1 October 2020

Year 6 Open Event
The current circumstances mean that we have been unable to open the school to visitors as we would normally do, in order to help parents and carers make an informed choice about secondary school applications.
Instead, we have curated a wide range of information in a new section of our website, ‘Join Our School’. These resources have been available since Monday 28th September, and will remain accessible until the closing date for applications, Saturday 31st October.
We know that this is an important decision for every family, and we would love to answer any queries you might have. Please email us on year6-7transition@durhamjohnston.org.uk
Please follow the links to access information on the following topics:
Sunday Times Comprehensive of the Year
We will be offering a similar range of resources aimed at Year 11 students to help them, and their parents and carers make informed decisions regarding next steps. These will be available from Monday 5th October, and will include information from Anne Lennon (Head of Sixth Form), Jonathan Wilbraham (Deputy Head of Sixth Form), and our current Head Student team. The courses booklet and application form will also be available. After looking at these, if you or your son / daughter have any questions about courses, the application process or anything else, please get in touch by email to sixthformadmisssions@durhamjohnston.org.uk