17 January 2020
Dates for your Diary - Spring Term 2020
- Year 9 Parents' Consultation Evening - Monday 20 January 2020, 4.00 - 6.00 p.m.
- Deadline for return of Parent Governor Nomination Form - Monday 20 January 2020
- Deadline for return of completed Year 9 Options Forms, Friday 24 January 2020
- Year 12 Parents' Consultation Evening - Monday 3 February 2020, 4.00 - 6.00 p.m.
- Year 7 Parents' Consultation Evening - Monday 2 March 2020, 4.00 - 6.00 p.m.
Year 8 Parents' Consultation Evening - Monday 23 March 2020, 4.00 - 6.00 p.m.
- Year 10 Parent' Consultation Evening - Monday 27 April 2020, 4.00 - 6.00 p.m.
- Summer Exams 2020 Contingency Day - Wednesday 24 June 2020
Parent Governor Vacancy
We would like to remind parents of the vacancy for a parent governor on the Governing Body and that we would welcome nominations from parents and carers who are interested in contributing to the effective governance and the continuing success of the school.
Further information regarding the vacancy is published below, together with a copy of the nomination form.
Parent Governor Vacancy - Letter to Parents and Carers
The deadline for receipt of signed nomination forms is close of business, Monday 20 January. We regret that we cannot consider nominations received after the deadline.
Summer Examinations 2020
GCSE and A level examinations will take place from 11 May until 24th June 2020.
The Joint Council for Qualifications (JCQ) have announced a contingency day for the summer exams series. The date that has been set aside is 24 June 2020.
The contingency day for ALL external examinations has been put in place “in the event of widespread, sustained national or local disruption to examination during the June 2020 examination series”. Therefore, in the event of a major disruption, JCQ and/or the relevant Awarding Bodies may decide to postpone an exam to another date in the Summer 2020 exam series. This means that any students sitting external examinations in May/June 2020 must be available until Wednesday 24th June 2020 to sit any exams that had to be postponed.
Ms Gillham, Examinations Officer.
Lost Property: PE tops
A number of tops have been left in PE all with initials on. Please could you check the following list and if any initials match those of your child can you ask them to come and collect them from PE asap.
If they are not collected by half term they will be donated to a charitable cause.
EJ, T (exam PE)
JME, TA, NG (new tops)
Mrs White, PE Department
PE Department News
Can I start by saying a huge thank-you to Gazelle Travel who have kindly sponsored an amazing new kit for our tennis and badminton teams. They are a local travel agent who have recently been awarded best small travel agency in the north east. The photo below shows our badminton team in the new kit with Gazell Travel's director Nick Coulthard.
An extremely successful week of sport which started on Tuesday as our U16 girls football team took on Haslingden School, Lancashire in the English Schools Cup trying to reach the last 8 schools in the country. In blustery, wet conditions we made an excellent start scoring early goals. We got to half-time 3 – 0 ahead and continued to play excellent football in the second half going on to reach the National quarter-final with a 6 – 2 victory.
Also on Tuesday our Year 7 boys and girls basketball teams were competing in the Area finals. Both teams had comfortable victories over St Leonard’s on the way to meeting each other in the final. As with previous competitions this was the best game of the evening as our boys took the title with a 12 point victory. They now go forward to the County finals in March.
On Wednesday our U14 girls' basketball team completed their English Schools north group games as we hosted Tapton School, Sheffield. We played our best basketball of the season to record an impressive 61 – 18 victory which means we win the group and now qualify for the national knockout stages next month.
During the afternoon our Year 7 football team travelled to Louisa Centre for the County 5-a-side tournament, having already secured the Area title. We played some excellent football throughout the afternoon winning all our games without conceding a goal to become county champions. They now progress to the north-east round on 5th February at Soccarena.
Finally on Wednesday our U16 rugby team took on Harton in a friendly match. This was played in an great spirit and was close throughout. We produced an powerful second half display to eventually win by 2 tries.
Yesterday our Year 7 girls' football team headed for Whitley Bay to play Valley Gardens School in the English Schools Cup. We dominated the game playing some excellent football on our way to a 6 – 0 victory putting us into the last 64 schools in the country.
Also yesterday, our Year 7 futsal team were competing in the Tyneside tournament. Unfortunately two schools dropped out at the last minute leaving us only one match against Whickham School. The ended up a very one-sided game as we proved too strong for them eventually winning 15 – 0.
Finally, we are looking forward to meeting our Year 9and 10 skiers, bright and early, at Newcastle airport tomorrow to start what should be an wonderful week of ski-ing in the French Alps – conditions look perfect. See you at 5.30am!
Mr Hopper, Subject Leader for PE
Ofsted and the Care Quality Commission (CQC) will be re-visiting Durham County Council SEND services as part of the local area SEND inspection between 22nd and 24th January. This visit follows the previous inspection that took place between 27 November 2017 and 1 December 2017 and will evaluate how effectively leaders have addressed the areas of serious weaknesses detailed in the written statement of action (WSOA).
During the re-visit, Ofsted and CQC inspectors will be keen to speak to as many children and young people and their parents and carers as possible, specifically about the weaknesses identified in the WSOA. They will be doing this through an online survey and also a series of open meetings.
Calling all parents, carers, children and young people with special educational needs or disabilities (SEND). Ofsted and the CQC want to hear what you think about SEND services in the local area. Go to www.durham.gov.uk/localoffer to find out more about the upcoming inspection, how you can get involved and what support and advice is available for you and your family.
@Ofstednews and @CareQualityComm want to hear from you and your child during our inspection. Go to www.durham.gov.uk/localoffer for a survey, open meeting dates and more about our services.
Whole School Literacy
We were exploring common idioms and using problem-solving skills this week. How many of the following dingbats can you work out? Answers next week….
Mrs Clark, Whole School Literacy Co-ordinator
Lunchtime Clubs and After School Activities - Spring Term 2020
Please find below information regarding the clubs and activities offered after school and during lunch periods.
Lunchtime Clubs and After School Activities - Spring Term 2020