in 2012 had never visited Durham Cathedral. It the time it made us think very carefully about the reasons for that and how, as a school, we might ensure equality of opportunity whether possible. It posed the question, if the students haven’t had that opportunity, what else might they have missed? Unsurprisingly, given the very difficult national situation between 2012 and 2022, that percentage has increased slightly in recent years. Visiting Durham Cathedral might seem like the most obvious thing possible as a resident of County Durham reading this, but for up to 4 out of 10 of our students it is something that they haven’t done (or don’t remember doing!) by the age of 11. Visiting the Cathedral incurs a small cost and I would like to thank those parents and carers who contributed an amount above that specified by the school to offer support to other children. The final group are at the Cathedral as I type this and, hopefully, they didn’t get too wet on the journey down. (Ed. - They did.) True pilgrims don’t mind the rain. (He noted from his dry and warm office). I would like to thank the wide range of teachers who have supported the visit this week. Visiting one of the most important buildings in world history is wonderful, whether for the first or hundredth time and Year 7 will be attending again in December for our first Carol Service since 2019.
Next week is a very important one for Year 11, as they have their first set of mock examinations for the academic year. Year 13 have their mock exams after half-term and my message to both year groups is essentially the same; try hard, do what you can, don’t catastrophise. Mock exams allow students to gain an understanding of strengths and weaknesses and to learn from the experience, but they are not the real thing. As shared in recent assemblies and consistently by the school in parental meetings recently, exam years are marathons not sprints. They allow students, families and teachers to identify what support might be needed, what has been done well and what should come next. The real exams aren’t until May and June of 2023. Perspective is hugely important and, as parents and carers, we need to keep that long-term view. Students live in the moment and will feel strongly about exams. As adults, we need to work in partnership to ensure success at the end of two years of study.
Finally, I wanted to acknowledge the frustration of some parents and carers who have children who use school buses A-D. School Transport at DCC have been trying very hard to resolve issues with morning timings due to roadworks and traffic. We have shared a letter with our students who travel via Bus D from Brandon about a change next week. Bus D will pick up at all stops 10 minutes earlier than advertised because of roadworks. Buses A, B and C will travel at the advertised times shared last week. We will share any additional updates from DCC’s School Transport as quickly as possible.
I rarely mention individual students in my weekly updates but feel that it is important that I do in relation to Ben Beale of Year 8. Ben is currently in Greece competing for Team GB in the European Biathle Championships, which involves swimming and running. Ben had never run competitively before joining the school and went on to have a remarkable Year 7 in terms of school sport. Yesterday he was competing at European level and led the race from the beginning to be named European Under-13 Champion. That title goes alongside the English Schools National Biathlon Champion title he won earlier in the year. Ben is clearly a gifted athlete but I would like to comment on two of his other notable characteristics; Ben is always very polite and he works incredibly hard. We can’t all be as obviously talented as Ben, but we can work kindly with others, appreciate the help we are given and give things a real go. Those messages are relevant to all members of our community and anyone else reading this.
Have a good weekend.
Mr O’Sullivan
What is my child learning?
In the Learning section of our website you can find guidance on what every student at the school is studying. As well as an overview of our curriculum and principles behind it, you can find an overview of each subject area. You can also find a guide to the content being covered in every subject and how you can support your child for each half term here: Year 7 | Year 8 | Year 9 | Year 10 | Year 11 | Year 12 | Year 13
Year 7 Visit to Durham Cathedral
After a two-year Covid-induced hiatus, we were delighted to be able to resume our cross-curricular visits to Durham Cathedral this week. We toured the cathedral, thinking about its history, architecture and purpose, and explored the Cathedral Museum to discover its history as a monastery. We completed fieldwork around Palace Green for geography, looking at land use functions and the impact of tourism, and considered perspective, texture and detail in Art. Well done to all our students, who worked hard and behaved fantastically, earning numerous compliments from members of the public and cathedral staff and volunteers. A very special mention to forms D, U and R, who were stoic and uncomplaining despite a torrential downpour during the walk down and first activity! They were an absolute credit to themselves and to the school.
House System News
#HelloYellow 2022
On Monday our school community is invited to wear yellow in support of the Young Minds #HelloYellow campaign.
To take part, simply wear one yellow item – this could be socks, shoes, jeans, jumper, coat, hair bobble/ribbon, scarf etc. please wear clothing that is suitable for the school day and lessons.
Support by: donating what you can to Young Minds via their website; passing a monetary amount to Miss Forbes in IT1, posting a photo on social media (don't forget to tag @youngmindsuk). The house system will donate on behalf of the school! You are supporting by wearing yellow and raising awareness!
Reminder: one item only and sensible choices for the school day and lessons - please bring all equipment as normal & your bus pass!
You can find out more about the campaign at this link.
Youth Council Award
During the holidays we were invited by Durham County Council to their Young People's Award ceremony. The event took place at Ramside Hall and I was accompanied by some of the House Leads. It was an amazing event celebrating the work of young people throughout the County. I had nominated the team for their selfless work both in school and in our local community, with a special mention to their collective endeavour when organising the school’s extremely successful Ukraine appeal. I am delighted to say the team won a well-deserved award for their group charitable work.
Miss Forbes
Senior Teacher, the House System
Geography in the News Club
Geography in the News Club had its first meeting this week, with an excellent turn-out! There are still spaces for new members, who are very welcome to join us in IT4 from 3:00-4:00pm on Thursdays. The club is open to all pupils in KS3 and KS4. Students create news reports about Geographical events that have occurred that week. The stories are then placed on the Auld Alliance Corridor club display wall for everyone to read and learn from. If students have any questions about the club, they should speak to Mr Ray or Miss Milburn.
Mr Ray
Second in Department – Geography
Sixth Form Notices
Please click the link below to read the weekly digest of news and information for Sixth Form Students.
Careers and Guidance Department Notices
Please click here to view this week’s Careers Notices.
Mr Kennedy
Subject Leader, Guidance
Music Notices
Congratulations to Eleanor (Year 12) and Grace (Year 13 in 2021-2) who were both presented with prizes in recognition of the high standard of their compositions at a music awards dinner that was held at the Masonic Lodge in Durham City on Wednesday 28th September.
Eleanor’s piece was a little too complex to perform live at relatively short notice, so a recording was shared with those present, but Grace performed the first movement of her clarinet sonata to a very receptive and grateful audience, before travelling back to Leeds for a 9am tutorial the following morning. They both received a generous cheque, and the music department was presented with a cup for each of the winning compositions. The competition was open to all school between the Tees and the Tyne, and we were delighted that compositions by pupils from Durham Johnston School won both the under 16 and age 18 categories.
Our thanks go to The Saint Cecilia Lodge for their continued support and recognition of the music that is composed by pupils as part of their GCSE and A Level course in the North East.
Music Tuition from Durham Music Service.
Thanks to those carers and parents who encouraged pupils to come and talk to me about starting or restarting instrumental tuition. We still have a few slots remaining and I would be pleased to talk to any interested pupils.
Brass (trumpet, french horn, or trombone)
Woodwind - double reed (oboe or bassoon)
Woodwind (flute, clarinet or saxophone)
String (violin)
Mr Holmes
Subject Leader for Music
PE News
We start this week with some outstanding news from Greece. Ben Beale in Year 8 has been representing Great Britain in the European Biathle Championships (swimming and running). He competed yesterday and led from the start to win the event and become European U13 champion. An amazing achievement as he is already English Schools national biathlon champion.
Sixth Form students Ivo Schulz and Tom Sadanandom are also in Greece representing GB in the Laser run finals. News of their achievements next week.
On Monday both our U16 and U14 girls football teams were in English Schools action. Unfortunately, they both had tough away draws facing Macmillan Academy and St Bede's School respectively. Despite battling performances from both teams neither was able to progress to the next round.
On Wednesday our VIth form football team played their first match of the season as we took on St Leonard's in a local derby. This was an entertaining game watched by a large crowd. We started slowly and never got back into the game eventually losing 5 - 1.
Also on Wednesday, our U16 netball team travelled to Durham High for the area tournament. The standard was very high and after an excellent evening of netball we tied in first place with the hosts and St Leonard's. The result then went down to goal difference as we finished runners-up.
On Thursday evening our Year 7, 8 & 10 football teams were in league action with Parkside the visitors. All three games were closely fought. Our Year 7 team scored a last-minute winner to win 3 - 2. Our Year 8 team had a more comfortable 10 - 0 win. Finally, our Year 10 team had a much closer game. Two first half goals and an excellent defensive display saw us win 2 - 0.
Also, last night our Year 9 rugby team took part in the county cup at Stockton RFC. It was an outstanding night of rugby in which we reached the final game unbeaten. We faced Yarm who were also unbeaten and were ahead with only a minute to go. Unfortunately, they scored a last night try to win the game and claim the title as we finished runners-up.
Finally, yesterday our swim teams were at Freeman's Quay competing in the English Schools team relay championships. The best schools from the north-east took part and the standard was incredibly high. Despite some excellent performances none of our teams progressed to the National finals.
Good luck tonight to our Year 8 & 10 football team who both play in the English Schools Cup. Our Y8 team face Valley Gardens and our Y10's take on Macmillan Academy.
Mr Hopper
Subject Leader for PE