5 February 2021
Dear Parents, Carers & Students,
It has been a very positive week. We have been thrilled with the high level of parental engagement this term, with 91% of parents, carers, and students participating in Monday’s Year 9 consultation. It has also been reflected in the large numbers viewing and using the Options materials on the school website. Thank you for your very encouraging feedback on both. This is also true of the survey that Mr Wright recently shared with parents. The deadline was 29th January and 674 parents or carers responded, many with more than one child at the school. That feedback has been very positive too, and we will offer a more detailed analysis of the survey in the coming weeks. We have already taken action to support families and to address any pressing concerns raised via the survey. For example, we have provided 100 laptops for students since 4th January and a number of those provided were directly linked to your responses.
It is clear that many students benefited from Monday’s ‘dare to be well’ day, although there is very little evidence that anyone ‘beat the teacher’ in our sporting activities. That might be based upon staff prowess and athleticism, but I’m doubtful! It was also good to see many students cooking for their families and taking part in the RSPB garden bird count.
This week’s update is brief, as I intend to share our plans for next half-term in significant detail via a letter to all parents and carers on Friday 12th February. It is important that we outline our plans for the 5-week term and for each individual year group where possible. We are aware that important announcements are scheduled for the week beginning 22nd February in relation to Ofqual’s consultation on grades for Years 11, 12, and 13, and the Government’s plans for the full re-opening of schools from 8th March onwards. We will share additional plans with you as soon as those decisions are made at a national level.
Thank you for your ongoing support.
Mr O’Sullivan