4 December 2020

December 2020
Dear Parent/Carer,
Year 11 Mock Examinations - 23rd November to 3rd December 2020
Year 11 students have now completed their first set of mock examinations.
The students fulfilled our high expectations and conducted themselves impeccably over the course of the two weeks. The way they approached the process speaks of their maturity and willingness to focus on achieving their potential. They deserve real credit.
For the small number of students who missed exams, catch up exams are running until Tuesday 8th December. We are unable to run any further catch up exams after this date, as our main priority remains the delivery of the curriculum and it is important that students do not miss any more teaching time. There will be a further set of mock examinations in March 2021 for all students and continuous assessment over the course of the year.
It is important that these mock exams are marked through a formal and robust process, including standardisation and moderation where appropriate. Students will therefore receive their mock exam results letter in the first week of January. Reports will include predicted grades based on a range of evidence including the mock exams, other formal assessments, work in lessons and independent study.
In the next half term, we will start our intervention programme for Year 11 students identifying students who need extra support following the November mock exams. There will also be a virtual parents evening in January for Year 11 and more information on this will follow in the coming weeks.
Regarding the summer exams, we are still awaiting additional clarification on some points in the Governments recent announcement and will update both students and parents when it is appropriate and we feel that we can offer more detailed guidance. There is a link to the Department for Education’s guidance in Mr O’Sullivan’s parental update from 4th December 2020.
Finally, I would like to wish all our Year 11 students and their families a restful break over Christmas after all their hard work this term and we look forward to working with you next year to ensure our students get their best possible grades in summer 2021.
Yours faithfully,
Mrs McFadden
Deputy Headteacher