8 June 2020

In Year 7, students have studied French and have had taster lessons in Latin. They have also had lessons in two of the following languages: German, Mandarin and Spanish. Due to the current circumstances students have not been able to study the third language in class although resources are available on the website for German, Spanish and Mandarin to be studied at home.
In Year 8, your child will study TWO foreign languages. Students choose either French or Mandarin and one other language from German, Spanish or Latin.
If your son/ daughter wishes to study three languages at Key Stage 3, we are able to offer lunchtime masterclasses in German, Spanish and Mandarin. The weekly lunchtime masterclass is an excellent way to learn a further modern foreign language and may be of particular interest to those students who choose Latin in Key Stage 3.
Language options will be sent to Year 7 students via Microsoft Teams. Please reply and submit your child’s language preferences by 22nd June. We shall try to meet choices as far as possible, but if one language is heavily oversubscribed then some students may be allocated to another language. It would be helpful if you could indicate any additional reason why your child would like to take a particular language e.g. if you have relatives in Germany or Spain etc.
If you have any questions on the language options process, please contact Miss Schwaiger, teacher in charge of Key Stage 3 MFL by e-mail (j.schwaiger@durhamjohnston.org.uk).