21 September 2020

Dear Parents and Carers,
SIMS Parent App
During this time it’s more important than ever that the school is able to communicate key information with you about your child, potentially at short notice. When we surveyed a group of parents at the end of the last academic year they indicated overwhelming that they preferred to receive updates from the school via email.
To help us do this as efficiently as possible we’re asking all parents to complete the SIMS Parent App: Consent Form. The form is available at the bottom of this letter. By doing this, you’ll be confirming that your email contact details are accurate as well as gaining access to the App.
Once you’ve completed the form and returned it to school you’ll get an email with instructions on how to download the App and install it. Completed forms should be send to SIMSparentapp@durhamjohnston.org.uk . You can take a picture of a completed form and email it directly as well as scanning.
If you already make use of the App and it’s working for you then there’s no need to complete the form.
If you want to find out more detail about the SIMS Parent App you can do so via the documents here on our website. It will help you access information like your child’s report, receive updates from the school and easily update your contact details if they change.
Please help the school communicate with parents as efficiently as possible by completing the form and sending it back to us.
Michael Wright
Assistant Headteacher