10 November 2021

We have been contacted by the Harrogate NHS Immunisation Team in relation to the deadline for parental consent to be given in relation to vaccinations taking place in school on Monday 15th November. They have now extended the deadline for parents to give consent until midnight on Thursday 11th November 2021. Please contact them directly if you have any queries.
Dear Parents and Carers,
We have been informed this week of some important developments regarding County wide guidance regarding Covid-19, vaccinations and important updates from Jim Murray, Durham’s Head of Education & Skills, and Amanda Healy, Director of Public Health.
How to book a vaccination directly now if that decision is right for your family.
We are aware that a large number of families have already booked vaccinations via the national booking system. We would encourage you to continue doing so, as it means that vaccinations can be accessed more quickly if you feel that is the right decision for your family. It also means that you can be with your child directly to offer support and can access a vaccination after school or at the weekend, minimising disruption to their education. The following letter from Durham County Council offers additional important information:
Out of school vaccination clinics opened up to 12 to 15-year-olds
It is clear that it will not be possible to offer the vaccine to all those who might want to participate in school with the Immunisation Team only being able to visit Durham Johnston for one day in the first instance. We would strongly recommend making an appointment for your child directly via the following link:
When are vaccinations scheduled in school?
We were informed over half-term that vaccinations in school would take place in early December over two days. However, the Government have requested that immunisation teams act more quickly to offer vaccines in school and have identified that all schools should be visited prior to 26th November. Therefore, we have been informed that vaccinations will take place in school for one day only on Monday 15th November. You can access and complete the consent form below. Consent forms need to be completed by midnight on Wednesday 10th November 2021. We have been asked to share the following letter with all parents so that those wishing to access a vaccination can work with the NHS to do so. The school code is 114312.
We are aware that many parents and carers will complete the consent form and will seek a vaccine for their child. Other families will choose not to do so and that is their personal choice. Please read the letter carefully and direct any questions to NHS Harrogate and District Trust.
The letter notes that one day is not sufficient to vaccinate all those who might want to take advantage of this opportunity in school. This means that GCSE students will be prioritised and the Immunisation Team will return at a later date to offer the vaccination to those who gave consent. We have been informed that it will be possible to vaccinate approximately 250 students and lessons will continue as normal for all year groups, with only those who have given consent participating from Years 11 and 10. That process will be supervised closely by the school’s leadership team. As soon as we are made aware of a second date we will share that information with all members of our community. If the above changes at any point we will share an update immediately.
When is the separate flu vaccination scheduled in school?
Flu vaccinations are also being offered in school on Thursday 9th December. The last date for parents to consent is 6th December 2021 at midnight. Please find attached a letter with information regarding the flu vaccination.
What guidance is being offered by the Local Authority regarding Covid-19?
Jim Murray, Durham’s Head of Education & Skills, and Amanda Healy, Director of Public Health, have written to schools this week recommending a wide range of controls to be introduced in schools if case numbers are rising and local Public Health teams offer specialist advice about the need to reintroduce a sliding scale of controls. Whilst this is not currently deemed necessary at Durham Johnston based upon external advice, we believe that it is important that the guidance is shared with all members of our community. The letter offers clear guidance on the controls that can be used, the importance of testing if a positive case occurs in your household and overall guidance on lateral flow testing.
Letter from Jim Murray & Amanda Healy
Whilst this information is relevant within the wider County Durham area, cases at Durham Johnston have remained relatively low. Between Monday 18th October and Friday 5th November 26 students have had to isolate after a positive test, with only 5 recorded cases in school in the week beginning 1st November 2021 to this point. There have been no positive tests amongst staff members for 3 weeks. It is very important to note that, based upon these case numbers, these measures are not currently deemed necessary at Durham Johnston, and that is true of many other County Durham secondary schools. However, if numbers were to rise, we would seek guidance directly from the Local Authority’s Public Health Team, the specialists best placed to advise schools on matters of public health. Their advice would lead the school to introduce some or all of the measures outlined in the letter if and when necessary. To reiterate, at present none of those measures are deemed necessary and we will continue to monitor the situation in school very carefully, seeking public health advice immediately if we are concerned that a potential outbreak may have occurred. This is in line with their guidance and is the approach being taken by all schools in County Durham. Jim Murray has also noted that, “The measures are not compulsory, and we recognise that headteachers will be best placed to know what may work in their individual settings.” Whilst this is accurate in terms of education and the wellbeing of staff and students, it is important to note that we are not public health specialists and will always seek guidance from those with responsibility for public health decisions in County Durham, as I am sure you would expect us to do.
Are we reintroducing face coverings?
We do not feel that it is necessary to do so based upon current cases at the school. Our advice remains the same from September 2021 onwards. That advice on face coverings states:
Face coverings are no longer mandatory in school settings, but we intend to maintain the position that we have outlined in all communication since March 2021. Wearing a face covering is a personal choice and we will support any students who choose to do so. Our role is to support all families so that they can make choices that are appropriate for their circumstances. Therefore, we support those students who would like to continue wearing face coverings as a personal choice and, equally, all those who choose not to do so. The Department for Education recommendation is now removed, but we will support the personal choices that families and students make. We will continue to reiterate that no member of our school community has the right to question the personal decision made by another student on this subject. Students have referenced peer pressure with regard to face coverings, so please make clear at home too that whilst we are no longer recommending that face coverings are worn in the classroom, it is absolutely fine to continue doing so if that is their personal choice. Some teachers may well make that personal choice too. It would be sensible for students to have a face covering available in their school bag if they would like to wear one in communal space or corridors around the school. This is in line with Department for Education guidance but is not compulsory.
In summary, we are not advising students to wear masks but it is absolutely fine to do so. This might change if case numbers rise and we are instructed to do so by public health officials.
Has the school received CO2 monitors from the Department for Education? When are the next Lateral Flow tests being distributed for students?
Please also note that students have been issued with additional lateral flow tests today, and that we are currently being trained and supported by the Department for Education in the use of CO2 monitors that were delivered to school prior to half-term.
We are working very hard to ensure that we provide a high-quality education whilst also balancing our important public health duties in relation to vaccinations and keeping students safe in school. Your support and understanding in relation to this is greatly appreciated and has been very important during the pandemic.
Mr O'Sullivan