29 April 2021
Dear Applicants
We’re aware that you will no doubt be working flat out at the moment with your GCSE assessments. We are in the process of designing next year’s timetable and recruiting staff. However, we thought it would be helpful to inform you that we are hoping to invite you in to Durham Johnston for an in-person induction day in late June. Invitation letters with details, including precise dates, will be emailed to the addresses we have on file. If you would prefer us to use a different email, you have changed your choice of courses or you no longer wish to hold an application for joining our Sixth Form, do get in touch with us on sixthformadmissions@durhamjohnston.org.uk
We wish you the very best of luck for your remaining time in Year 11 and look forward to seeing you in late June.
Mr Wilbraham
Deputy Head of Sixth Form