22 February 2021

Year 12 Virtual Parent Consultation 1st March 2021
We are holding a Parent Consultation for Year 12 on Monday 1st March, between 3.30pm-6.00pm. The event will be hosted via an online video conferencing platform.
Message from Mrs Lennon, Head of Sixth Form During this Parents’ Evening we will share students’ strengths, discuss areas to be developed and agree how best we can all work together to help students achieve their potential. As young adults, Year 12 students should attend the meetings with parents and teachers. Ultimately, they are the ones who can build on their academic strengths and act on the guidance offered by subject teachers. Please review my recent letter for an insight into the support, guidance and key messages students have been receiving since starting their courses in September 2020. As soon as we are able to welcome students back into school, we will schedule formal assessments. These, along with previous assessments, Parents’ Evening discussions and future plans, will help us continue to support students in making the best choices going forward; supporting future ambitions and aspirations. If these assessments suggests concerns, I will contact you to discuss how we can work together to resolve them. If you have any questions, please contact me to arrange a meeting. Best wishes |
To register and to make an appointment you will need the following information:
- Your title, as held on the school system – i.e. Miss, Ms, Mrs, Mr, Dr, etc…
- Your surname, as held on the school system.
- The date of birth of your child.
The person who can make the appointments will be the person listed on the school's system as having parental responsibility and living at the same address as the student. We ask that only one person make the appointments. If you find you cannot make appointments, please contact the school. You can then share your appointments with another party meaning, for example, one parent can be in their home and another join the appointments from another household or place of work.
To use the system please use this link: DJCS SchoolCloud
This will allow you to register, log on and then make appointments with your child’s teachers.
The appointment system will be accessible from 10.00am on Wednesday 24th February and will close at 12.00 pm on Saturday 27th February. You can join the parents’ evening and make appointments on any internet enabled device such as a smart phone, tablet or computer.
You can use the system with the following browsers on the following devices:
- iPhone/iPad: Safari
- Android: Chrome or Firefox
- Windows: Chrome, Firefox, or Edge (latest version only)
- Mac: Safari, Chrome, or Firefox
If you’re having problems, you may find this link helpful: SchoolCloud Troubleshooting
Appointments will be 5 minutes in length.
We hope that these conversations can be as focused as possible on the specific things your child needs to do to be successful, both at the end of the academic year and at the end of their two year programme of study.
When you log onto the system you will find that the potential appointment times are beyond the advertised timeframe for three subjects, with appointments available from 12.00pm on the day for Psychology, Politics and Sociology. We wouldn’t be able to offer an appointment for students of those subjects within the 2 hour and 30 minute time slot without the two teachers impacted being willing meet with you over this extended period, and we would like to thank them for making themselves available for all parents.
You will find a further document at the end of this news item, which is a guide to making appointments, provided by SchoolCloud. You can also find a video guide at this link.
Many thanks for your ongoing support. We look forward to seeing you on 1st March.
Mr O’Sullivan