4 September 2020
Following government announcements last week and publication of the risk matrix below, we are issuing the following important update to clarify on the wearing of face masks/coverings in school:
Important update regarding face masks / coverings: staff and students are STRONGLY RECOMMENDED to wear face masks / coverings within the communal areas of school from the start of term September 2020 following advice from the World Health Organisation.
Students will be in the school lunch hall/atrium and corridors for a limited period each day and, based upon the space that is available in school, it would seem very sensible to strongly recommend the use of face masks at those times. We have no expectations that students will wear face masks in the classroom, but some parents might want their child to do so and that parental/student choice is perfectly acceptable. The Department for Education’s guidance identifies that schools should make decisions based upon their individual context and that is the basis for our recommendation.
There is growing evidence that wearing a face covering in an enclosed space can help to protect individuals and those around them from COVID-19. However, we are aware that there is debate around this issue and we respect the different opinions that people may have. As a school our main purpose is to educate and support students and we will maintain a very clear focus on doing exactly that. We understand if parents would like to engage with local medical professionals or politicians with regard to the use of masks/face coverings, but we will continue to prioritise the education of our students above all else. It is worth noting that the vast majority of our returning students so far have brought masks to school and are in the habit of wearing them in communal areas around the school.
If you choose to wear a mask / face covering, please make sure you bring a sealable plastic bag to keep it in, when you arrive at school at the start of term in September. It is expected that staff and students will provide their own masks / face coverings.
Masks / face coverings will not be needed in outdoor spaces, in classrooms or in office spaces where students and staff are socially distancing.
WHO and UNICEF advise that children aged 12 and over should wear a mask under the same conditions as adults, in particular when they cannot guarantee at least a 1-metre distance from others.
Our main priority is to educate young people in as safe an environment as possible. We are very excited about the start of a new term and want students to feel confident about a return to school and the year ahead.