19 September 2019
In my time as a History teacher at Durham Johnston students have asked me all types of questions. This pattern has continued in my time as Headteacher, but it would be fair to say that the most frequent questions that I am asked in that role do not, as I had expected, relate to fairness, uniform, careers or why students can or cannot do certain things. All of those feature, but not as frequently as questions about climate change and the need to protect the environment. I did not expect that, but it is very welcome. It is clear that, as a school, we need to engage with students on those issues and that it is something that should be discussed regularly in the classroom and assemblies. Young people tend to engage in a very passionate and heartfelt way with things they deem to be foolish or unfair and that is clearly evident in the concerns being raised by students about climate change.
Some students want to show their support for the global protest movement by participating in organised strike days. I fully understand that desire and feel that it is a matter of conscience, something that students need to discuss with their parents and carers and to make informed decisions about. I feel that we have a responsibility to create opportunities for students to express their concerns at school too and we intend to organise events during this term that allow all our students to debate the issues and to act collectively as a school community. Small changes can make a big difference and there are 1750 students and adults at Durham Johnston that can work together to have a positive impact. The main purpose of any school is to educate and we are keen to focus upon subjects that are of concern to many of our students and that will help them to make good decisions in the future. We also have a responsibility to safeguard students and that is something that we take very seriously. If parents would like to discuss the school’s approach and plans then please feel free to contact me.
A J O'Sullivan - Headteacher