4 October 2019

Year 11
Year 11 are now 5 weeks into a very important year. Our key message is that Year 11 students pace themselves and peak at the right time. They have been receiving subject specific advice from their teachers and support and guidance in form. A letter outlining that support and some key dates in the year ahead was given to each student in form today. It also included a copy of the trial exam timetable. A copy of the letter and trial exam timetable is published below.
Year 11 Letter - 4 October 2019
Year 11 GCSE Trial Examination Timetable
Unsurprisingly, two things that make a huge difference to overall success are high attendance and daily punctuality. Could you please ensure regular attendance and make clear to your son or daughter that the school day begins at 8.20 a.m. Lateness to form will lead to them missing valuable advice and guidance regarding exams.
Mr Simpson - Year Leader (11)