26 March 2021

Dear Parents & Carers,
I would like to thank you for your continued support during this half-term. It has been a productive if slightly unusual 6 weeks. Our main focus this week has been the completion of a comprehensive assessment programme for GCSE and A level students. A detailed letter outlining our plans can be found here:
Programme of Summer Assessment
We have shared this information on Thursday with all students in Years 11 and 13 and have made subject specific plans available via departments and class teachers on Teams. We will continue to provide detailed guidance from Ofqual and individual exam boards as that material becomes available so that you are well informed about school plans and the wider national context.
It has been an important week of examinations for Year 12 too and we will offer additional support and detailed feedback for students after Easter. Mrs McFadden continues to work on the timetable and we will share information regarding Year 9 options during the next half term.
We are pleased that after school activities have continued to be popular and well attended. The PE Department will continue to offer a range of activities and clubs after Easter and the Music Department will be restarting lunchtime activities, including Keyboard Club, Theory Support and Aural Skill sessions for those completing practical exams. We are grateful that staff are willing to give their time and to bring back the extracurricular activities that so many of our students benefit from.
Please continue to use the Lateral Flow Tests that we have provided over the Easter period and report any positive results to the school. Remember that any positive lateral flow test should be followed by a confirmatory PCR test. If your child tests positive between Saturday 27th and Monday 29th March, please send a copy of their positive test result to the school email address so that we can complete close contract tracing in school. If your child develops symptoms or tests positive after that date, please still inform us so that we have a record.
We return to school on Monday 12th April and I will provide an update for all parents and carers on Friday 9th April to share any developments or changes that might impact upon the start of term.
Thank you again for your support. I hope that have the opportunity to see loved ones and to relax at Easter.
Mr O’Sullivan