10 June 2020

Dear Parents, Carers and Students,
I explained in Monday’s update that we were currently assessing the risk of re-opening for Years 10 and Year 12 for ‘face to face contact’ before the end of this term. We have also written to all Year 10 parents/carers via email with a survey, which asked two questions: would your child access provision if provided and, if yes, how would they travel to school. Mrs Lennon completed a similar survey with Year 12 students directly via email and asked students to discuss any decision with their families. The survey was very direct as we needed a sense of potential numbers, so as to plan for a first draft for staffing and rooming.
I am writing to you with the additional information that was promised on Monday. The link below provides important information for Year 10 and 12 students about why we are re-opening, advice for those shielding, clinically vulnerable and BAME and practical guidance about how we will make the school environment safe.
Please click here to read the Parental Information Letter
In simple terms, our current plans are as follows:
- 16th – 19th June – Year 12. We are allowed to accommodate 25% of our Year 12 students on any individual day. Therefore, each student will be in school for one day during this week. They will complete pastoral and practical activities, an academic review and will be given advice about studying and next steps. Mrs Lennon has already shared this information with Year 12 and has given an overview of the activities that we have planned.
- 23rd-26th June – Year 10. We are allowed to accommodate 25% of our Year 10 students on any individual day. Therefore, each student will be in school for one day during this week. They will complete pastoral and practical activities, an academic review, PE activity and will be given advice about studying and their next steps.
- 30th -3rd July – Year 10. We are allowed to accommodate 25% of our Year 10 students on any individual day. Therefore, each student will be in school for one day during this week. They will be given pastoral support and teaching in English, Maths and Science.
- 6th -10th July – To be decided. We will assess the first 3 weeks of provision and identify students that we feel would benefit most from additional time in school.
Some key points:
- Year 10 and 12 students will return to school from 16th June onwards.
- Each student will access 8 hours of support and teaching in total over two separate days. For example, a Year 10 student might be in on both Tuesday 23rd and Tuesday 30th June.
- 25% will be in school per day and will work in small ‘bubbles’ of no more than 11 students. They will be based in one classroom only whilst at school.
- Social distancing will be very carefully observed at all times.
- Students will have staggered start and end times for the day, with all students working between 8.20 a.m. and 12.40 p.m.
- Students need to bring equipment with them (pen, pencil, ruler), but we will provide a laptop and all paper materials.
- Year 12 do not need to wear uniform. Year 10 need to wear their PE kit, or a school blouse/shirt with school skirt/trousers. They should not wear a tie or blazer.
We now need to finalise the number of students who have chosen to participate. Therefore, could you please:
- Read the letter very carefully and discuss the content with your child.
- A large number of parents and carers responded to last week’s survey with their plans. If you said that your child would access provision, please reaffirm by saying Yes again in the survey that will be sent to you via email today.
- If you did not respond to our initial survey, please do so now if possible. The survey needs to be completed by 10 a.m. on Friday 12th June.
A letter has been posted to the small numbers of parents/carers for whom we did not hold up to date email addresses.
We will write to the parents and carers of all Year 10 students individually via email on Tuesday 16th June to confirm the day and time that they will attend school. Mrs Lennon has already done so for those Year 12 with us from 16th June.
As a final point, we are very keen to meet with students and to have them back in school. However, each family must decide whether or not access provision based upon their own personal circumstances. We will continue to provide remote learning opportunities and attendance is not compulsory.
Yours faithfully,
A J O’Sullivan