3 April 2020

Dear Parents and Carers,
In normal circumstances, I would be writing to you to identify arrangements for the end of term and reflecting on the achievements of different members of the school community since February. This term started 6 weeks ago on Monday 24th February with heavy snow fall and, at the time, we were worried about the disruption caused to the school day by bad weather. Wouldn’t it be wonderful if that had been the only issue that had arisen? However, there are some positive things that I would like to share with all members of our school community.
Good News & Goggles
Firstly, George Cooke, our Head of KS3 Maths, and his wife Robyn celebrated the birth of their first child, Rae Cooke on Sunday 29th March. George (or Mr Cooke to the students) was happy for his good news to be shared. On Friday 27th March we also donated 447 pairs of Science and DT goggles to the NHS to be used across hospitals and GP practices in Durham and were very happy to do so. I know that many of our parents, carers, family members and former students work in the NHS and it was heartening to find out this week that a number of year 13 students have chosen to become NHS volunteers, as have staff members for evening support roles. We have also been donating food to local foodbanks and charities such as Changing Lives and we hope to step this work up after Easter.
Ofqual Announcement Regarding the award of GCSE and A Level Grades for 2020
The most significant development of this week is that Ofqual have outlined how GCSE and A Level grades will be awarded for the 2020 cohort. We are currently absorbing the key points and there is a specific letter that I would recommend all Y11 and Y13 students and parents read which can be found at the link below.
A message for all GCSE, AS and A level students this summer.
I am aware that students and parents will have questions regarding this announcement. The guidance is very specific, however, in stating that we cannot share any information regarding grades or ranking with students or parents. This is clearly outlined on page 2 of the letter and it is important that I state here very clearly that we will comply fully with the instruction given by Ofqual and will not be able to discuss the process beyond the official guidance. The Ofqual documents are very clear and we will ensure that we follow all of the instructions fully.
Key Workers & the Easter Holidays
We are open for over the Easter holidays, apart from Good Friday and Easter Monday, for the children of critical workers. I would like to thank those parents for the work that they are doing and also for developing such excellent communication with the school. The email address to use is: keyworkers@durhamjohnston.org.uk
Home Learning Resources & Next Steps
Initial teething problems regarding where to access work and with a small number of passwords seem to have been overcome and I would like to thank so many parents for their kind words about the quality of work being offered via the website. We have had a small number of queries about why we aren’t encouraging teachers to use Zoom to teach lessons on line. Many schools that initiated this process have now run into difficulties as teacher and family members become ill. Our position has always been that such lessons create a significant safeguarding concern, for both students and staff members. When we have shared this information, parents have been very understanding.
After Easter we will add a variety of new material to the website. This will include transition work for years 9, 10 and 12 and a variety of challenges and enrichment activities for younger students linked to the House System. We will also share with parents and carers our plans for pastoral contact and assemblies with students. We have carefully considered what is sustainable over a lengthy period of time and (it seems remarkable even writing this down) we are still only 14 days into a closure that will potentially last for a number of weeks or months. We have prioritised having a very clear structure that can be built upon, rather than trying to do too much at once. This is probably a sensible model to use at home too. Encouraging your child to read, keep active and engaging them in conversation will prove to be as important as any work they do in the short-term.
Transition Plans for Year 6 and Year 11
268 Year 6 students have accepted places at Durham Johnston for September 2020 and we would like to formally welcome them to the school. Our usual induction programme won’t be possible, but we are in the process of writing to all parents and carers who will be joining us to explain how we will stay in touch. Letters and packs should be with families in the final week of April. The 6th form team are also conducting telephone interviews and creating plans to share with Year 11 students and those who intend to join us from other schools in Year 12.
School Trips
We were advised by the Government to cancel all foreign trips and study visits that were planned for the summer term. We have since had to cancel planned visits within the UK, meaning that the Year 9 visit to Howtown has also been cancelled. We have a skeleton support staff at present and, being a maintained Local Authority school, are awaiting guidance from DCC about funding. We will start to focus upon any outstanding refunds and payment plans as soon as that becomes possible, but at present the school is restricted by its formal closure and we would again ask for your support and patience.
Thank you again for your support in this half-term and take care.
Yours faithfully,
A J O’Sullivan, Headteacher